

Research on Taiwan Grade1-9Curriculum

【作者】 王世红

【导师】 赵鹤龄;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 全球性课程改革趋势使特定地区的课程改革研究有重要意义,台湾课程研究渐成为现时代华人地区研究热点,课程改革的台湾与大陆比较研究成为学界重要课题,“台湾九年一贯课程”是研究台湾课程改革的理想切入点。本研究以我国台湾为区域研究对象,以台湾九年一贯课程改革为核心视点,将九年一贯课程置入台湾社会历史文化背景之中,并经由对台湾课程改革历史沿革的梳理与分析,全面总结九年一贯课程改革的缘起、课程目标内涵、改革的推进策略以及遇到的具体问题,适时引入课程学者在课程政策中的角色分析,藉借台湾著名课程学者欧用生的课程思想为研究个案,唤起对课程改革的理性规范与思考,深化对台湾九年一贯课程改革的理解,以为大陆基础教育新课程改革提供借鉴。本文共分七章。第一章为研究绪论。阐述研究的背景与目的、研究过程与方法、核心概念与论文内容架构、已有文献整理与分析等具体问题。第二章着重进行台湾社会发展研究。台湾社会历史文化渊源流变呈多元样貌,原住民文化、闽粤文化、殖民文化、中国传统儒家文化、欧美文化、海洋文化,都作为台湾文化的有机元素,沉淀、糅合于台湾文化之中,形成台湾独有的文化风貌,成为抚育课程变革的胚基。第三章梳理台湾课程改革史。台湾九年一贯课程的实效性验证,应从历史的视角分析,探索台湾光复以来课程改革的演进历程,是从历史的观点回答为什么要推动九年一贯课程的重要途径。第四章聚焦台湾九年一贯课程研究。九年一贯课程是继台湾九年国教之后的课程改革的里程碑,被称为台湾历史上规模最大的课程改革。九年一贯课程撞击着台湾课程模式的既定框架,但教育改革并非一蹴而就,九年一贯课程的推进也伴生了许多问题,改革仍需努力。第五章是关于台湾课程学者课程思想与理论研究。台湾九年一贯课程走过了十几个年头,台湾教育当局对其不断地调整与修缮。教育理论来源于特定的教育实践,其功能也在于解释其源于的那些特定的题材范畴。探求台湾本土课程学者的课程思想,是关注台湾课程改革的合理路径。第六章为欧用生课程思想研究。以台湾本土著名课程学者欧用生教授课程研究的学术经历和其课程思想为个案,具体分析欧用生的课程本质观、课程价值论、课程方法论、课程转型论,更为具体地、深层次地考察台湾九年一贯课程,在一定程度上可以说,欧用生的课程研究历程也是台湾课程研究发展历史和九年一贯课程研究历程的写照。第七章是基于上述六章研究内容提出的对大陆基础教育课程改革的经验启示。在本章中进行了大陆基础教育新课程改革十余年的反思,并以台湾九年一贯课程经验为启发,对课程改革做更为深入地思考。

【Abstract】 The specific regions curriculum research has important significance with the trendof global curriculum reform. Taiwan curriculum research gradually becomes the hotissues in Chinese area. Taiwan and the mainland comparative study becomes importanttopic, Taiwan Grade1-9Curriculum is the starting point for the study of curriculumreforms in Taiwan.This research focuses on Taiwan Grade1-9Curriculum reform, according toTaiwan social historical and cultural background, analyzing the curriculum reform inTaiwan history, summing up the curriculum reform goal, origin, the promotion strategyand the specific problems encountered, timely introduction the analysis of the scholarrole on curriculum policy. Selecting Taiwan famous curriculum scholar Ou Yong shengas a study case, arouse the curriculum reform rational norms and thinking, deepen theunderstanding of Taiwan Grade1-9Curriculum reform. Then, this research can providereferences to new curriculum reform of basic education in China’s mainland.This dissertation consists of seven chapters.The first chapter is the introduction. It introduces the study background andpurpose, research method and process,the core concepts and the content of the paperstructure, existing literature collation and analysis of specific issues.The second chapter is Taiwan social development research. Taiwan social historicaland cultural origins are diversified appearance. Aboriginal culture, Fujian culture,colonial culture, Chinese traditional Confucian culture, western culture, marine cultureare all Taiwan cultural elements, forming a unique cultural style to be the cradle ofcurriculum change.The third chapter is the curriculum reform research in Taiwan history. The TaiwanGrade1-9Curriculum effectiveness verification should be analyzed from historicalperspective. To explore the course of Taiwan curriculum reform since restoration ofTaiwan is the important way to answer why Grade1-9Curriculum happened.The fourth chapter focuses on Taiwan Grade1-9Curriculum research. Grade1-9Curriculum is the milepost after Taiwan Nine Year Compulsory education. It isgenerally called the greatest curriculum reform in Taiwan history. Taiwan Grade1-9 Curriculum impacts the established framework of Taiwan curriculum. But, education isthe important project, the success of curriculum reform is not accomplish at onestroke.There still exists many problems, hard work should be needed.The fifth chapter is Taiwan curriculum scholars program thought and theoryresearch. Taiwan Grade1-9Curriculum was adjusted and repaired by Taiwan educationauthorities constantly through a dozen years. Educational theory originates from aparticular educational practice, and its function is to explain the source of that particularsubject categories. To seek Taiwan Native Curriculum scholar curriculum thoughts isthe reasonable path to observe Taiwan curriculum reform.The sixth chapter is on Ou Yongsheng curriculum thoughts. Choose curriculumresearch academic experiences and curriculum ideas of Taiwan native famous scholarProfessor Ou Yongsheng as a case. Analyzing the curriculum nature, curriculum value,curriculum methodology and curriculum transformation according to Ou Yongsheng’scurriculum thoughts, to investigate Taiwan Grade1-9Curriculum deeply. To a ceratinextent, Ou Yongsheng’s curriculum research history is Taiwan curriculum research anddevelopment history and also the Grade1-9Curriculum study portraiture.The seventh chapter is based on the above research presents enlightenment on thecurriculum reform of basic education in mainland. In this chapter, the new basiceducation reform more than ten years in mainland is reflected. Taiwan Grade1-9Curriculum experience is as inspiration for further thinking about curriculum reform.
