

【作者】 呼延胜

【导师】 王宁宇;

【作者基本信息】 西安美术学院 , 美术学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 近几年来,通过对榆林市榆阳区的麻黄梁乡、安崖镇、刘千河乡,神木县的乔岔滩乡及佳县的方塌镇、上高寨乡、刘国具乡等处的田野调查发现,在一个方圆约70公里的区域内,存在着一个地理分布相当密集的绘有水陆壁画的庙宇群,共有12处。本文通过对这些寺庙中水陆壁画年代的判断,分布区域的勘察,以及这些壁画的艺术特色的分析,初步掌握了陕北地区明清时期水陆壁画庙宇分布的区域、绘制时间和存留保护状况。本文在介绍各寺庙的建筑和水陆壁画的同时,注重对各寺所保存的碑石文字进行收集整理,共详细抄录了明清时期包含水陆庙初建和重修、水陆神祗设置、水陆壁画记载等内容的碑刻24通,其中最重要的是发现于佳县刘国具乡白家铺化云寺的明代《天地冥阳水陆神祗碑记》。这些石刻文字所包含的信息对陕北地区水陆壁画研究有着极其重要的价值。在对庙宇建筑和水陆画的艺术性进行分析之后,尽可能对每一处水陆壁画庙的会长、当地民间画匠以及村民进行采访,收集了一批有关水陆壁画庙民俗活动的口述资料。通过对该区域水陆画庙宇群的调查和相关问题的讨论,揭示了这些水陆壁画在明清时期的400年间发生、流行以及衰落的历史时期下层百姓的生存状况,并对陕北地区的战争、自然灾难和醮会兴起之间的关系进行了辨析和讨论。通过对水陆壁画这一宗教艺术品的分析,引出明清时期水陆法会在当地兴盛的历史事实。本文认为,陕北水陆画庙宇群的背后是下层百姓的苦难,是当地对亡者追悼和生者祈福的水陆法会传播,是民间醮会组织在乡村社会中显示出来的强大力量。透过水陆壁画群,反映出在灾难来临时,陕北乡村的民间醮会兴起,利用水陆壁画庙宇,设坛打醮,念经祈福,借助民众对宗教信仰中超自然力量的崇拜,鼓励民众寄希望于未来,增强他们在大灾难造成的绝境中生活下去的信心和勇气。

【Abstract】 A group of temples was discovered in the North Shaanxi province, in which many wall paintings called Water and Land painting were gathered together. The wall paintings all have been painted in Ming and Qing Dynasty. All the temples are located in Yulin City and Jiaxian County and Shenmu County, assembled in a place not surpassed over70kilometres. These group have12temples.These thesis studied these wall paintings, discussed the years of the wall paintings, shared many detail of the culture of the North Shaanxi Province. All the temple’s constructions and wall paintings were introduced to you, at same time, I paid more attention to inscription on a memorial tablet from these temples. The ancient times inscriptions in all are24stones. The most important stone was The Tiandi Mingyang Water and Land Gods’s Inscriptions. When I was investigated in the area, I always talked with the location residents and collected some oral history about the North Shaanxi Province and water and land paintings.The group of temple in the North Shaanxi Province is the heritage of the war and disasters. In the times of Ming and Qing Dynasty, so many water and land paintings were created in this area, indicating the Shui Lu Zhai Rite was very popular in the area.I believe behind of the water and land wall paintings, it was the bless for all the living people and the dead. The arts tell us that the great power comes from the organinations of the temple. When they met with disasters, these temples served as the locations of Shui Lu Zhai Rite. They encouraged all people to have the holp of the future and the spirit to live.

【关键词】 陕北水陆壁画宗教艺术区域灾难艺术
  • 【分类号】J205
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】453