

A Research into the Key Issues of Youth’s Basic Training for Archery in China

【作者】 房晓伟

【导师】 李少丹;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 理论是实践的依据,而实践是检验理论的标准,两者相互影响、相互作用。本研究运用文献资料法、调查研究法、测试与实验、比较研究法以及数理统计等方法,对我国青少年射箭项目训练理论与实践进行研究,得出如下结论:1.我国青少年射箭后备人才的培养以三级训练网为主,途径比较单一。韩国青少年射箭后备人才培养以学校为基础,从小学到大学都有自己的联盟进行管理,经过多年的实践,其青少年射箭后备人才的培养已经规范化、系统化。2.射箭项目特征要求青少年射箭运动员始训年龄应该在10岁以前,韩国青少年射箭运动员始训年龄是在8—10岁,我国是12—14岁,错过了训练协调性、柔韧性等素质的最佳训练时间,对技术动作的学习与掌握非常不利。3.技术训练是我国青少年射箭运动员训练的主要内容,体能及心理训练比例不足,而且缺少可操作性方法与手段。4.我国青少年射箭运动员专项成绩高水平比例随着年龄增长呈下降趋势,而韩国呈上升趋势,表明我国青少年射箭训练质量不高,成材率低。5.全国性的青少年射箭比赛种类较少,在运动员的年龄以及比赛距离设置等方面存在不合理的方面;韩国青少年射箭比赛的种类有十几种,而且在运动员的年龄与比赛距离设置方面比我国史细化,值得借鉴。6.青少年射箭技术训练监控仍然以“主观经验”为主,缺少现代化科学仪器介入,不能满足科学训练的需要。7.对我国青少年射箭运动员技术及体能进行测试与分析,发现我国青少年技术动作的用力特点不合理,体能训练的结构缺失爆发力等要素,力量训练的身体部位过于集中于上肢及肩背部,表明对于射箭项目的特征我们还没有认识清楚。8.韩国射箭基本技术的动作环节与我国要求基本相同,但动作结构中持续用力/转入停留待发以及负荷转换两个环节,在我国射箭训练理论中没有出现过,值得深入思考、研究。9.与韩国青少年射箭体能训练理论相比,我国对射箭项目的专项体能认识有待提高,青少年射箭训练缺乏针对专项训练的方法与手段。而韩国青少年射箭运动员体能训练方法经过实验研究发现,能够提高青少年射箭运动员的专项竟技能力,证明其方法的科学性与有效性。

【Abstract】 The competitive level of youth archers plays a crucial role in the sustainable development of archery. Theory is the basis of practice. The study aims at youth’s training theory and practice of archery in China by the use of the following methodologies:literature review, surveys and researches, tests and experiments, comparative study and mathematical statistics. Based on that, the conclusions have been drawn as follows:1. Youth archers in China still follow the three-level training methods, compared with Korean youth archers relying on schools and society, the way that Chinese youth archers are trained is more unitary. Youth archers begin their training at the age of12-14and have missed quality training time in coordination and flexibility2. Coaches of Chinese youth archers have rich experience concerning this field, but constrained by their knowledge structure, cognition of the law, concept of traditional training and training systems, their comprehensive coaching ability is comparatively weak.3. The single-cycle training mode for Youth archers is adopted mainly throughout the year. During the preparative stage, with technical training dominant, physical and mental training is a serious shortage, lacking operable methods and means.4. The proportion of high-level Chinese Youth archers presents the downward trend with them growing up, while in South Korea the trend is rising, which indicates the poor training quality in China with a small proportion of "high level"5. Compared with powerful South Korea, Chinese youth archers participate in less official competitions for the whole year. The participating archers’age limit as well as the distance settings are too "simple", seriously affecting the precise positioning and initiative of youth archers.6. With the lack of modern scientific equipments involvement, the supervision on youth archers’training is still based on subjective experience, and cannot meet the needs of the scientific training.7. The essence of the internal structure of technical movements is less recognized, especially the "quick launch","back muscle force" and other key techniques which have not yet been mastered.8. The basic technical movements of Archery in South Korea is almost the same with China, however, the two aspects—the sustained force transferring to "stay to go" and load conversion, do not appear in China’ s theory of archery training, which is worth our deep thinking and research9. Compared with the physical training theory of South Korean Youth Archers, the knowledge of special physical needs in China’s Archery should be improved. Chinese Youth archers lack the specialized methods and means. An experimental study found that South Korean youth archers’ physical training improved the competitive ability of youth archers, which proved the scientificity and validity of their methods.

【关键词】 青少年射箭基础训练关键问题中国
【Key words】 youtharcherybasic trainingkey issuesChina