

Research on Innovation Generation Mechanism of Keystone Enterprises in Modern Service Sectors

【作者】 王军

【导师】 秦学志; 武春友;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 技术经济与管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,服务业、特别是现代服务业在我国国民经济发展中发挥了越来越重要的作用,经济的快速发展和全球化等因素迫使现代服务企业选择通过持续创新才能在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟、取得竞争优势。现代服务业骨干企业是行业创新的主力军,对推动行业的整体创新和发展具有重要意义。因此,研究现代服务业骨干企业创新生成的特点和规律具有重要意义。采用狭义的服务创新定义——服务创新即服务企业的创新,包括技术和管理等方面的创新;引入商业生态网络理论——描绘现代服务企业通过各种连接所形成的企业网络和骨干企业在网络中的位置。围绕现代服务业骨干企业创新生成机理这一主题,本论文主要开展了如下研究工作:(1)构建了商业生态网络中骨干企业的定量化判别指标体系及方程,并提出了一个包含企业家个体-组织-网络三层面的现代服务业骨干企业创新生成机理的解释框架。在分析骨干企业特点的基础上,引入网络中心性这一概念,开发了骨干企业的判别量表,在判别分析的基础上构建了相应的判别方程,实现了对骨干企业的定量化测量,避免了现有定性测量容易引发判别分歧的缺陷。进一步分析了现代服务业骨干企业创新生成的过程和特征,并据此提出了一个由企业家个体、组织和网络三层面构成的骨干企业创新生成机理的总体研究框架。(2)构建了企业家个体层面的现代服务业骨干企业创新生成机理的研究框架,并通过问卷调查和结构方程模型进行了实证检验。在回顾了已有企业家理论研究的两个学派——行为学派与特征学派的基础上,总结归纳了影响企业家行为和特征的关键架构要素;提出了企业家个体层面的知识、动机、外部刺激、创新性、先动性和风险承担精神等关键架构因素与创新生成的研究假设和框架;在问卷开发、预测试、发放和回收的基础上使用AMOS17.0对有效数据进行了全测量模型和修正测量模型的拟合分析。研究结果表明,企业家动机、外部刺激、创新性和先动性对推动现代服务业骨干企业技术和管理创新的生成具有促进作用,企业家的风险承担精神对推动骨干企业管理创新的生成具有促进作用。(3)对组织层面的现代服务业骨干企业创新生成的影响因素进行了探索性多案例研究,构建了组织层面的创新生成机理的研究框架,并通过问卷调查和结构方程模型进行了实证检验。鉴于已有研究有待进一步聚焦于某特定类型企业进行分层面系统化研究的现状,选择扎根理论(Grounded Theory)这一质性研究方法及其技术,在研究中首先使用大连天翼管理咨询有限公司、大连国际机场集团有限公司、东软股份大连分公司和大连理工大学科技园有限公司4家典型的现代服务业骨干企业创新生成的案例作为研究样本进行探索性多案例研究,运用开放式、主轴和选择性编码技术析出在组织层面上影响骨干企业创新生成的因素。探索性案例研究结果表明:外部环境不确定性和组织外部社会网络是骨干企业创新生成的驱动/协同力,组织创新氛围是创新生成的直接与间接承载力;据此构建了组织层面的骨干企业创新生成机理研究框架,并提出了相关的研究假设;使用问卷调查法和结构方程模型对研究假设进行了实证检验,实证研究结果表明:外部环境不确定性和组织外部社会网络对骨干企业技术创新的生成具有显著影响,外部环境不确定性、组织外部社会网络和组织创新氛围对管理创新的生成具有显著影响,组织创新氛围是组织外部环境不确定性、外部社会网络与技术创新生成之间关系的调节变量,同时也是组织外部环境不确定性与管理创新生成之间关系的调节变量。(4)使用探索性案例研究总结归纳了网络层面的现代服务业骨干企业创新生成机理的特点和规律,明晰了骨干企业在网络中推行创新方案的机理以及其他类型企业对骨干企业创新方案采纳的机理。选择具有典型代表性的大连国际机场集团有限公司提出的“东北腹地及环渤海地区相关机场航空市场战略联盟”案例作为样本进行探索性案例研究,总结提炼出了网络层面的骨干企业创新生成机理,包括:骨干企业具有的独特资源禀赋是其他类型企业所缺少的,其他企业通过共享这些资源能够有效促进其自身的发展,从而促使其他企业采纳创新方案;利基企业拥有创新所需的短期获利资源或是有助于提升其在网络中地位的资源,使得创新能够形成对其他企业的利益驱动;创新能够通过资源的共享或互补等形式促进不同企业间形成或加强协同关系;创新还需向各企业展现出良好的绩效前景,吸引这些企业采纳创新。最后,对现代服务业骨干企业创新的采纳与制造业的技术创新采纳进行了比较分析,提出现代服务企业创新的采纳区别于制造企业技术创新采纳在于:创新倡导者和采纳者生态位上的差异以及创新协同稳定性的不同。本论文的主要贡献在于:(1)根据现代服务业骨干企业创新的生成过程,构建了一个包含企业家个体-组织-网络三层面的理论框架,系统揭示了骨干企业创新生成的机理;(2)基于商业生态网络理论,对不同类型企业根据其在网络中的地位和力量进行区别化处理,分析了骨干企业和其他类型企业对创新推广与采纳的机理,在现有研究对各企业采取同一化处理的基础上实现了拓展;(3)根据商业生态网络中骨干企业的特点构建了骨干企业的定量化判别指标体系和判别方程,实现了对骨干企业的定量测量。

