

Research on the Optimizing Adjustment of Locomotive Affair Productivity Layout

【作者】 李成兵

【导师】 何华武; 彭其渊;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 机务生产力布局是整个铁路运输生产力布局的重要组成部分,它着重研究在铁路运输布局理论的指导下,机车、机车维修设备、机务段、机车折返段、人力资源等在空间的分布及其发展变化规律。科学合理布局机务生产力关系到机车运用效率的提高,关系到铁路资源优化配置,关系到铁路运输经济效益和社会效益的最大化。近年来,铁路面临运输市场竞争激烈的严峻形势,铁路必须抓住机遇深化改革。铁路改革虽取得重要进展,但任务仍然很艰巨。这就要求作为铁路运输的“火车头”的机务系统也应该肩负起铁路改革与发展的历史责任。我国机务生产力布局是在计划经济和铁路装备技术水平落后的条件下形成的,不合理现象较为突出。为实现机务系统跨越式发展,机务生产力布局经过几次调整,取得了一些成就,但离铁路跨越式发展要求还存在较大的差距,仍然严重制约着铁路先进生产力的发展。本论文在我国机务生产力布局现状、存在的问题和未来发展方向的基础上,提出机务生产力布局优化调整策略,使机务生产力布局更加科学合理。本论文主要研究内容如下:1.机务生产力布局概论。论述在我国机务生产力布局发展历程的基础之上,对该理论做整体介绍,具体包括以下内容:机务生产力布局的内涵、依据、研究思路、目标及原则。2.机务生产力布局优化调整的思路和基本原则。在分析机务生产力布局影响因素的基础之上,并结合我国机务生产力布局现状、存在的问题和未来发展方向,着重研究机务生产力布局优化调整的总体目标、指导思想、调整思路和基本原则,为机务生产力布局优化调整提供支持条件。3.机车交路布局优化调整。机车交路改革是机务生产力布局优化调整的突破口。如果没有长交路、轮乘制来支撑,机务生产力布局优化调整毫无意义。首先,根据一定原则生成机车交路改革方案备选集,得到最有可能实现机车长交路方案优化的解空间。其次,建立基于粗糙集的可拓多目标决策模型,对备选集进行优化比选,得到最优机车交路布局调整方案。这项研究不仅为机务生产力布局优化调整打开突破口,还填补了机车长交路实施的理论体系与框架空白。长交路普遍实行以后,乘务员出乘方式也应作出调整,在乘务员出乘方式调整过程中应遵守避免乘务员超劳的原则。基于此,论文以熵和相对熵理论建立了衡量机车乘务员是否超劳的准则。4.机务段整合优化策略。机车交路延长之后,应重新定位机务段功能,撤并一些机务段、机务分段和机车折返段,把重点机务段做大做强,提升机务段技术装备整体水平,实现机务段现代化建设的崭新局面。利用集成、协同思想将机务段布局优化调整问题转化为一个多主体多目标群决策问题,利用熵原理、相对熵集结原理、聚类分析原理和动态多值背景原理,构建了机务段布局多主体多目标的二级决策模型。同时,论文提出机务段调整原则,采用上述机务段布局优化调整方法使全路机务段总数缩减至最优数量。在此基础之上,并进行了机务段内部整合对策分析。5.机车检修布局优化调整。机车检修布局优化调整是机务段内部整合的重点内容之一,是机务段布局优化调整产生经济效益和社会效益的关键问题所在。改变机务段设置后,应对机车检修资源进行优化整合,建立现代化机车检修基地。本论文将问题转化为一个选址的双层规划问题,建立机车检修布局优化调整模型,并利用迭代思想,设计双层迭代优化算法求解该双层规划模型。6.机务生产力布局优化调整效果评价。首先,针对机务生产力布局调整现状后评价特点,构建机务生产力布局调整效果评价指标体系。其次,应用动态多值背景原理进行动态指标静态化处理,并引入熵权法赋予评价指标权重。最后,应用可拓理论,通过物元变换建立机务生产力布局调整效果的物元可拓评价模型。通过对调整效果进行评价得到的反馈信息,可以不断改进调整策略,有利于进一步科学规划调整机务生产力布局。上述研究不仅对我国铁路机务生产力布局优化调整具有实际意义,同时对我国进一步挖掘铁路运输生产力也具有参考价值。

