

Research on the Rrlationship of Knowledge Conflict、Communication and Knowledge Transfer Performance Between Parent Company and Subsidiaries of Mncs

【作者】 易加斌

【导师】 范莉莉;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在经济全球化的知识经济时代,跨国公司通过知识在母子公司之间、子子公司之间、母子公司与所在环境之间的互动转移,形成了基于内部转移和外部转移的网络化知识转移机制,并在此基础上通过有效的知识整合、共享、创新和应用,形成跨国公司在全球市场的竞争优势。其中,跨国公司母子公司间的知识转移作为跨国公司知识转移网络节点中的核心环节,对实现跨国公司知识的整体共享、创新,具有至关重要的枢纽作用。然而,现有研究主要集中于对跨国公司母子公司间知识转移的各种影响因素与知识转移绩效关系的研究,但这些影响因素究竟是通过什么样的机制、路径来对知识转移绩效产生影响,目前的研究还较少涉及,这也制约了跨国公司母子公司知识转移的顺利开展。因此本研究选择这一课题,无论是在理论上探究跨国公司母子公司知识转移过程中沟通如何通过影响知识冲突进而影响知识转移绩效的作用机制,从而打开了跨国公司母子公司的“知识转移绩效黑箱”,还是在实践上为跨国公司母子公司通过选择正确的沟通方式来增加对知识转移绩效具有积极作用的知识冲突,减少对知识转移绩效具有消极作用的知识冲突,进而提升知识转移绩效和跨国公司的整体竞争力,都具有一定的意义和价值。本研究从研究跨国公司母子公司知识转移过程机理的角度出发,在跨国公司母子公司知识转移的框架下,重点探讨跨国公司母子公司知识转移中不同的沟通方式是如何通过影响知识冲突进而影响知识转移绩效的路径机制,主要研究内容和成果如下:通过对国内外学者相关研究成果的分析,结合相关的理论基础,本研究发现跨国公司母子公司知识转移中的沟通方式可以划分为合作性沟通和竞争性沟通两个维度,知识冲突分为结构型知识冲突、存量型知识冲突和关系型知识冲突三个维度、知识转移绩效分为知识转移个体绩效、知识转移团队绩效和知识转移组织绩效三个维度。跨国公司母子公司的知识转移首先是一个知识转移双方的沟通过程,但不同的沟通方式与程度会作用于不同类型的知识冲突,而不同的知识冲突程度又会影响跨国公司知识转移的绩效水平,由此形成跨国公司母子公司知识转移中沟通通过影响知识冲突进而影响知识转移绩效的变量间逻辑关系和本研究的“沟通——知识冲突——知识转移绩效”整体概念模型。为了研究的方便,上述整体模型被分为四个子概念模型分别进行研究,即知识冲突与知识转移绩效关系概念模型、沟通与知识冲突关系概念模型、知识冲突对沟通与知识转移绩效的中介效应概念模型、知识转移绩效各维度之间相互关系概念模型。本研究运用实验研究方法来对概念模型中变量间的关系进行验证。实验设计与流程主要包括两个主要阶段,即:第一阶段:在无沟通条件下的跨国公司母子公司知识冲突与知识转移绩效关系实验,共计4组,每个实验组由16个知识转移团队构成,共计64个知识转移团队128人次参与。第二阶段:在有沟通条件下的沟通通过知识冲突对知识转移绩效影响的实验,共计6组,每个实验组由8个知识转移团队构成,共计48个知识转移团队96人次参与。实验被试的来源上,扮演母公司成员的被试,是在“中德科学基金研究交流中心资助项目——中德跨文化决策冲突与沟通化解的实验方法及应用讲习班”的赞助和支持下,来自德国拜罗伊特大学(Uni Bayreuth)大学的博士研究生、硕士研究生和本科生以及部分留学生,其配对的中方被试则是来自于西南交通大学、四川外国语学院两所高校的博士研究生、硕士研究生和本科生。实验采用情景模拟实验,扮演母公司成员A和扮演子公司成员B根据所提供的背景材料,组成一个知识转移小组,按照实验分组和实验操控的要求共同完成两个阶段的知识转移任务。在实验操控上,主要是对自变量(包括知识冲突和沟通)的操控和对无关变量(实验被试跨文化背景)干扰效应排除的操控。基于实验结果,本研究采用SPSS11.5软件工具以及相关统计方法对所有研究假设进行了验证。采用配对样本非参数检验的Wilcoxon符号秩检验对无关变量(实验被试跨文化背景)控制结果进行了检验;采用相关分析与回归分析验证了知识冲突与知识转移绩效的关系、沟通与知识冲突的关系、知识转移绩效各维度间的相互关系;采用两配对样本T检验和依次回归分析法对知识冲突在沟通与知识转移绩效间的中介效应进行了检验;最后运用方差分析的多重比较检验和独立样本T检验进一步地对实验的组间数据进行了比较分析。实验检验结果表明:结构型知识冲突和存量型知识冲突属于良性知识冲突,对跨国公司母子公司知识转移绩效具有积极的促进作用,关系型知识冲突属于恶性知识冲突,对跨国公司母子公司知识转移绩效水平具有消极的负面效应;合作性沟通有助于激发更多的良性知识冲突,竞争性沟通则进一步地提升了恶性知识冲突的强度;知识冲突对沟通与知识转移绩效的关系具有中介作用,呈现出沟通通过影响知识冲突进而影响知识转移绩效的路径机制;知识转移个体绩效、团队绩效、组织绩效具有层层递进的绩效演进机制,体现了知识转移、应用、创新与价值创造的过程和知识转移绩效形成过程的有机统一论文的研究成果,无论是对促进国外跨国公司母公司向中国的子公司成功转移其知识,还是对促进中国的跨国企业向海外的子公司转移知识或者从海外子公司吸收知识,都提供了一定的理论依据和实践指导。

