

Study on Suitability of Academic Power and Administrative Power in Graduate Education

【作者】 刘晓梅

【导师】 戴大双; 王德伦;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 进入新世纪,我国的高等教育,特别是研究生教育实现了快速的发展,在人才培养数量和质量方面都取得了突出的成就,高等学校作为研究生层次人才培养的重要载体,发挥了主导作用,但也出现诸多的体制性问题。论文针对研究生教育中的学术权力与行政权力适配性问题进行了深入的研究和探讨,对于创新研究生培养模式,提高研究生培养质量等方面进行研究有重要的理论和实践价值。研究基于研究生教育中涉及的学术权力和行政权力的配置现状,在对现有文献进行归纳整理的基础上,综合了国内外对于学术权力和行政权力的研究成果,借鉴了发达国家高等学校学术和行政权力关系模式的实际,针对我国研究生培养中出现的诸多问题,提出了通过实证研究实现理论验证的研究思路,分析了三个关键问题,即研究生培养中重点阶段和环节涉及的各项事务的梳理归纳、学术事务和行政事务识别量表的开发、研究生培养学术和行政权力适配模型的构建。研究对我国研究生培养中涉及的学术事务和行政事务进行识别,在剖析典型高校研究生培养的各个环节的基础上,特别考虑了博士和硕士研究生培养的特征,在招生入学阶段总结了动员招生、命题考核和注册入学三项重点环节,包括了17项具体工作;在学业培养阶段总结了培养方案、课程教学和教务管理三项重点环节,包括了21项具体工作;在日常管理阶段总结了奖助学金、综合管理和党团建设三项重点环节,包括了18项具体工作;在毕业答辩阶段总结了学位评定、答辩过程和毕业离校三项重点环节,包括了16项具体工作,比较全面的涵盖的研究生培养涉及的各项事务,并针对性的提出了研究假设。研究采用实证分析的方法,开发了研究生教育中的学术权力与行政权力识别与适配量表,在回收的186份有效问卷的基础上,经过理论构建、假设提出、数据收集和数据整理,对论文提出的假设进行实证检验,分别进行了描述性分析、信度效度分析和主成分分析,验证了问卷的有效性。研究建立了适应研究生教育中的学术权力与行政权力特征的结构方程模型,分别针对招生入学阶段、学业培养阶段、日常管理阶段和毕业答辩阶段绘制了模型路径图,采用AMOS7.0软件对模型有效性和假设识别进行了检验,进行了参数估计与违犯估计检验,模型估计和检验的结果证明了假设。研究提出了研究生教育中的涉及权力与部门的适配模型,以大连理工大学等研究型理工科为主的高等学校为研究对象,根据验证后的假设条件,针对高等学校中涉及到研究生培养的各个部门的职责范围,将每个培养阶段的重要环节涉及的重点工作与部门进行了适配,指出了研究生教育中学术权力和行政权力并存,学术权力通过行政权力得以确认和形式化,行政权力通过学术权力实现其人才培养的效能;阐明了研究生教育过程中学术事务由学术权力管理,行政权力执行并监督。行政事务由行政权力管理,学术权力监督并提供建议;要强化学术民主制度建设,确保学术权力落到实处。提出的适配模型可以为研究生培养模式的创新提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 Study on adaptation relationship between academic powers and administrative powers in graduate educationIn the new century, China’s higher education, especially the graduate education have realized fast development and made outstanding achievements in both quantity and quality in personnel training. As an important carrier, colleges and universities play a leading role in personnel training, but there are also many institutional problems. This study made further research on the adaptation relationship between academic powers and administrative power, which is of important theoretical and practical value to the innovation of graduate training mode and the quality of graduate student training.Based on the status of academic powers and administrative powers involved in graduate education, this paper analyzed existing literature and combined domestic and foreign research results. In view of the problems in graduate training, this paper referred to the power relation mode of developed countries and put forward the research idea of using empirical research to realize theory verification, then analyzed three key problems, namely the standardization of issues involved in key stages of graduate education, the development of academic and administrative powers recognition and adaptation scale, the built of academic and administrative affairs adaptation models.On the basis of analysis of typical graduate education phase, this study recognized academic and administrative affairs involved in graduate training and considered the characteristics of doctoral and postgraduate training especially. The enrollment phase includes17concrete work and three key links, they are mobilize recruit, proposition assessment and enrollment. The academic training phase includes21concrete work and three key links, they are training scheme, course teaching and educational administration management. The daily management phase includes18concrete work and three key links, they are scholarships, integrated management and party construction. The graduation reply phase includes16concrete work and three key links, they are degree evaluation, respondent processes and graduation. These phases covered the affairs involved in graduate training comprehensively, and put forward corresponding research hypothesis.Adopting the empirical analysis method, this paper developed the academic and administrative powers recognition and adaptation scale. On the basis of the186valid questionnaires recovered, this study constructed theory, put forward hypothesis, collected data, tested the hypothesis this paper put forward and carried out descriptive analysis, reliability and validity analysis and principal component analysis, then verified the effectiveness of the questionnaire. Also, this study established structural equation model and drawn the path model figure according to the four phases involved in graduate education. Then used AMOS7.0software to conduct parameters estimation and violate estimate inspection model, proved the effectiveness of hypothesis.Taking Dalian University of Technology and other science and engineering-based institutions of higher learning as research object, this study proposed adaptation model of power and department in graduate education. In view of the scope of responsibilities of various departments, this paper assigned different departments with important work related to each training stage, pointed out that academic power can be identified and formalized through administrative power, and administrative power can realize its goal of personnel training through academic power. The administrative power of superior administrative department may restrict academic power, so academic affairs and administrative affairs should be administered separately in the process of graduate education.The proposed adaptation model can provide a reference for the innovation of graduate training model.
