

Study on Portection and Inheritance of Minority Traditional Sports Intangible Cultural Heritage in Yunnan Province

【作者】 刘坚

【导师】 孙葆丽;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 我国少数民族传统文化是各族人民经过世代努力和发挥聪明才智创造的宝贵财富。随着社会转型的加快,古老、多样、质朴的少数民族传统体育文化正面临着逐渐萎缩甚至消失的危险。因此,其传承已成为中国体育界最重要的命题之一。面对文化的延续性与突变性问题,本研究以非物质文化遗产为视野,立足云南,通过历史研究法、问卷调查法、田野调查法等对少数民族传统体育文化传承问题进行深入研究,得出以下结论:1.根据自组织理论,从经济、政治与文化三种活动的结合看待中国少数民族传统体育文化的传承,可以把发展至今的民族传统体育文化传承划分为三种类型或三个历史阶段:即前市场模式、过渡模式、理想模式。云南省部分少数民族传统体育文化传承还处于过渡时期或处于“他组织”造成的“他无序”和“自无序”状态。2.云南少数民族传统体育文化是一个多元一体的巨型混合文化圈。它至少是由15个少数民族或更多一些群体的独立文化圈交织而成的。分属于采集、农业、牧业两大传统产业文化圈中,同时还分别交叉在伊斯兰教文化、藏传佛教和道教文化、本土宗教的四个信仰文化圈中。3.云南少数民族传统体育文化是以宗教信仰的意义体系为针,以时间顺序为线,以民俗节日仪式及偶然性的婚丧嫁娶仪式为节点的自衍文化链结构,包含了集娱乐、教育、经济、认同、调控、心理慰藉、健身等的意义体系。政府的导向与知识主体全程参与加之村民的文化自觉意识是非物质文化遗产生产性保护的前提,把地理自然环境和特色文化链做为同一个生态系统来保护与发展是一条可行的思路。4.少数民族传统体育文化传承策略包括8个原则、2个操作步骤、4种传承路径。8个原则:即整体性原则、差异性原则、活态性原则、自觉性原则、原真性原则、独特性原则、发展性传承原则和适度开发原则;2个操作步骤:即普查(排查、抽样、实录、相关实物取证)和评估(时空性、独特性、完整性、濒危性);4种传承路径:即现代体育化、非物质文化遗产申报、资料库与信息库和生活性保护(生态保护区与生态旅游)。

【Abstract】 The traditional culture of China’s ethnic minorities is precious treasure created by the people of all ethnic groups with hard work and intelligence. With the speeding-up of the social transformation, various ancient and plain traditional sports culture of minorities is facing danger of gradual shrinking or even disappearing. Therefore, the transmission has become one of the most important subjects in the field of China sports. In the transmission process, the problem of culture continuity and mutability should be dealt with properly. Based on the situations in Yunnan, by exploring the traditional sports culture transmission of China’s ethic minorities from the perspective of intangible culture heritage at historical approach and through questionnaire survey and fieldwork, this study reaches the following conclusions:1. According to self-organization theory, from the combination of economic, political and cultural activities, the development of traditional sports culture transmission of China’s ethic minorities to date could be divided into three types or three historical stages: pre-market model, transition model, and the ideal mode. Part of traditional sports culture transmission of China’s ethic minorities in Yunnan province is in transition stage, or in the condition of "heter-disorder" and "self-disorder" caused by "heter-organization "2. Traditional sports culture of China’s ethic minorities in Yunnan province is a large culture mix with multielements, which belong to gathering, agriculture and animal husbandry culture, the two conventional industries culture, and among which there are four belief culture, Islam culture, Tibetan Buddhism and Taoism and the local religion. It is a mixed with the independent culture of at least the15minorities or more.3. Traditional sports culture of China’s ethic minorities in Yunnan province is a self-developing culture chain with the meaning systems of religious belief as needles, the time sequence as thread, and the folk festival ceremonies and occasional wedding and funeral ceremonies as knots, which contain such meaning systems as entertainment, education, economy, identification, regulation, mental comfort and fitness. The government’s guidance and the whole participation of the knowledge entities, as well as the cultural consciousness of the villagers, are the premise in protecting the intangible cultural heritage. And to protect and develop the geographical environment and characteristic cultural chain as one ecological system is a feasible thinking.4. The strategies concerning the transmission of the traditional sports culture of China’s ethic minorities include eight principles, two steps and four kinds of transmission paths. As for the "eight principles", it refers to the integration principle, diversity principle, the principle of the living condition, the self-consciousness principle, the authenticity principle, the uniqueness principles, the expansibility principle and the principle of appropriate development. By "two steps2", it means the general survey (testing, sampling, taping, evidence obtaining) and evaluation (space-time, uniqueness, integrity and endangered degree). As for the "four kinds of transmission paths", that is the sports modernization, applying for intangible cultural heritage, database and information base and conventional protection (ecological reserve and the ecological tourism).