【Abstract】 In the knowledge economy era of economic globalization, multinational companies build the competitive advantage in the global market through knowledge transfer between the parent companies and sub-subsidiaries of MNCS, sub-subsidiaries, parent companies and the environment, which formate a knowledge transfer network mechanisms based on internal knowledge transfer and external transfer. The knowledge transfer between parent company and subsidiary companies of MNCS, as core node of multinational companies’ knowledge transfer, has important role to achieve the overall knowledge sharing, innovation for MNCS. However, existing research has focused on the relationship between the various factors affecting the performance and knowledge transfer performance, but lack of the path of knowledge transfer between parent company and subsidiary companies of MNCS. Therefore, this study has an important significance and value both to explore process of knowledge transfer between parent company and subsidiary companies of MNCS in theory and enhance the knowledge transfer performance by selecting the correct communication method to increase positive knowledge conflict or reduce negative knowledge conflict between parent company and subsidiary companies of MNCS.In our research, we are focusd on communication method how to affecte knowledge transfer performance thorugh the knowledge conflict between parent company and subsidiary companies of MNCS, based on the path mechanism. Our main contents and results incldue follows:In our research, the communication was divided two dimensions of cooperative communication and competitive communication. The knowledge conflict was divided three dimensions of structural knowledge conflict, stock-based knowledge conflict and relational knowledge conflict. The knowledge transfer performance was divided three dimensions of individual performance, team performance and organizational performance. On the one hand, the knowledge transfer is the process of communication between parent company and subsidiary companies of MNCS. On the other hand, different communication methods have different influence on different types of knowledge conflict, which has influence on knowledge transfer performance. Bsed on above results, we build the conceptual model of "communication-knowledge conflict-knowledge transfer performance ".In order to facilitate the study, the overall conceptual model was divided four sub-models, including the conceptual model of the relationship between knowledge conflict and knowledge transfer performance, the conceptual model of the relationship between communication and knowledge conflict, the conceptual model of the relationship between communication and knowledge transfer performance in the course of mediating knowledge conflict, the conceptual model of the relationship among on three dimensions of individual performance, team performance and organizational performance.In our research, we verify the relationship among the variables of the conceptual model with experimental research methods. The experimental design and procedure included two main stages. The first experimental stage was to research the relationship between knowledge conflict and knowledge transfer performance in the condition of absence of communication between parent company and subsidiary companies of MNCS, which include four experiment teams. The second experimental stage was to research the path mechanism of communication affecting knowledge transfer performance through the knowledge conflict knowledge, which includes6experiment teams a total of48people participated in96teams.The experimenta members, who play the parent company’s members, come from the University of Bayreuth, Germany (Uni Bayreuth) University, including doctoral student, graduate and undergraduate students and some students. The experimenta members, who play the subsidiary companies’ members, come from the University of Southwest Jiaotong University, Sichuan International Studies University, including doctoral student, graduate and undergraduate students and some students.Our experiment was belonging to scenario simulation experiment. In the course of experiment, A and B formed a knowledge transfer team according to provided background material, who complete the task of knowledge transfer according to required experimental manipulation. In the course of experiment, we also controlled the variable (including knowledge of the conflict and communication) of the control and the independent variables (experimental member’s cross-cultural background) to exclude interference effects manipulation.Based on the experimental results, we used SPSS11.5software and statistical methods to test all research hypotheses.We used paired-samples non-parametric test of Wilcoxon to test the the control results of independent variables (experimental member’s cross-cultural background). We used correlation analysis and regression analysis to test the relationship between knowledge conflict and knowledge transfer performance, the relationship between communication and knowledge conflict, and the relationship among on three dimensions of individual performance, team performance and organizational performance.Experimental test results show that:the structural knowledge conflict and the stock-base knowledge conflict is healthy conflict, which have positive role in promoting the knowledge performance, and relational knowledge conflict is vicious conflict, which have negative effect on the knowledge performance between parent company and subsidiary companies of MNCS.Knowledge transfer individual performance, knowledge transfer team performance and knowledge transfer organizational performance have progressive evolution mechanism, reflecting the formation process of the organic unity of the knowledge transfer, application, innovation and value creation process and knowledge transfer performance of the formation process of the organic unity. The research of this paper, have provided theoretical basis and practical guidance both for the promotion of foreign multinational parent company transferred its knowledge to subsidiary of China successfully, and the promotion of China’s multinational companies transferred its knowledge to overseas subsidiaries or affiliates to absorb knowledge from abroad.
