

Marx and Engels’s Thought on Environmental Ethics and Its Development in Contemporary China

【作者】 程平

【导师】 任暟;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪后期,环境污染、资源短缺、生态破坏等环境问题日益严重,群众性的环境保护运动蓬勃兴起。在这种历史背景下,环境伦理学应运而生,成为近几十年来学术界最前沿也最有活力的新兴研究领域。以环境伦理为问题域,人类思想史上所有具有重大影响的资源都被重新过滤,其中就包括马克思主义理论。然而,在过去,社会主义国家在马克思主义环境理论上的努力是极不充分的。更让人忧心的是,过去一个相当普遍的看法是:19世纪的马克思主义无法解决20世纪后期凸显的环境问题。有人甚至还把马克思主义当作“人类中心主义”的代表和造成环境问题的思想根源。在国内学术界,学者们更热衷于谈论西方环境伦理学或者中国古代环境伦理思想,而对马克思主义环境伦理思想关注甚少。所以,研究马克思主义环境伦理思想是一项十分迫切而又必要的工作。本文的主要目的就是进行这方面的尝试。限于篇幅,本文主要研究马克思恩格斯环境伦理思想及其在当代中国的发展。本文参照当代环境伦理学研究的基本问题以及新动向,将人与自然的伦理关系和以自然为中介的人与人的伦理关系界定为马克思主义环境伦理思想的问题域,拓宽了研究视野。全文共七个部分,包括导言、正文五章和结束语。导言交代本文论题研究的历史背景和问题域,阐明本文论题研究的目的和意义,介绍国内外相关研究的现状,在此基础上,明确本文的研究思路和研究方法。第一章“马克思恩格斯环境伦理思想的历史演进”,按照唯物史观的发展逻辑,从人与自然的关系和环境正义两个方面阐述了马克思恩格斯环境伦理思想的萌芽、发展、深化的三个阶段,以及每个阶段的主要概况。第二章“马克思恩格斯环境伦理思想的多重解读”,主要从人化自然观、物质变换论、社会生态学三个方面来阐发马克思恩格斯环境伦理思想的意蕴,以体现其伦理学与经济学的统一、价值批判与制度批判的统一。第三章“马克思恩格斯环境伦理思想在当代中国的发展”,结合我国社会主义建设的实践,阐述了建国以后中国共产党领导人尊重自然规律、追求可持续发展以及为人民利益服务的环境伦理观。第四章“当代中国环境伦理的理论建构”,针对西方环境伦理学的基本概念,坚持运用马克思主义理论探讨当代中国环境伦理思想的建构,主张正确把握人的主体性、承认自然的多重价值、追求环境正义。第五章“当代中国环境伦理的实践途径”,主要从认识国情、加强德育、完善法治三个方面,探讨了当代中国环境伦理思想的实践经验和具体做法,并要求培养具有生态文明观念的生态公民。结束语概括了本文的基本观点,指出为了促进当代中国环境伦理学的健康发展,必须辩证地看待马克思恩格斯环境伦理思想、西方环境伦理学和中国古代环境伦理思想,以马克思主义指导环境伦理思想的创新。

【Abstract】 In the late twentieth century, the environmental problems such as environmental pollution, resource shortage, ecological destruction were becoming serious. Meanwhile, mass movement of environmental protection was booming. In this historical background, environmental ethics emerged as the times require, and became the forefront of academia and the most dynamic research field in recent decades. Considering environmental ethics as a problem vision, all the great resources throughout the human history of ideas have been filtered, including Marxist theory. However, in the past, socialist countries paid little attention to Marxist environmental theory. What’s worse, a common viewpoint in the past is that the Marxism in the19century cannot solve the highlight environmental problems in the late twentieth century. Someone even regarded Marxism as "Anthropocentrism" and the ideological root of causing environmental problems. In domestic academia, scholars are more enthusiastic about western environmental ethics or ancient Chinese environmental ethics, paying little attention to Marxist environmental ethics. So, the study of Marxist environmental ethics is a very urgent and necessary job. I am trying to do this job in my paper. Due to the length of the paper, I mainly study Marx and Engels’s thought on environmental ethics and its development in contemporary China.Referring to the basic problems and new trend of contemporary environmental ethics’s research, the paper defines the ethics relationship between man and nature and the one between man and man whose medium is nature as the problem vision of Marxist thought on environmental ethics, which broadens the visual field of research. The paper is made up of six parts, including an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion. In the introduction, it explains the historical background and the problem vision of environmental ethics, illustrates the purpose and significance of the topics, evaluates the related research achievements at home and abroad, then on the basis of this makes clear the train of thought and the approach of research. The first chapter:"The historical evolution of Marx and Engels’s thought on environmental ethics" analyzes its three stages of germination, formation and deepening and the general situation of each stage from the relationship between man and nature and environmental justice according to the development logic of historical materialism. The second chapten:"The multiple interpretation of Marx and Engels’s thought on environmental ethics" elucidates the main implication of environmental ethics from humanized nature concept, material transformation theory and social ecology, which reflects the unity of the ethics and economics and the unity of the value criticism and system criticism. The third chapter:"The development of Marx and Engels’s thought on environmental ethics in contemporary China" connecting with the practice of Chinese socialist construction, analyzes the environmental ethic of the communist party leadership respecting natural law and pursuing sustainable development and servicing for the people’s interest since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The fourth chapter:"The theoretical construction of contemporary Chinese environmental ethics" aiming at the basic concept of western environmental ethics, explores environmental ethics construction of contemporary Chinese, emphasizes on sticking to the subjectivity of the people, acknowledging the multiple value of nature and pursuing the environmental justice. The fifth chapter:"The practical ways of contemporary Chinese environmental ethics" discusses the practical experiences and the specific practices of contemporary Chinese environmental ethics from the understanding of Chinese national conditions, strengthening moral education and perfecting the rule by law, and requires the training of the ecological citizens with the concept of ecological civilization. In the conclusion, it summarizes the basic point, and states briefly that in order to promote contemporary Chinese environmental ethics develop healthily, we must use the dialectics to treat Marx and Engels’thought on environmental ethics, western environmental ethics and ancient Chinese thought on environmental ethics. What’s more, we must guide the innovation of environmental ethics by Marxism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】B82-058;A811
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1046
  • 攻读期成果