

Research of National Physical Fitness Service System in Structural Function Theoretical View Also Discussion about University Integration Strategy

【作者】 朱立新

【导师】 李鸿江;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 全民健身服务体系研究已经涉及到众多的社会领域和层次,以服务体系的理论创新为研究起点,提出高校体育资源整合策略,结合个案论述研究内容。主要采用文献资料、调查、个案研究、系统分析、资料数理统计等方法。分析研究内容所生存的环境背景,选择“结构功能理论”为方法论指导,对全民健身服务体系的复杂系统特征进行理论分析:(1)、涌现生成理论视角提醒我们,不要过分局限于子系统的研究层次,子系统状况不必苛求完美,确信系统本身的自组织能力;整体功能表现程度具有不可预测性,系统进化是渐进过程;对子系统研究不能忽视环境的作用。(2)、耗散结构理论视角有利于拓宽全民健身活动的理论构建视野,为其构建内容的增设提供依据,即促进各系统间能量的相互交换,以消除系统中产生的熵,促使整个系统不断地进行自我更新,表现出强有力的自组织能力。进而保证整个体系的运行处于一种有序状态,充分显现出系统的预定功能。(3)、协同论视角指出,序参量之间彼此合作,彼此竞争,最终汇集到一个自由度上,引领着社会系统的行动,促进整个体系序参量的形成——为全民健身活动提供服务和保障。四个子系统共同促进了体系整体功能的实现,而整个体系同时也制约着各子系统的运行方向。高校体育的参与策略中将高校体育界定为:“高校中一切与体育活动相关的人力、物力等资源”。(1)、论述高校体育的主要职能;(2)、论述高校体育在全民健身活动中的重要作用;(3)、提出高校体育在全民健身服务体系构建和运行中的应对策略。结合个案对场馆规划、、人力资源规划、网络平台搭建、体育教学改革进行研究。研究得出以下结论:(1)、全民健身服务体系的构建与运行有着强有力的政策法律支撑;(2)、结构功能理论为全民健身服务体系的构建与运行提供方法论指导;(3)、复杂系统理论有效地弥补了结构功能理论的不足;(4)、涌现论观点有利于整体把握方向,树立工作的信心;(5)、耗散论观点有利于区别对待,广泛吸纳各种积极因素;(6)、协同论观点有利于抓住工作重点,加强自身建设;(7)、高校体育资源的介入极大地增强了全民健身服务体系的活力。

【Abstract】 The research of National Physical Fitness Service System has beeninvolved in many social areas and levels, to serve the theoretical innovation of the system as the research starting point, Present university physical education resource integration strategy, combined with case analysis, discusses the research content. This article used documentary analysis, logical analysis, and case analysis, Survey method and mathematical statistics method, etc.Research beginning based on the background of the social environment; Select the "structural function theory " According to complex systems theory giving a interpretation of national fitness service system.(1). In the Emergence theory perspective:Remind us not into the dead end for its Sub system study, subsystem status not demanding reach the acme of perfection, trust system self organization ability; The overall function of the degree of performance is unpredictable, but must be expressed, system evolution is a gradual process; The environmental impact cannot be ignored when study subsystem, Don’t isolate any studied object.(2). In the Dissipative Structure theory perspective:Using dissipative structure principle to analysis nationwide fitness service system, to provide a research perspective for theory of national fitness activities construction, Increasing additional basis for the content of the construction, to promote the system energy exchange, in order to eliminate the generation in the system entropy, So that the whole system can constantly self-renewal, demonstrate strong self organization ability. And ensure the whole system run in an orderly state, fully reveals the predetermined function of system.(3). In the Coordination theory perspective:Order parameter between cooperate each other, competing with each other, eventually converge to one degree of freedom, leading the social system action, to promote the formation of the entire system order parameter-for the national fitness activities to provide services and security. Four subsystems work together to promote the overall system function realization, the system also restricts each subsystem operation direction. Proposed the University sports resources participation Strategy.The college physical education is defined as:"all the resources related human and material in College sports." With this logic, we will introduce the expression School physical education. Its content is usually referred to the "special school sports".(1). discusses the main functions ofphysical education in Colleges and Universities.(2). discusses the important role of the University Sports in nationalfitness activities.(3). proposed the answer strategy of university physical education in the construction of the national fitness service system.Case study.(1).Facility planning, Talent planning, Information system planning,Curriculum planning.Studies come to such conclusions:(1), Construction and Operation of the National physical fitness service system has a strong policy and legal support;(2), structure and function theory for the Construction and Operation of the National physical fitness service system to provide methodological guidance;(3), the theory of complex systems to effectively compensate for the lack of structure and function theory;(4), have emerged on the view to grasp the overall direction to establish confidence in the work;(5), the dissipation on the point of view is conducive to be treated differently, with wide variety of positive factors;(6), Synergetics view to seize the focus, and strengthen self-construction;(7), the involvement of university sports resources has greatly enhanced the vitality of the national fitness system.
