

Study on the Characteristic Formation and Key Cultivation Techniques of Qing Tian Flavor Flue-cured Tobacco

【作者】 刘好宝

【导师】 赵明;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 烟草是我国重要的叶用经济作物之一,在国民经济中占有重要地位。烟叶质量特色的形成不仅有其自身的规律和特点,而且与品种和生态有密切的关系。本研究以凉山州1995年~2009年烟叶生长大田期各县气象站资料,凉山州2008年烟田土壤样品和2008年~2011年烟叶样品为材料,系统测定了凉山不同生态类型烟田土壤养分主要指标和烟叶质量主要指标,综合运用聚类分析、方差分析、因子分析、典型相关、隶属函数等方法对凉山清甜香烤烟进行了质量评价和特色定位,从生态因素、品种特性、栽培措施等关键因素研究探讨了清甜香烤烟质量特色的成因,并提出生产清甜香烤烟的关键栽培技术。主要研究结果如下:1、凉山烟叶质量特色定位。利用烟叶化学成分聚类把凉山烟叶香型分为三个类型,分别Ⅰ类—清香型和清偏中香型,定为典型清甜香型;Ⅱ类—中间和中偏清香型,定为非典型清甜香型;Ⅲ类—浓偏中香型,定为其他香型,其中典型清甜香所占比例为58.63%,非典型清甜香所占比例为31.03%,其他香型所占比例为10.34%,说明凉山烟叶质量特色以典型清甜香型为主,非典型清甜香型次之,其他香型较少。2、典型清甜香型烟叶质量特点和烟叶化学成分关键指标确定。通过不同香型烟叶质量对比分析得出:烟叶趋于清甜香特色,还原糖、总糖含量较高,糖碱比、氮碱比、糖氮比较大,总碱、总氮含量较低。在感官评吸质量方面,典型清甜香型烟叶的香气质、余味、杂气等评吸指标得分均显著高于非典型清甜香型和其它香型的烟叶;香气量方面,典型清甜香型和非典型清甜香型烟叶显著高于其它香型烟叶;刺激性方面,非典型清甜香型显著高于典型清甜香型、其它香型。由此认为,烟叶香型越趋于清甜香,评吸质量各项指标得分均较高。研究表明清甜香烟叶化学成分关键指标及其范围为:糖碱比为12~16,糖氮比14~18,还原糖为24%~28%,总植物碱为1.7%~2%,氮碱比为0.9~1。3、凉山清甜香典型生态适宜区划分。本研究认为可以将凉山烟区生态区域划分为四个区。I区为德昌、普格、西昌和宁南,定为中海拔富热区;II区为会东和会理,定为中海拔温暖区;III区为冕宁和越西,定为中海拔富湿区;IV区为盐源,定为高海拔温凉区。4、清甜香质量特色成因:根据凉山清甜香典型生态适宜区划分结果,同时将凉山烟区不同品种香型量化指标按照生态因子聚类分区整理,再结合4个区域气候与土壤等生态因子指标数值,运用相关系数法求得各个因子的权重,求得气候、土壤和品种这三者对清甜香型的贡献率。气候的贡献率为46.64%,土壤的贡献率为30.16%,品种的贡献率为23.21%。5、生态因素对清甜香型的贡献率。本研究确定各个生态因子的贡献率为:成熟期均温(11.09%)>土壤pH(10.57%)>大田期日照(10.31%)>还苗和伸根期均温(9.59%)>还苗和伸根期降水量(9.40%)>旺长期均温(9.09%)>速效磷(8.91%)>旺长期降水量(8.16%)>有机质(6.99%)>速效氮(6.06%)>速效钾(4.95%)>成熟期降水量(4.69%)。生态因素中气候因子的贡献率为62.33%,土壤因子的贡献率为37.67%。由此可见,在凉山烟区,大田期均温特别是成熟期均温、大田期日照和还苗和伸根期降水量是影响烤烟质量特色突出的气象因子,土壤pH和速效磷是影响烤烟质量特色突出的土壤因子。6、清甜香烤烟适宜的生态条件:研究得出,适宜于生产清甜香型烟叶土壤类型为紫色土和红壤,海拔高度为1600m~2000m。生态条件中的气候因子适宜指标为:还苗和伸根期均温18~25℃,旺长期均温20~28℃。成熟期均温20~25℃,还苗和伸根期降水100~120mm,旺长期降水200~250mm,成熟期降水500~600mm,大田期日照750~850h,生态条件中土壤因子适宜指标为:土壤pH6~6.5,有机质20~25g/kg,速效钾>200mg/kg,速效磷20~40mg/kg,速效氮80~100mg/kg。7、清甜香烤烟关键栽培技术研究。栽培措施是烤烟清甜香型表现的保障因素。本研究通过开展清甜香烤烟适宜品种筛选、适宜移栽期、适宜施氮量、适宜的有机肥与无机肥配施技术及适宜种植密度以及留叶数等田间栽培试验,总结形成了清甜香烤烟关键栽培技术。本研究确定了适宜的清甜香烤烟品种为红花大金元;适宜种植区域:凉山烟区;适宜移栽期:凉山烟区应保证在4月20日到5月10日之间完成烤烟移栽;合理施肥技术:凉山烟区种植清甜香烤烟品种红花大金元,适宜施氮量为75kg/hm~2,不要超过105kg/hm~2,氮磷钾的施用比例为1:1:2~3,并且做到有机肥与化肥的配施,适宜的肥料配比是菌剂腐熟的有机肥7500kg/hm~2,烟草专用肥施入量为500kg/hm~2;适宜种植密度和留叶数:红花大金元适宜种植密度为110cm×50cm、留叶数19~21片,可以建立良好的群体结构,个体与群体关系良好,利于形成清甜香特色的烤烟。本研究对于充分利用凉山生态资源,优化清甜香型烟叶生产布局,促进烟叶质量提升,进一步提高凉山烟叶知名度和竞争力有着重要的意义。

【Abstract】 The Tobacco is one of the important cash crops with leaf, occupies an important position innational economy. The formation of tobacco leaf quality characteristics has its own laws andcharacteristics. It is closely related with cultivars and ecology.soil samples in2008and tobacco samples from2008to2011in Liangshan Prefecture were studiedas tobacco materials to further demonstrate the typical Qingtian flavor type flue-cured tobacco qualitycharacteristics. Main indicators of different ecological types of soil nutrients and flue-cured tobaccoquality were determined systematically. Using the methods of factor analysis, canonical correlation,membership function and so on, we assessed the quality and located the characteristics of Liangshanflue-cured tobacco, discussed