

Research on the Learning and Training Contradiction of Young Athelets in the Perspective of Institutional Ethics

【作者】 万炳军

【导师】 马毅;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 “学训矛盾”现象之所以在我国青少年运动员的培养中具有普遍性和显著性,其产生源于历史性原因和体制性问题,这是合理策略未产生合理效果的本质所在。鉴于此,该领域的研究均从制度视角对“学训矛盾”进行探讨,但由于缺乏理论支撑,研究止步于对制度本身的超越,对于“学训矛盾”产生的制度原因与运行机制缺乏剖析。要突破这一研究瓶颈,就必须对规范学训活动的制度本身进行研究,“制度伦理”是关于制度本身“合理性”的理论,这一理论的引入对于突破上述“瓶颈问题”有着重要的现实意义。本文分别以体校和体育传统项目学校(简称传校)为调查对象,引入伦理学方法、制度分析法对“学训矛盾”进行了研究:首先,以学训制度为切入点从制度视角界定了学训矛盾与学训制度的概念,以表明学训矛盾与学训制度的一致性关系,建立学训矛盾的制度性分析框架;其次,以制度伦理理论为基础,从制度主体、制度环境、制度效果三个方面确立了学训制度的主体人群、剖析了各主体在学训活动中所处的伦理困境、呈现了学训制度的现实效果;最后,结合新颁布的学训制度,从制度伦理角度提出了构建学训制度的思想和原则。本文得出以下主要结论:第一,学训制度关涉的主体包括:“运动员、教练员、教师、家长和管理人员”;第二,体育制度与教育制度的唯竞技成绩和唯学习成绩惯性,导致体校与传校存在学训取舍的伦理困境,即传校内训练被“边缘化”,体校内学习被“边缘化”;第三,学训制度的协调性与权威性缺失,造成主体处于由训练的“业余”定位引起的利益认同差异、权利弱化与义务弱化的伦理困境中。第四,学训资源的制度性分离和功利思想的日益强化、社会发展对运动员综合素质的要求不断提升,导致运动员的学习和训练现状均未有质的改善。第五,新颁布学训制度的伦理价值表现在:运动员的“全面发展”、不同主体间的“平等性”与“公平性”。第六,构建学训制度的思想包括:人文思想和金牌思想以及二者的辨证统一;构建的原则有:公正性与学习优先性原则、程序性与实质性原则、关怀性与项目差异性原则、协调性与责任共担性原则、保证性与补偿性原则。结合实现路径,提出以下建议:首先,发挥合理培养目标的评价和导向作用;其次,建立体育与教育系统的“双主导”机制;再次,正视科学训练与选材在分配学训时间上的核心作用;最后,体现退役安置在学训制度构建中参照作用。

【Abstract】 In the cultivation of young athletes, the contradiction between learning and training is universal and significant, and it is the "key" to solving many problems. The reason why this contradiction always exists lies in the fact that it is a product of history—a product of the institution. In the light of this fact, research in this field is mostly done in the context of the institution. However, due to a lack of theoretical support, previous research cannot go beyond mere amendments to the institution. Besides, the institutional cause of the learning and training contradiction has been inadequately explored, therefore, theoretically reasonable strategies are imposed upon people who participate in learning and training activities, producing a "strange phenomenon"---reasonable strategies do not produce reasonable effects. To break the bottleneck in the research, it needs to examine the institution which regulates the activities of learning and training."Institutional ethics" is a theory about the "rationality" of the institution, whose introduction is of great practical importance to breakthrough the "bottleneck".This paper sets sports schools and traditional sports schools (middle school) respectively as its research objects, and introduces the methods of ethics and institutional analysis to research into the contradiction between learning and training. First of all, the paper starts with the learning and training system and defines the concept of the contradictions and the concept of learning and training system in the perspective of institution, aiming at revealing the consistency between the contradictions and the institution in which the contradictions occur, and establishing the institutional framework to analyze the contradictions. Secondly, based on institutional ethics, the paper identifies the subject of the learning and training system from three angles:institutional subject, institutional environment, and institutional effect, by which means the paper analyzes the ethical dilemma with which the subjects of the learning and training are faced. At the same time, the paper presents the practical effects of the learning and training system. Finally, in the perspective of institutional ethics, combined with the newly issued learning and training system, the paper proposes the ideas and principles to construct learning and training system.The main conclusions of this paper are:Firstly, the subjects of the learning and training system involve athletes, coaches, teachers, parents and management personnel.Secondly, the inertia of the sports education system leads to the ethical dilemma with which sports schools and traditional sports schools are faced with, making it difficult for them to choose between academic study and training, in which case training is marginalized in traditional sports schools and academic study is marginalized in sports training schools.Thirdly, the coordination and authority are missing in the learning and training system, which causes the subject to be positioned as "amateur", producing ethical dilemma in which the interests are identified differently and the rights and obligations are both weakened.Fourthly, the institutional separation of learning and training resources is becoming greater and utilitarian thoughts increasingly strengthened, and with the development of society that ask for athlete’ overall level must developing, which does little help to significant improvements of the learning and training of athletes.Fifthly, the ethical value of the new issued learning and training system lies in the "overall development" of athletes, and in the "equality" and "fairness" among different subjects.Sixthly, the construction of the learning and training system includes: humanistic ideas and the idea to win are in dialectical unity. Principles of the construction are:impartiality and learning priority principle, procedure and substance principle, solicitude and project differentiating principle, harmony and responsibility sharing principle, and guarantee and compensation principle.Combined with the discussion of the paths of realization, this paper puts forward the following suggestions:first of all, give full play to the evaluation and guidance of the goal to reasonably cultivate athletes; second, construct a mechanism which promotes the "double orientation" of both the learning and training; third, face up to the key role scientific training and material selecting play in the time distribution of learning and training; Finally, reflect the basic value of retirement arrangements in the construction of the system of learning and training.
