

Studies on N Uptake and Distribution Characteristics and Physiological Mechanism for High Efficient Utilization in Potato

【作者】 焦峰

【导师】 翟瑞常;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江八一农垦大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 氮是作物生长所必需的营养元素之一,氮素养分的吸收、同化与转运直接或间接地影响作物的生长发育和产量形成。本文通过田间小区试验、微区试验和室内分析相结合的方法,探讨氮营养条件对马铃薯块茎发育过程、产量和品质形成影响的机理及植株不同形态氮素的动态变化规律,揭示不同生育期马铃薯各器官氮素含量与产量的关系;并在田间条件下,利用同位素15N示踪技术,定量地描述了马铃薯15N积累、吸收比例,15N在植株中的分配以及氮肥利用率、马铃薯田间氮素分布等,结果表明:1、施氮在马铃薯不同生育时期均增加了单位面积的干物质积累量,播种后105d,施氮处理全株干物质积累量为8725.8~11707.1kg·hm-2,比不施氮处理增加46.72%~96.85%,随着施氮量的增加,全株干物质的积累量也逐渐增加;马铃薯收获时,各施氮处理块茎干物质积累量比不施氮处理增加42.8%~91.6%,且施氮120kg·hm-2处理最高。2、在磷钾肥的基础上施用氮肥增加了马铃薯的产量,增产幅度为22.3%~61.5%;施氮120kg·hm-2处理产量增加幅度最大,且产量极显著地高于施氮60kg·hm-2和不施氮处理。施氮显著增加了马铃薯中薯所占的比例,各施氮处理的大薯重随着施氮量的增大而极显著的增加,施氮120kg·hm-2处理大薯重比其他处理分别增加4876.8~1265.0kg·hm-2。3、播种后63d~91d,不同处理的块茎粗蛋白质含量随施氮水平的增加而增加,之后施氮120kg·hm-2处理下降较快;在整个马铃薯块茎发育过程中,块茎维生素C的含量随着马铃薯生育期的推进先增加后降低,过高的氮肥用量使马铃薯块茎发育后期的维生素C含量显著降低;施氮120kg·hm-2处理的块茎还原糖含量在整个块茎发育期内均最高,块茎可溶性糖含量随着生育期的推进逐渐下降,过量的氮肥不利于可溶性糖向淀粉的转化;马铃薯收获时,各处理马铃薯块茎总淀粉含量分别为61.92~66.91g·100g-1.DW,过高的氮肥水平并不利于马铃薯生长后期块茎中淀粉的积累以及直链淀粉的相对含量的提高;整个块茎发育期内,马铃薯块茎酚类物质含量先降低后再升高,施氮可以明显的促进酚类物质的代谢转化,降低块茎发育后期的酚类物质含量,促进品质的提高。4、施氮促进了叶片AN含量的增加,块茎AN含量在整个块茎发育时期也表现为施氮处理高于不施氮处里。马铃薯茎秆中SN含量随着氮肥水平的增加而增加。SN合成决定着氮素的流动方向,是促进马铃薯植株各器官间N素流动的主要因素,是块茎从营养器官高效“吸收”氮素的能力来源。5、马铃薯各生育期的茎秆氮含量与产量均有极显著的回归关系,茎秆的氮营养水平是影响马铃薯产量非常重要的营养因子,茎秆维持较高的N素含量,成为马铃薯获得高产的关键;块茎形成期马铃薯叶片中氮含量对产量有重要的影响,但没有茎秆氮含量对产量的影响大;淀粉积累期根系氮含量与产量之间也存在极显著的回归关系,但也没有茎秆中氮含量的影响大。6、在整个生育期内,马铃薯植株地上部吸收肥料氮占总氮的17.48%~29.31%,块茎吸收肥料氮占总氮的17.25%~20.57%,根吸收肥料氮占总氮的19.72%~24.82%,整株吸收肥料氮占总氮的17.41%~28.98%,马铃薯吸收的氮主要来自土壤;马铃薯地上部来自肥料氮的积累量为0.174~0.327g·plant-1,块茎为0.022~0.357g·plant-1,根为0.011~0.022g·plant-1,整株为0.185~0.578g·plant-1;马铃薯整株肥料15N利用率为10.28%~32.11%。供试土壤AN值在马铃薯生长发育过程中变化范围为18.97~36.73kg·hm-2,马铃薯播种后49d~77d,土壤AN值降低12.93kg·hm-2,下降了35.22%;播种后77d~91d又逐渐提高,增加3.84kg·hm-2,提高了16.13%。7、马铃薯整个生育期内,整株有机肥氮肥利用率为2.16%~31.62%,化肥氮肥利用率为8.85%~19.42%。有机肥和化肥配合施用时,化肥是马铃薯生育前期的重要氮源,而有机肥在马铃薯生长发育后期作用较大。