the causes of quality characteristics of the Qingtian style flue-curedtobacco from the ecological factors, cultivar characteristics, cultivation measures and other key factors,and proposed the key cultivation technique of producing the Qingtian style flue-cured tobacco.The main results are as follows:1.Characteristic localization of Liangshan tobacco leaf. Different flavor styles mean differentchemical components. According to the smoke panel test, descriptions of flavor and chemicalcomponent were clustered to three groups. Group one is typical Qingtian style, including faint scent andfresh to middle, which accounts for58.63percent of the flavor styles. Group two is atypical Qingtianstyle, including middle and middle to fresh styles, which accounts for31.03percent. Group three isdefined as other types, which could be described as full to middle, accounts for10.34percent.2. Typical Qingtian quality characteristics and the key indicator determination of Qingtian flavorstyle. It was suggested that Qingtian flavor style, means higher content of reducing sugar and total sugar,bigger ratio of sugar to alkali, nitrogen to alkali, sugar to nitrogen, lower content of total alkali, totalnitrogen. In the aspect of smoke panel test, the score of judging parameter, such as smoking aromaquality, taste, and miscellaneous gases are significantly higher than group two and group three. Theabove indexes of group two are significantly higher than others, The aroma capacity of group one andtwo are higher than group three significantly. Group two are more stimulating than the others. From this,it could be concluded that every smoke panel test of group one is better than others.The study showed that the key indexes and its scope of Qingtian style leaf are improved as follows,the ratio of sugar to alkali is12-16, sugar to nitrogen is14-18, total nitrogen is1.7%-2%, and nitrogento alkali is0.9-1. Its accuracy got checked through test in2011.3.Regionalism of Qingtian style plantation ecology.According to the study, the region was dividedto four areas by WARD cluster.Ⅰinvoles Dechang, Puge, Xichang and Ningnan, which named middlealtitude hot-rich area. Ⅱ involes Huidong and Huili, named middle-altitude warm area. Ⅲ involesMianning and Yuexi, named middle-altitude wet area, Ⅳ involves Yanyuan, named high altitudewarm-cool area.4.The investigations related to quality characteristics of Qingtian style. According to the ecology plantation repartition of Liangshan Qingtian style, combined with the clustering and value of differentecology factors, the contribution rates of climate, oil, cultivars to Qingtian style were figured up. Thecontribution rate of climate factor is46.64%, soil factor is30.16%, cultivar factor is23.21%.5.The contribution rates of ecology to Qingtian style. The contribution rates of ecology factorswere showed as: the contribution rate of mean temperature during mature period is11.09%. Soil pH is10.57%, sunshine is10.31%, mean temperature and amount of precipitation during seeding restoringand root extending periods