

The Implementation Mechanism of the Concept of Interest Balance in the Russian Labor Law

【作者】 张在范

【导师】 董惠江;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 民商法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 俄劳动法利益平衡理念的实现机制是在其社会转型后所形成的政治、经济、法律思想环境中,借助于《劳动法典》的制定与修改塑造完成的,其基本任务就是要矫正劳资间严重失衡的利益分配关系,使之达到最佳一致。这一机制由劳动基准、社会合作、劳动合同与劳动救济四种机制构成。其中,前三种属于实体性机制,它们先后对原有的劳资利益分配格局进行了三次矫正。劳动基准是法律对劳资双方不平衡的利益分配关系进行的第一次矫正,社会合作机制在劳动基准之上进一步提高了劳动者的劳动待遇,而劳动合同机制则是在集体合同所确定的劳动条件的基础上再次增进了劳动者的利益。正是由于这三种机制的层层推进,劳动者的劳动条件才呈现出不断向上的趋势,劳动者也才能实现与雇主公平分享利润的目的。劳动救济机制属于程序性机制,它一方面要为上述实体性机制的顺畅运行发挥保障性作用;另一方面,其本身亦须为劳动者的权利救济提供更多便利,从而实现救济程序的实质正义,填补劳资利益平衡的最后一个盲区。这四种机制在目的、功能、内容及逻辑上密切联系,构成了一个理念鲜明、内容完整、制度合理、逻辑严密的有机体。我国劳动法在利益平衡理念实现机制的构造上与俄相比还有不小差距,今后应在适当借鉴俄劳动立法经验的基础上,采取措施改良我国的劳动法律。一是将利益平衡确立为我国劳动法的理念;二是应增强我国劳动法社会中间层主体的活力;三是应构建完善的劳动法利益平衡理念实现机制。

【Abstract】 The Implementation Mechanism of the concept of interest balance in the RussianLabor Law was established by means of the formulation and amendments of the LaborCode of the Russian Federation, in the political, economic and legal environmentformed after social transformation, with rectifying serious imbalance of interestsdistribution between the employer and the employee to achieve optimal accord as itsfundamental task. The Implementation Mechanism of the concept of interest balanceconsists of four sub-mechanisms: labor standards and norms, social partnership, laborcontract and labor relief. The first three substantial sub-mechanisms constitute threeconsecutive remedies for the original pattern of interest distribution between theemployer and the employee. Among them, the mechanism of labor standards andnorms is the first time legal remedy toward the imbalanced interest distributionbetween the employer and the employee; the mechanism of social partnership furtherimproves the employees’ remuneration; the mechanism of labor contract is anotherimprovement on the work conditions determined by the collective contract. It’s justdue to the three progressive mechanisms, that the work conditions of the employeetake on a continuously upward trend, and that the employee could fairly share theprofits with the employer. As a procedural mechanism, the labor relief mechanism onthe one side shall play a safeguarding role in the smooth running of the abovesubstantial mechanisms; on the other side, the labor relief mechanism itself shallprovide more convenience for the rights relief of the employee, achieving thesubstantive justice of the relief procedure and filling the last blind spot of the interestbalance between the employer and the employee. Blending closely in terms ofobjectives, functions, contents and logic, the four mechanisms form an organic systemfeaturing clear concept, complete contents, rational system and strict logic. Withappropriate reference to Russian mechanisms of interest balance between the employer and the employee, China shall take measures to improve relevant labor law to achievethe following three objectives: firstly establish concept of the interest balance asChina’s concept of labor law; secondly enhance the vitality of middle social stratum ofChina’s labor law; thirdly construct full and complete implementation mechanism ofthe interest balance of the labor law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】D951.2;DD912.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】535
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