

A Comparative Study on the Mutual-metaphorical Lexicon Relating to Body-terms or Outside Objects between Chinese and English

【作者】 潘明霞

【导师】 曹德和;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 概念只能借助语言形式得以表达,词汇是概念最基本的表达形式。人类在认识外部世界的过程中,以自己的身体经验作为基础,不可避免的借用描述身体的词汇来描述世界,于是语言中便产生大量与人体相关的词汇。“以身喻物”词汇的生成正是人体词汇投射到外在世界的结果。随着人类认知水平和语言能力的不断提高,接触、了解和认识范围的不断扩大,掌握的概念也越来越多,人类逐步把对外部世界的认知类推到人类自身,用外界事物概念来命名和描述人体器官部位或指称具有某种特点、属性的人。于是语言系统中便产生很多以他物表人或人体特征的词汇。“以物喻身”词汇的生成正是外在世界的万事万物映射到人体域的结果。任何一种语言的特色都是在与别种语言的比较中显现出来。对比分析的目的是了解两种语言的共性特点和差异特点,为语言教学和跨文化交际服务。Halliday指出进行对比分析时应遵循两条基本原则,第一条是“先描写再对比”。第二条是“比较具体语言结构,而不是整个语言系统”。(转引自王立非:2000)没有任何一种理论能包罗万象,解释一切,只能对语言的具体项目和结构进行对比。本文从汉英语言系统中的词汇层面入手,在综合运用词汇学、认知语言学、对比语言学等相关学科的理论和研究成果的基础上,主要采用文献检索与分类结合法、对比研究法、描写与解释结合法、定性和定量分析结合法,以汉、英词汇系统中的“身物互喻”复合词、成语和惯用语为对象开展对比研究。全文共分五章。第一章为“绪论”。首先对本文涉及的“以身喻物”、“以物喻身”和“身物互喻”词汇相关概念进行界定,接着对“以身喻物”和“以物喻身”两方面的相关研究成果进行综述,最后对本选题的缘由、预期目标、理论基础、研究方法、语料来源进行了说明和交代。第二章为“汉英‘身物互喻’复合词对比研究”。本章首先对汉英复合词进行了界定,明确二者在各自词汇系统中的地位和作用。然后对“身物互喻”复合词进行了界定。在此基础上,对汉英词汇系统里的“身物互喻”复合词进行对比研究。先确定了五个人体器官部位(头、眼、口、手、脚)为比较对象,从汉英词典里进行了语料的收集,基于语料就汉英“以身喻物”复合词的生成模式进行观察和描写。再就汉英“以物喻身”复合词的生成情况,从动物、植物、服饰、其它物体为喻四个方面进行了观察和描写。在对“身物互喻”复合词进行观察描写后,对其共性特点和个性差异进行归纳和分析,结合相关理论和具体数据对汉英“身物互喻”复合词的异同给予相应的解释。最后根据以上研究分析的结果对本章做了一个提纲挈领的小结。第三章为“汉英‘身物互喻’成语对比研究”。本章首先结合权威词(辞)典和专家学者的观点对汉英成语概念进行界定,指出汉英成语在范围认定和表达形式上存在差异,并给出笔者自己的见解。在比较汉英成语定义基础上对“身物互喻”成语概念进行界定。在明确汉英“身物互喻”成语概念后对其开展对比研究。从人体器官部位名称中选择“头、脸、眼、手、心”为代表,分别就以这五个词为喻生成的成语进行观察和描写,对比分析以它们为喻的成语在汉语和英语中的具体表现,揭示它们表现出的相同性和差异性,从认知方式和文化因素等方面给予解释。关于汉英“以物喻身”成语的情况主要分析对比的是“以物喻人”情况。本章从四个方面就“以物喻人”成语的情况进行了分类描写,第一类是“动物喻人”成语。选择汉英语言中的“牛、马、狗、鼠、鱼、鸟”为代表,对汉英成语中动物喻人的成语形式进行对比分析,并就动物喻体在汉英语中使用的频率和语体色彩的差异给予了描写和解释。第二类是“植物喻人”成语。通过对汉英“植物喻人”成语的对比发现因汉英民族地理环境、生活方式等方面的不同,英语中以植物为喻表人的成语大多以蔬菜和水果为主,汉语以花、木为喻体构成表人的成语偏多。第三类是“服饰喻人”成语。因汉民族服饰制度的影响,汉语服饰分类细致,与人关系密切,生成的喻人成语在数量上和使用频率上远远高于英语。汉语与英语在服饰喻人成语的生成方式上比较接近,但喻体类型上差异比较明显,英语里基本上是以成衣的形式为喻,而汉语却涉及到服饰的多个方面,这是由不同的政治制度、历史文化等因素导致的。第四类是“其它物体喻人”的成语。主要以来自生产、生活相关领域的物体为喻构成表人的成语。因地理环境、生活方式、宗教信仰等因素的影响,在具体喻体的选择上表现出较大的差异。如以“食物喻体”为例,汉语中选择的是酒、肉、饭等,而英语中选择的是啤酒、奶酪、鸡蛋等。本章以具体语料为例,对汉英“身物互喻”成语进行充分描写,分析总结其共有规律和存在的差别,最后做出相应的理论解释。第四章为“汉英‘身物互喻’惯用语对比研究”。本章先是对汉英惯用语做出界定,指出汉语惯用语在形式上多以三字格式出现,并引用相关统计数据进行了论证。英语惯用语因形式上无明显标记,建议将语体因素纳入界定标准,对英语习语内的语言形式进行再分类。接着是对汉英“身物互喻”惯用语这一概念和本章的对比研究范围做出了界定。在此基础上对汉英“身物互喻”惯用语进行对比研究。从人体面部器官、人体四肢和人体内部器官三个角度入手,对汉英“以身喻物”惯用语进行了考察,通过分析对比,对汉英“以身喻物”惯用语构建的异同及其背后的原因给予相应的解释。在汉英“以物喻身”惯用语对比研究方面,仍然从动物喻人、植物喻人和其它事物喻人三个角度进行了对比分析。考察分析可知,惯用语喻体的选择明显受本族文化因素的制约,与汉英生产、生活方式联系密切,这给第二外语教学中惯用语理解和掌握造成一定的困难。第五章为“结语”。本章首先就本研究涉及的“身物互喻”词汇的映射模式进行归纳。其表现为双向互动的特征:一方面是从人体域映射于非人体域;另一方面是从非人体域映射于人体域。接着就汉英“身物互喻”复合词、成语和惯用语之间的对比情况进行总结。得出的基本结论是:在“以身喻物”的词汇生成过程中,汉英语表现出同大于异的特点;在“以物喻身”的词汇生成过程中,汉英语表现出异大于同的特点。隐喻思维和转喻思维是人类普遍存在的基本认知方式,但是民族文化特点和语言类型同样折射出汉英两民族语言词汇系统中语言和文化的不可分离性。“身物互喻”是人类与外在事物互动的产物,是汉英两个民族在认识自身的基础上,通过隐喻或转喻机制,经过各自语言文化的过滤,去认识世界和自身的结果,很自然地对世界万物和人类自身给予不完全相同的分割和处理。对比研究所得的相关结论在理论上对汉英“身物互喻”构词手段和生成方式体现出的共同特点和个性差异具有解释作用,在词汇习得、词汇教学、汉英互译实践、跨文化交际等语言实践方面具有指导作用,在汉英词典的编纂研究上具有一定的借鉴作用,这体现了本研究的价值所在。

【Abstract】 Concepts, which can only be expressed in the form of language, find their basic existence in vocabulary. While interacting with the outside world, human beings, based on their own body experience, inevitably borrow terms from their own body to describe the world; hence, a large number of words relating to body are formed. The formation of metaphorical lexicon with body-terms is just the case in point. With the improvement of human cognitive ability and language ability; with the extension of human contact with the outside world; the more knowledge human knows and understands about the world, the more concepts human needs. Thus human gradually interjects the outside world to themselves. Therefore, a lot of concepts and words formerly used to describe the outside world are transferred to name and refer to human body parts and organs in the language system. The formation of metaphorical lexicon with objects is quite