are9.59%and9.40%,respectively. The mean temperature in fast growingstage is9.09%, available phosphorus is8.91%, amount of precipitation in fast growing stage is8.16%,organic matter is6.99%, available nitrogen is6.06%, available potassium is4.95%, the amount ofprecipitation in mature period is4.69%. The climate factor is62.33%, soil is37.67%. From the above,we could see that the climatic factors, mean temperature especially during the mature period, sunshine,and the amount of precipitation during seeding restoring and root extending periods, and the soil factors,pH and available nitrogen, affect the characteristic of tobacco.6.The suitable ecological condition of Qingtian style: The tobacco of Qingtian style would be easiergot on purple and red soil, between the attitude of1600-2000m. The suitable index of climatic factorsare as follows: The mean temperature and amount of precipitation are between18-25degree and100-120mm, during seeding restoring and root extending periods respectively,20-28degree,200-250mm during fast growing stage,20-25degree,500-600mm during mature period. The sunshine isbetween750-850h during filed period. The suitable index of soil factors are as follows, the pH of soil isbetween6-6.5, organic matter is20-25g/Kg, available potassium is more than200mg/Kg, availablephosphorus is20-40mg/Kg, available nitrogen is80-100mg/Kg,7.The key cultivation technique research of Qingtian style flue-cured tobacco. Cultivation techniqueis the guarantee of Qingtian style. According to the factors, such as cultivar screening, suitabletransplant time, nitrogen application rate, planting density, the number of remaining leaves, suitableorganic matched with inorganic fertilizer, the key cultivation technique was concluded as follows:Suitable Qingtian style flue-cured tobacco cultivars: Honghuadajinyuan is the suitable cultivar toproduce the Qingtian style flue-cured tobacco. Suitable period for transplanting: the flue-cured tobaccoin Liangshan District should ensure that the flue-cured tobacco be transplanted between during April20th to May10th..Rational fertilization technology: Honghuadajinyuan, which is a cultivar of Qingtianflavor style, the optimum amount of nitrogen in Liangshan is75kg/hm~2, but no more than105kg/hm~2,the ratio of NPK fertilizer is1:1:2~3, and make the organic manure and chemical fertilizers combined.Organic fertilizer matured by fungicide is7500kg/hm~2, The applied amount of nitrogen supplied bytobacco special fertilizer is500kg/hm~2. Suitable planting density and remained leaves number:Suitable planting density of Honghua is110cm×50cm, leaving the number of leaves19to21, you canestablish a good group structure, individual and group relations, which would be conducive to theformation of the Qingtian style characteristics of flue-cured tobacco.The research has a great significance for the full use of Liangshan ecological resource,optimization layout of sweet flavor tobacco production, improving tobacco leaf quality. Furthermore, it is vital for enhancing the visibility and competitiveness of Liangshan tabacco.
