

Theoretical and Empirical Research on the Fitness Training System of Elite Woman Soccer Player

【作者】 部义峰

【导师】 刘丹;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 足球比赛中运动员活动的随机性、非周期性决定了运动员体能训练的复杂性,而女子足球运动员的体能训练与男子足球运动员相比又有其自身特殊性。本研究以比赛为视角,对高水平女子足球比赛的体能表现特征以及体能需求进行了认识,建立了优秀女子足球运动员的体能训练体系,以期为优秀女子足球运动员的体能训练提供理论参考。研究首先运用time-motion分析、符号分析、生物学测试分析的方法,对高水平女子足球比赛在间歇/活动、跑动、生理负荷三个方面的体能表现特征进行了系统解构,了解了高水平女足比赛的活动特征,掌握了比赛对运动员的体能需求。然后在此基础上,结合专家访谈的结果,建立了优秀女子足球运动员的体能训练体系。本论文主要研究结论如下:在高水平女子足球比赛中,运动员比赛中的高低活动强度的比例约为1:10,一次高强度活动的持续时间多数在8s以内,间歇时间约为30s,前卫运动员两次高强度活动的间歇时间最短,后卫队员最长。一场比赛运动员的总跑动距离约为1万米,无氧供能占优势或占绝对的跑动约为23.13%,运球跑动的距离约为4%,在各种无球跑动或有球跑动上,运动员均存在明显的位置特征。运动员在接球时的平均跑动速度约为3m/s,最大速度要接近6m/s,提示在训练中应注意提高运动员高速跑动下的接控球能力。高强度运动能力对比赛起着较大程度的影响,是区别优秀运动员与非优秀运动员的重要指标。比赛中高强度活动能力下降主要出现在比赛结束阶段与-定时间频繁高强度活动后的时段,在这两个时段中运动员的技术运用能力会下降,尤其是比赛结束时段,技术运用能力的下降程度尤为严重。女子足球比赛的平均强度约为81%最大心率储备,最高强度可达96%,运动员高强度与中强度活动持续的时间与运动员的V02max相关,运动员V02max越大,其高强度活动能力越强。本研究建立的优秀女子足球运动员的体能训练体系包含目标体系、内容体系、方法体系以及周期体系四个子体系。在研究过程中,对目标体系进行了检验,检验表明,目标体系具有较好的效度,对内容体系、方法体系以及周期体系均进行了理论与实践方面的阐述,具有较强的操作性。通过对该体系的实证研究表明,本研究建立的优秀女子足球运动员体能训练体系对于指导运动实践具有一定的实际意义。

【Abstract】 Fitness training for soccer player is complexity because of the randomicity and non-periodicity activity character. Especially, the women’s fitness training had its own point compared with men’s. So the present study studied the performance during high level match of elite women soccer players, recognized the physiological requirement and competitive ability that the match needed, and establish the training system of fitness training for elite woman soccer player.Before the fitness training system established, the performance character during high level match was studied by the means of time-motion analysis, notational analysis and biology analysis. The content include of intermittent-activity, run performance and physiological load. Several conclusions were followed:Soccer is an intermittent sport in which the aerobic energy system is highly taxed, and followed the sprints, jumps and duel play et al. actions which anaerobic metabolism dominates. The ration between rest and work was about1:10, every high intensity activity last about8second and intermittent time last about30second. Midfield players always have the shorten rest time, and full backs and center backs have the longest. Women soccer players cover1,000kilometer during a match,23.13%was dominated by anaerobic system, and4%was possession with the ball. The performance exist significantly positional difference.High-intensity work can differentiate elite woman soccer player and non-elite player. More high-intensity work can help to win the game. However, high-intensity work always decline during match. Generally, it occur at two period, one is at the end of match, and the other is at the period following the most high-intensity work period. When fatigue happen, the skill ability decline at the same time. Further more, It’s declines heavily at the last15minutes. The average intensity of woman soccer game was about81%HR reserve, and it can reach96%HR reserve. The time of high and moderate intensity spent was correlated to V02max, the higher the V02max was, the longer the high-intensity work spent.Based on the analysis of high-level match, the fitness training system of woman soccer player was established by the means of induce, deduce and soccer training specialist consultation. The system consist of objective system, content system, methodological system and periodical system. The objective system was checked; the result showed that it had a high validity. The correlated theory and practice apply were also expatiated for the content system, methodological system and periodical. In the whole, the woman soccer fitness training system the study established can provide some valuable information to the woman fitness training.