natural and understandable.The characteristics of a language are always shown in the comparison or contrast with other languages. A contrastive or comparative study, aiming at the disclosure of similarities and differences of two languages, will benefit language teaching and cross-cultural communication. According to Halliday, two basic principles are to be followed in comparative study. The first one is from description of language to contrast or comparison while the second one is comparing or contrasting language structure not the whole language system. There is no theory which can include all and explain all and a theory can only contrast or compare specific items or structures. This dissertation, beginning from Chinese and English words, employs the method of literature retrieval and classification, comparative or contrastive study, description and explanation, combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis, on the basis of comprehensive reference of morphology, cognitive linguistics and comparative linguistics. Under the guidance of the methods, it makes a comparative study of mutual-metaphorical compounds, idioms and idiomatic expressions with body-terms or objects between Chinese and English. It falls into five chapters. The first chapter is An Introduction in which the concerned terms are defined, then literature review about the latest relevant research is made, and lastly the explanation is given about the background of this topic selection, the target of this research, theoretical foundation, research methods, and the source of research materials.The second chapter is A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Compounds Relating to Mutual-metaphor between Body-terms and Objects in which a definition of Chinese and English compounds is supplied first and after the clarification of their respective functions and positions in their own language system, compounds relating to mutual-metaphor between body-terms and objects in both languages are academically explained. The following research starts with the selection of five common human organs and parts (head, eye, mouth, hand and foot), with a collection of language materials from Chinese-English dictionaries. Based on the materials, an observation and description cover the formative patterns of Chinese and English metaphorical terms with body as vehicle. Then the paper observes and describes the metaphorical compounds from such aspects as animals, plants, dresses and other objects. Thus deductions and analysis to the similarities and differences are from the above observations and descriptions, also the reasons for which are presented. Lastly, a safe periodic conclusion comes out naturally.The third chapter, A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Idioms Relating to Mutual-metaphor between Body-terms and Objects, after clarifying the respective definition of idioms both in Chinese and English in reference to some authoritative dictionaries and scholars, points out the differences and similarities in scope and expression while the author’s own ideas are presented as well. Then the definition of idioms relating to mutual-metaphor between body-terms and objects is given. Specific human organs and parts are selected, namely, head, face, eye, hand and heart, and idioms with this five body-terms as vehicle are observed and described and also explained from recognition and culture aspects. Metaphorical idioms based on objects cover fours divisions.The first type is metaphorical idioms based on animals, in which ox, horse, rat, fish and bird are chosen to make a comparative analysis. Description and explanation on similarities and differences on the frequency and style of Chinese and English idioms with animal vehicle are made as well.The second type is metaphorical idioms based on plants. A contrastive study finds that