

Research on the Planning and Optimization of the Long-term Railway Network

【作者】 周荣征

【导师】 严余松;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 物流工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 铁路是国家重要的基础设施、国民经济大动脉和大众化的交通工具,其发展事关国民经济全局。铁路网的布局规划是铁路建设的重要前期基础工作,其科学性和合理性关系到铁路交通的持续和健康发展。特别是中长期的铁路网规划,由于其规划层次高、期限长,因此其布局规划的结果是未来铁路运输发展的战略蓝图,在很大程度上将决定国家未来很长一段时间内铁路网的建设方向和建设规模,对确保铁路系统功能的实现具有相当重要的意义。本论文通过回顾发达国家铁路发展历史与其经济发展的脉络关系,总结出铁路发展在一定历史时期对一国经济的飞速发展起到巨大的助推作用。我国的铁路建设仍任重道远,铁路网络的布局与规划也随着环境、资源、人文等各方面协调发展的迫切要求而显得尤为必要。鉴于此,本文在吸取前人研究成果的基础上,结合我国铁路发展的实际情况,对铁路网节点规划、网络设计方法以及铁路线网优化设计模型与算法等方面进行了较为系统的研究,并提出了较为完整的铁路网规划布局框架体系和理论方法。主要内容概括如下:1.通过对大量文献的阅读总结,分析了国内外有关交通网络设计以及铁路网布局优化方面的研究现状,指出了现有研究的不足之处,并提出了本文的研究思路。2.通过对交通网络与运输需求的相互作用机制以及运输网络形成与演变的研究,同时结合我国资源分布及区域经济发展实际,分析了我国未来运输需求的总量特征和空间特征;通过研究运输网络构成,分析了铁路网络特征对中长期铁路网规划的要求和影响,为构建中长期铁路网规划布局的合理模式打下基础。3.论文明确了铁路运输在我国经济发展中的重要作用,并对我国铁路网发展现状以及存在不足进行了分析和总结;通过对交通线网规模发展影响因素的分析和研究,在对常用线网规模测算方法进行分析和总结的基础上,以国外发达国家铁路线网发展规模指标为参考,对我国分区域的铁路线网发展合理规模进行了测算。规模总量的需求分析是铁路网规划布局的主要环节,有助于对铁路网建设有一个宏观的把握。4.从社会经济大系统的角度出发,结合我国资源分布及区域经济发展实际,明确了中长期铁路网规划布局目标,确定了铁路网规划及其布局优化的原则和主要任务,并提出较为理想的铁路网分层布局模式,分别构建了干线网络、基本网络以及系统网络的设计方法和模型。本文构建的中长期铁路网分层布局方法统筹考虑了不同层次路网之间的相互联系和影响,能够有效实现对结构复杂铁路网络的物理形态和几何结构的规划,在一定程度上能很好取代以往以定性分析为主而忽视网络效应的铁路线网规划方法,因此具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。5.以满足规划期内运输需求条件下线网总的铁路建设和运营成本最小为目标,分别以资金、规模、能力等条件为相关约束,构建了同时涵盖铁路网建设投资决策及网络配流问题于一体的优化模型,并进一步给出模型的求解算法,形成整体效率最高的铁路网布局框架。算例研究的结果表明该模型和算法是有效的,具有较好的实际应用价值。最后,对论文的研究工作进行总结与归纳,并指出了未来进一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Railway is the national critical infrastructure, the national economy and popular means of transport artery, and its development is related to national economy. The layout and planning is an important foundation for early railway construction work, scientific and reasonable planning is related to the continued and healthy development of rail traffic. Especially the long-term railway network planning, is the blueprint for railway development in future because of its high level and long term.The paper reviews the relationship between the railway history and economy development in the developed countries, the viewpoint is summed up in one sentence that railway has played a vital role in the rapid development of a country’s economy in a certain period. China’s railway construction is still long way to go, so the layout and planning of railway network is particularly necessary because of the urgent requirements of the coordinated development of the environment, resources, culture and other aspects. In view of this, the paper has systematic studies in the fields of node planning, network design methods, network optimization model and algorithm, and gives us a complete framework and theoretical methods in railway network planning. All the study based on the previous research results and combined with the actual situation of China’s railway development. The main contents include:1. By reading and summary a lot of literature, the paper analyzes the domestic and foreign research in the design of transportation network and the layout and optimization of the railway network, points out the inadequacies of existing studies, and proposes the research ideas of this study.2. Through a study of the interaction between transport and demand as well as the formation and evolution of transport network, the paper analyzes the characteristics of total amount and spatial layout of China’s future transport demand. Certainly, the analysis is combined with China’s regional economic development and resource distribution. At the same time, the paper studies the composition of transport network, analyzes the characteristics of railway network which would implicate the planning of long-term railway network, all this works lay a good foundation for constructing the reasonable mode of long-term railway network planning.3. The paper gives out an explicit point that rail transport is very important in our economic development, and the status and shortcomings in our railway network development are analyzed and summarized. And then, the paper analyzes and studies the factors of the development of transit network scale, summarizes the calculation method used, and then, calculates the reasonable scale of our sub-regional railway network by referencing the scale of foreign developed railway networks. The demand analysis of total scale is an important part in the planning and layout of railway network, it is helpful to attain a macroscopic view in the building of a railway network.4. According to the view of socio-economic and resources distribution and regional development, the paper pinpoints the target and optimization principles and main tasks in the Long-term railway network planning. And then, the paper proposes hierarchical layout mode of rail network, proposes construction methods and models of trunk network, underlying network and system network respectively. The hierarchical layout method of long-term rail network constructed in this paper is in the overall consideration between connections and influence of different layers in the network, it would make the physical form and geometry structure of a more complex structure railway network effectively achieved, to some extent, it could replace the previous qualitative analysis method which ignores the network effect, so it has some theoretical and practical significance.5. The optimization model of the layout of the railway network constructed in this paper is cover both investment decisions and network flow problems, it has the objective of minimizing cost and the constraints of funds, scale, capacity and other relevant conditions. And then, the paper gives an algorithm which could produce the most efficient layout of the railway network. The example of the study show that the model and the algorithm constructed in the paper are efficient, It is proved that the optimization model of the layout of the railway network constructed in this paper has a very good practical value.Finally, the paper summarizes the research and induction, and that the direction of future research.
