

【作者】 杨慧丹

【导师】 邵大箴;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 设计发展到今天已经完全充斥了人类的生活,毫不夸张地说设计完全主宰了我们的生活。我们正生活在一个设计最疯狂的时代,不止是一件小小的产品,甚至是建筑这样的庞然大物。新建筑正在不断挑战我们的感官极限,它或许正在创造一段新的历史和文化,但是这个创造是建立在对传统对文脉和环境的破坏上面。超高层建筑在世界范围内的疯狂兴建是否会像圣经中营造巴别塔那样使人类陷入混乱?论文首先讨论超高层建筑与城市,从日常所见的建筑现象和建筑符号入手,分析中国当代城市建设与超高层建筑的现状。其次,对古代城市与建筑营建的分析或许可以使我们更清楚地认识今天的城市现状。如果仅仅就建筑分析建筑,势必会一叶障目而不见泰山。因此,在分析上注重设计发展的逻辑性与历史必然性,以历史、政治与经济为背景,将建筑与产品,设计与绘画、音乐、舞蹈等等其他文化门类横向联系起来,通过层层抽丝剥茧,逐渐发现今天冗杂繁乱的设计现象背后真正的推动力——发源于美国的消费文化。那么我们的设计是否会继续沿着这个逻辑走下去?为了解答这一系列问题,本文回溯到人类起源的那一刻,追寻人类发展的足迹,通过对设计行为动机的研究,以及设计对人类历史进程造成的影响,去发现设计真正的源动力,从而探寻设计的真意——为生存而设计。由此我们可以更理性的对今天的设计行为做出判断,重新定义设计对人类与文化所应负起的责任,因此这个分析过程实际上是对设计伦理的一个重新诠释。

【Abstract】 Design is everywhere. It is not exaggerated that design now dominates our lives. We are living in the crazily fast developing era of design. Designs are for not only small products but also huge architectures. The truth is that we are desired for newer and newer architectures and they are challenging the limits of human beings’sensory organs.There is no doubt that new architecture leads us to a new period of history and culture. However, this is based on destroying tradition, environment and context. If there’s no end of the madly developing of super high architecture, will human beings sink into the mess, which is like "building Barber in Bible"?Starting with the research on the phenomenon and symbol of architectures, this paper has studied the development of super high architectures and urban constructions in present China. After that, it analyzes the constructions of ancient Chinese cities, which a comparative approach to study deeply on the present architectures and cities. Moreover, this paper has also attached importance to the logic of the design development and the historical inevitability. Therefore, taking history, politics and economic as the background, and investigating the linkages of architectures and products, design and paintings, music and dance, this research has a judgment that the disordered and unsystematic phenomenon of design is originated from the American consuming culture.Then will design develop following this logic in the future? For the series question, analysis starts from the relation of design and the origin of human beings in last chapter of this thesis. Through the study on the motivation of design activities and the design influence on the process of human history, it discovered that the real meaning of design is’design for survival’. Thus, the responsibility of design to human beings and culture should be redefined. Based on the above researches, the analysis of this whole paper is also a redefinition of design ethics.

  • 【分类号】J504
  • 【下载频次】732