due to different geographical location and life style, metaphorical idioms based on plants in English mainly use vegetables and fruits as vehicle while in Chinese flowers and wood are used.The third type is metaphorical idioms based on dresses. In ancient China, the dress system is very much complicated hence metaphorical idioms based on dresses are used more frequently than that in English and also greatly outnumbered. Metaphorical idioms based on dresses are similar in formation pattern both in Chinese and English, but differ in the types of vehicle. In English the idioms are more concerned with finished clothes whereas in Chinese different parts of the clothes are referred to, which may trace back to the different political system and historical background.The fourth type is metaphorical idioms based on the other objects. Objects from life and work also influence the formation of idioms because of geographical location, life style and religion. The differences lie in the selection of vehicles. Take food as example, in Chinese, wine, meat and rice are common while in English, beer, cheese and egg take the priority. In the end, all these get theoretical illustration.The fourth chapter, A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Idiomatic Expressions Relating to Mutual-metaphor between Body-terms and Objects, starts with the definition of the relevant terms, and points out that in Chinese, such idiomatic expressions always show up in three Chinese characters, with certain statistic data as evidence. While in English, there is no such evident mark, it is suggested that a stylistic consideration can be taken as one of the criteria in defining English idiomatic expressions. After defining the concept and scope of this chapter, it comes to the comparative analysis of Chinese and English idiomatic expressions with body-terms as vehicles in the three aspects of human facial parts, extremities and inner body organs. On the other hand, Chinese and English idiomatic expressions with objects as vehicles are analyzed from animals, plants and the other. From the analysis, a conclusion is safely made that the vehicles are restricted by national culture and connected with different life and working style in both nations which lead to some difficulties in understanding.The fifth chapter is naturally the concluding part. The mapping mode of mutual metaphorical lexicon is summarized which features in mutual interaction; on the one hand, mapping from human domain to non-human domain, on the other hand, from non-human domain to human domain.A deduction goes to the comparison or contrast to compounds, idioms and idiomatic expressions between Chinese and English. The conclusion is that in the formation of metaphorical lexicon based on human body, similarities outnumbered differences while vice versa in metaphorical lexicon based on objects. Metaphorical and metonymical thinking are common for all human beings, but different culture and language types reflect that language and culture are indispensable. In the meantime, Mutual Metaphorical lexicon reflects the interaction between human and the outside world and it is the result of recognition of the world and themselves in both Chinese and English cultures and differences come out naturally from their different metaphor pattern and filtering of their languages and cultures.The research helps to explain the similarities and differences resulting from the formation and manifestation of mutual metaphorical lexicon and it also guides vocabulary acquisition, vocabulary teaching, translation practice between Chinese and English or vice versa, cross-cultural communication etc. The value of the research goes to dictionary compilation as well.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】H136;H313
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1570
  • 攻读期成果