

The Research on Age Development Characteristics of Tactics Behavioral Cognitive Level of Male Adolescent Soccer Plavers

【作者】 王前进

【导师】 张廷安;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以青少年足球运动员战术行为认知水平发展规律为研究对象,通过对我国12-17岁的青少年足球运动员进行抽样调查,运用数理统计等方法对所得数据进行处理分析,得出以下结论:1)依据一次战术活动经历的三个阶段(观察、判断、选择)以及战术活动中的外部行为和内部行为(战术思维过程)共同作用原理,将战术行为能力划分为三个子能力:观察行为能力、判断行为能力、选择行为能力。通过各战术行为认知水平的研究可反映出足球运动员战术行为能力的特点与发展规律。2)青少年足球运动员战术行为认知水平受场区和对抗条件的影响。受影响程度在两个外部条件下表现出相近的规律,即U13>U15>U17。同时,两个外部因素的影响程度存在差异。在相同条件下,对抗条件比场区因素对青少年足球运动员战术行为认知水平的影响程度高。3)青少年足球运动员战术行为认知水平随年龄增长呈现一定发展规律。总体上讲,观察、判断、选择的内容和战术思维随着年龄的增长呈现出越来越强的抗干扰的能力,场区、对抗条件的影响力在逐渐减弱,运动员各战术行为认知水平的稳定性越来越高。4)随着年龄的增长,青少年足球运动员进攻时的观察模式趋向“前向式”和“向心式”;观察趋向多元化和整体化;思维向快速进攻、配合进攻发展。防守时,观察趋向多元化和整体化;思维逐渐向防守策略、配合防守和防守对方前向进攻发展,整体性和配合防守意识逐步提高。5)随着年龄的增长,青少年足球运动员进攻时,趋向对前方区域内传球路线和传球对象的判断;趋向对整体战术和小组战术的判断。思维逐渐向快速进攻、配合进攻发展。防守时,判断内容倾向于攻方快速进攻路线、方式和前向进攻点,判断内容多元化;思维趋向对快攻、前向传球和配合进攻的防守,防守意识逐步增强,配合防守意识提高。6)随着年龄的增长,青少年足球运动员进攻时,对传球时机选择趋向队友跑动之前和跑动时;趋向于前方其他区域和本区域前方传球对象和传球路线的选择;接应方式和接应位置向利于进攻、配合和威胁性方向发展;战术思维更注重威胁性,小组进攻战术思维更趋向快速传递、合理跑位等方向发展。防守时,防守战术选择趋向配合紧逼、围抢,重视对其他攻方队员的盯人防守,防守对象多元化;战术思维重视主动性防守、配合防守,重视对对方快攻和前向进攻的防守。

【Abstract】 This research with teenager football athlete’s tactics behavioral cognitive level develop regulation for research object, use the form of questionnaire sampling to our country12-17-year-old teenager football athlete and made use of methods like Mathematical Statistics, etc to processes the data and get some conclusion by analyzing:1) According the three stages(observation, judgment, choice) in a tactics action and the common function principle of the external behavior and internal behavior(tactics thinking process) in a tactics activity experiences, we can divide three statures abilities tactics behavior ability:The tactics observes behavior ability, tactics judgment behavior ability, tactics choice behavior ability.2) The implementation process of football tactics behavioral cognitive level of athlete of teenager is subjected to area and resists conditional and the influence degree to express closely regulation under the two external factors, namely U13> U15> U17. Two external factors influence degree existence difference to the athlete. Under the same condition, the degree of resisting condition is high compare with the degree of area factor to teenager football athlete’s tactics behavior ability.3) Teenager football athlete tactics behavioral cognitive level has certain development regulation with the age growth. As a whole, the contents of observation, judgment, choice and thinking present the trend of more and stronger anti-interference along with the growth of age, field area, resist factors, etc is weakening gradually, and the stability of each sub-abilities of athlete characteristic is more and more high.4) Along with the growth of age, teenager football athletes’observe mode to incline to "Forward type" and "centripetal type "while attack; the observation inclines to a diversification and whole turn; the development mode of thinking gradually to rapid offensive and cooperate offensive. While defending, the observation inclines to a diversification and whole turn; the mode of thinking gradually to the defender’s strategy, cooperate defend and defending the forwards aggressive of the other party, whole and cooperate defend consciousness to gradually rise.5) Along with the growth of age, while attacking, teenager football athlete’s judgment contents incline to the front district and inside-area pass route and pass teammate; the tend of the judgment to the whole tactics and the group tactics. Thinking gradually to rapid-attack, cooperate-attack. While depending, the contents of Judgment to incline toward to the rapid-attack route and attack mode and the forwards attack point of opposing side. The judgment contents incline to diversification. The thinking inclines to consider defending rapid-attack. The defend consciousness gradually strengthen and cooperate defend coconscious rising.6) Along with the growth of age, the choice of pass opportune moment in teenager football athlete while attacking incline to the moment of before running and while running in teammate. The choice of pass route and pass object incline to other districts in the front and front in this district. The assistance way and assistance position tend to advantageous to attacking and cooperating and running position in reason. While defending, the choice of defensive tactics tends to cooperation pressing and surrounding and recovering. The teenager football athletes make a point of man-to-man defense and defensive objects diversification. The tactics thinking make a point of initiative defends and cooperative defends and make a point of aggressive defends and forewords defends.