【Abstract】 Service industry, especially the modern service industry, plays a more and more important role in the development of service industries and national economy in recent years. However, modern service enterprises have to keep innovating to survive and gain competitive advantages in fierce market competition due to the rapid development of Chinese economy and the globalization. Noteworthily, among all modern service enterprises, keystone organizations are the main innovators who are the most important development engines for industrial innovations and development. In this context, studies on innovation generation features and disciplines of modern service keystone enterprises render special meanings.Therefore, this dissertation focuses on unveiling innovation generation mechanism of keystone enterprises in modern service industry eco-networks. The business ecology network theory was introduced to describe the network formed by linking different enterprises in modern service industries as well as roles of keystones in the network. The narrowly defined service innovation concept was applied through the dissertation to discuss innovation in service enterprises, including technological and management innovations and so on. The main researches are as followings:(1) Propose a quantitative discriminant index system and the corresponding discriminant equation as well as a three-level innovation generation mechanism explanatory framework including entrepreneur individual, organization and network. Firstly, based on the analysis of the features of keystone enterprises in business eco-networks, and by referring the concept of network centrality, design a quantitative discriminant scale of keystone enterprises. And then, build the corresponding discriminant equation by discriminant analysis to realize the quantitative measurement of the keystone enterprises avoiding the academic disagreement through qualitative measurement. Furthermore, introduce a three-level innovation generation mechanism explanatory framework by analysis of the keystone enterprises’ innovation generation processes and features.(2) Propose the research framework of modern service industry keystone enterprises generation mechanism in the level of entrepreneur individual, and then testify it by a questionnaire survey and structural equation model. Firstly, summarize the essential factors which influence the entrepreneur behaviors and characteristics by reviewing two main researches. Then, generate the research hypothesis and framework concerning with the selected influencing essential factors of entrepreneur’s knowledge, motivation, stimulus, innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking. Finally, facilitate the entire as well as the modificatory path model test by AMOS17.0based on the work of questionnaire design, pretest, distribution and collection. Test results show that entrepreneurs’motivation, stimulus, innovativeness and proactiveness have significant impact on technological and management innovation generation of keystone enterprises; and entrepreneurs’risk-taking effects on management innovation generation significantly.(3) Conduct multiple exploratory case studies to identify organization level determinants of innovation generation of keystone enterprises in modern service industry. Propose a research framework to discover the organization level innovation generation mechanism, which was testified by structural equation model using data obtained from a meticulously designed questionnaire survey. Firstly, select the grounded theory and its relevant qualitative and analytical research methods and technologies on the request of systematically investigating determinants of innovation generation in different stages of innovation on the organizational level. Then, analyze four innovation cases of Dalian Tianyi Consultant Corporation, Dalian International Airport Group Co. Ltd., Northeast Software Dalian Branch, and Science Park Company of Dalian University of Technology exploringly by using open, axial and selective coding technology to identify the determinants. The findings are:External environmental uncertainty and organizational social network are the driving and cooperating forces for keystone enterprises’innovation generation; Organizational circumstance for innovation is both the direct and indirect supporting force of innovation generation. Based on these findings, conduct an organizational level research framework of innovation generation mechanism and corresponding hypotheses to investigate the relationships among external environmental uncertainty, organizational social network, and organizational circumstance for innovation of keystone enterprises. Finally, apply a questionnaire survey and the structural equation model testing the hypotheses. Research shows:external environmental uncertainty and organizational social network are significant on technological innovation generation of keystone enterprises; external environmental uncertainty, organizational social network as well as organizational circumstance for innovation have significant influence on management innovation generation; Meanwhile, organizational circumstance for innovation is the mediator between environmental uncertainty and organizational social network and technological innovation generation, and it is also the mediator between environmental uncertainty and management innovation generation.(4) Summarize the features and disciplines of keystone enterprises’innovation generation mechanism on the network level based on an exploratory case study. And unveil the roles played by different type enterprises in modern service business econetworks in innovation promotion and adoption. Select the exploratory case "Aviation Market Strategy Alliance of Relevance Airports in Northeast Hinterland and the Bohai Rim" advocated by Dalian International Airport Group Co. Ltd. to generalize the corresponding laws on the network level. Findings are:Unique resources which could also improve other enterprises’ development are necessary for keystone enterprises to attract others to adopt their innovation proposals; Niche enterprises’corresponding resources facilitate them to gain profit from innovations in short-term or to upgrade their eco-positions; Service innovation which is through resources sharing or complementing could promote different type enterprises to form or enhance the cooperative relationship; And keystones’innovation proposal should also reveal profit prospects to other enterprises. At last, compare the innovation adoption in modern service business econetworks with technological innovation adoption. Results suggest that eco-positions of innovation advocators and adopters in these two econetworks are different, and innovation cooperation stability of modern service industry econetworks is higher than that of technological alliances.This dissertation’s main contributions are:First, propose a three level framework, which is consist of entrepreneur, organization and network level, to explain innovation generation mechanism of keystone enterprises in modern service industry econetworks according to innovation generation process and features; Second, analyze the roles played by different type enterprises respectively by differentiate the enterprises according to their positions and influence in the econetworks based on the business econetwork theory. That improves the exist researches which treat different enterprises in same way; Last, conduct a quantitative discriminant equation, which could be used to measure organizational positions quantitatively.