【Abstract】 Nitrogen is one of the essential nutrient for plant growth. Nitrogen uptake, assimilation and translocationhave important influence on growth and development and yield formation directly or indirectly. In this paper,the method of field plot, micro-plot experiment and laboratory analysis are applied to study the influencemechanism of nitrogen nutrition conditions on potato tuber development, formation of yield and quality, andthe dynamic change regularity of different plant nitrogen forms, and to reveal relationship between N-contentin potato plants in whole growth period and yield; At the same time to study15N accumulation, uptakepercentage, distribution, nitrogen use efficiency in potato and nitrogen distribution in soil using15N tracingtechnique. The main results obtained from this experiment are as follows:1、The dry matter accumulation was increased in different Potato growth periods through nitrogenfertilizer application. The plant dry matter accumulation of nitrogen treatments was8725.8~11707.1kg·hm-2at105days after sowing, and was increased from50.37%to71.38%compared with N0. With the increase ofnitrogen amount, the whole plant dry matter accumulation also increased gradually. Compared with N0, potatotuber dry matter accumulation was increased from42.80%to91.59%by nitrogen treatments at harvest, andnitrogen120kg·hm-2treatment was highest.2、Nitrogen fertilizer application increased the yield of potato on the basis of phosphorus and potassiumfertilizer, and yield was increased from22.30%to61.48%. Nitrogen120kg·hm-2treatment has the largestincrease in yield, and the yield was significantly higher than0and60kg·hm-2treatments. Nitrogen fertilizerapplication increased significantly the proportion of potato middle tuber. With the increase of nitrogen amount,the large tuber weigh also increased gradually. Compared with other treatments, the large tuber weigh wasincreased from4876.8kg·hm-2to1265.0kg·hm-2by nitrogen120kg·hm-2treatment.3、With the increase of nitrogen amount, protein content of tuber also increased gradually from63to91days after sowing, and nitrogen120kg·hm-2treatment decreased rapidly after that. The vitamin C content ofpotato tubers with growth progress increased first and then decreased. When excessive nitrogen fertilizer atpotato tuber development later stage, vitamin C content of tuber decreased. The tuber educing sugar content ofnitrogen120kg·hm-2treatment in the tuber growth period was the highest, and the soluble sugar contentdecreased gradually. Excessive nitrogenous fertilizer was not conducive to the transformation of soluble sugarto starch. The potato tuber starch content respectively was61.92~66.91g·100g-1.DW at harvest. Excessivenitrogenous fertilizer was not conducive to the tuber starch accumulation and the amylose relative contentincrease at potato growth later stage. The tuber phenols content decreased first and then increased in potatotuber development period. Nitrogen application could obviously promote the Phenolics Metabolism andtransformation, decreased the tuber phenols content at potato tuber development later stage and improved thequality of tuber.4、Nitrogen application increased AN content of leaf. Tuber AN content of nitrogen treatment in the tuberdevelopment period was higher than one of N0. With the increase of nitrogen amount, SN content of stem alsoincreased gradually. Synthesis of SN determined the direction of the flow of nitrogen, was the main factors thatpromote nitrogen flow between potato organs, and was the “power source” through which potato tuber absorbed nitrogen efficiently.5、There is a very significant regression relationship between stem nitrogen content at each potato growthstage and yield, and stem nitrogen nutrition levels were important nutritional factors that could influencepotato yield. It was very important for potato to get higher yield that stem maintained higher nitrogen content.The leaf nitrogen content had important effects on yield at tuber formation stage; however one of stem wasmore apparent. There is a very significant regression relationship between root nitrogen content at starchaccumulation stage and yield, but one of stem was more apparent too.6、The absorbed nitrogen in above-ground of potato from fertilizer accounted for17.48%~29.31%of thetotal nitrogen, and that in tuber was17.25%~20.57%, and root was19.72%~24.82%, and whole plant was17.41%~28.98%. The absorbed nitrogen in potato plant was mainly from soil. The nitrogen uptake ofabove-ground from fertilizer was0.174~0.327g·plant-1, and that of tuber was0.022~0.357g·plant-1, and rootwas0.011~0.022g·plant-1, and whole plant was0.185~0.578g·plant-1. The nitrogen use efficiency of15Nfertilizer was10.28%~32.11%for potato. The range of variation of soil ANvalue was18.97~36.73kg·hm-2inthe process of growth and development of potato. Soil ANvalue reduced12.93kg·hm-2from49to77daysafter sowing, and the decline was by35.22%;It increased3.84kg·hm-2from77to91days after sowing, andthe improvement was by16.13%.7、The nitrogen use efficiency of manure was2.16%~31.62%in the whole growth period of potato, andthat of chemical fertilizer was8.85%~19.42%. With the combined application of organic and chemicalfertilizers, the nitrogen from chemical fertilizer was the important N source for potato. However, manure had alarger role in late growth stage of potato.