【Abstract】 The locomotive affair productivity distribution is an important part of the whole railway productivity distribution, which focused on space distribution and development law of locomotives、 locomotive maintain equipment、locomotive depots、locomotive return depots and human resources under instruction of railway layout theory. A reasonable locomotive affair productivity distribution can enhance the efficiency of the locomotives, realize the optimization of the limited railway resource and optimize the railway economic and social benefits.For the past few years, railway transportation faces intense market competition, which as well the opportunity for railway to deepen reform.Although railway reform has already made important progress, the task is still arduous.This requires locomotive system as the " engine " of railway transportation to shoulder history responsibility for railway reform and development.In the planned economy, Chinese locomotive affair distribution is formed with railway lower economic and technological conditions. There were great unreasonable situations in the locomotive affair productivity distribution.In order to achieve railway leaping development, although some progresses have been made in the several times of adjustment to the locomotive affair productivity distribution, there is still a large gap to the development requirements, which restricted the development of railway advanced productive forces.Based on the present situation and main problems as well as development direction of Chinese locomotive affair productivity distribution, the paper proposed the optimal adjustment strategy of locomotive affair productivity distribution to make the locomotive affair productivity distribution more reasonable.The main contents in the paper include:1. The locomotive affair productivity distribution generality.On the basis of development history of locomotive affair productivity distribution in our country, overall introduction of theory includes the following content:connotation, foundation, research ideas, goals and principles of locomotive affair productivity distribution.2. The optimal adjustment ideas and principle of locomotive affair productivity distribution.Based on the analysis about affecting factors of locomotive affair productivity distribution, and combined with present situation and main problems as well as development direction of Chinese locomotive affair productivity distribution, this paper focused on overall goals, guiding ideology, adjustment idea and principle of the locomotive affair productivity distribution in order to generate support conditions.3. The adjustment of locomotive circulation optimization. Reform of locomotive circulation optimization is a very important issue in the adjustment of locomotive affair productivity distribution optimization.Adjustment of locomotive affair productivity distribution is meaningless without long circulation and crew pooling system.First of all, generate the most possible locomotive long circulation optimization in the solution space as "alternative set" according to certain principles. Secondly, an optimization adjustment strategy is proposed and a rough set-based extension multi-objective decision making model is established based on the "alternative set" to get the best plan.The study not only is a breakthrough for adjustment of locomotive affair productivity distribution, but also fills the blank in the implementation of the locomotive long circulation theory system and framework.Along with the long circulation application, adjustments should also be made for working plan of the train attendants under the limits of working hours.Based on this, this papers sets up working hours limit standards through the entropy and relative entropy theory.4. The locomotive depot distribution optimization integration strategy. Function of locomotive depots should be redefined after the long circulation application, such as removal and merger locomotive depots and turn-back depots, improve technical equipment level of key locomotive depots to realize brand-new situation of locomotive depot modernization.Instructed by integration and coordination, the locomotive distribution optimization is regarded as an integrated system, applying coordination decision-making with the integration management theory, by using entropy theory, relative entropy principle and dynamic multi-value assembly theory, a multi-agent multi-objective two stages decision-making model to locomotive depot distribution problem is built. Meanwhile, this paper puts forward locomotive depot adjustment principle to minimize the total number of locomotives.Integration in locomotive depot is also analyzed on the formal basis.5. The optimal adjustment of the locomotive maintenance distribution.Optimization adjustment of the locomotive maintenance distribution is an important part of integration in locomotive depot as well as key issue to promote economic benefits and social benefits. Adjustment of the locomotive maintenance distribution should be made after the Locomotive depot distribution optimization to establish a modernized locomotive maintenance base. This paper take this problem as a bi-level programming of location problems, establish locomotive maintenance distribution optimization model and design double iterative optimization algorithm to solve the bi-level programming model.6. The evaluation of optimal adjustment locomotive affair productivity distribution. First of all, base on the feature of locomotive affair productivity distribution adjustment post-assessment, an evaluation system on the locomotive affair productivity distribution adjustment is built.Secondly, the application of the dynamic multiple value background principle to dynamic index and the entropy method is proposed to evaluate indexes weights. Finally, by application of the extension theory, a matter-element extension evaluation model for effect of locomotive affair productivity distribution adjustment is established by using the matter-element transformation.Through the readjustment of the evaluate the effects of information, feedback continuously be gotten to improve the adjustment strategy to further scientific adjustment planning of locomotive affair productivity distribution.The study does not only have practical significance to the locomotive affair productivity distribution optimization adjustment, but also make a reference to further exploit railway transportation capability in China.
