

Study on Wenling Dialect in Zhejiang Province

【作者】 阮咏梅

【导师】 汪平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 温岭境内的方言,除了箬山话属闽南方言岛外,其余皆属吴语台州片方言,本文所指温岭方言不包括箬山话。温岭方言因为李荣先生的影响而在全国汉语方言学界享有极高的知名度,他的四篇关于温岭方言的研究专文,以及在其他很多文章中出现的温岭方言的例证,特别是《温岭方言的连读变调》和《温岭方言的变音》二文,对汉语方言研究具有开创性和经典性的意义。但是,李荣先生对温岭方言的研究成果集中在语音方面,而且未成系统,词汇和语法更不曾涉及一二。其他研究者的零星文章,也不能让我们了解温岭方言的全貌。作为一个温岭人,同时作为一个汉语方言的研究者,在面对这样一个具有特殊的研究意义和研究价值的方言资源时,将其选为首要的研究对象就显得非常的顺理成章了。本文对温岭方言的研究始终坚持“点面结合”的原则和思路来突出温岭方言的语言特征。主要体现为以下两个方面:一、研究内容的“点面结合”1.通过对温岭方言语音、词汇和语法三个要素的全面涉猎,构建起温岭方言的语言全貌。2.语音、词汇和语法三方面并未平均用力,面面俱到。而是在前贤大家的研究基础上,根据已有的研究程度进行相应的补充性研究和深入性研究。语音方面,补充性研究和深入性研究相结合,既补充了同音字汇、古今比较、内部差异、特殊的语音现象,以及李荣先生尚未来得及完成的关于连读变调的多字组格式、关于变音的功能和分布等内容,又对温岭方言的语音系统、连读变调的两字组和三字组的模式等进行了深入地比较和分析,推动了温岭方言语音的进一步研究;词汇方面,分析了温岭方言词汇的来源和特点,并整理出了温岭方言主要的特色词汇;语法方面,由于方言之间语法的差异相对较小,因此,本文仅选取了几个最有特色的语法点加以分析,主要包括有特色的词类(如量词、趋向动词、后置副词、后置方位词等)、动词的体貌、句子特点(小句结构语序、比较句、语气词等)。二、研究方法的“点面结合”1.抓住“对内”和“对外”上的“点面结合”。“对内”,指温岭方言自身系统的研究。以市政府所在地太平话为代表点,同时选取差异明显的六个点进行语音的内部比较,这六个点分别是:泽国(带有黄岩话的特征)、新河(李荣先生的老家)、坞根(与温州的乐清和台州的玉环接壤)、岙环和松门(明清卫所驻地)、石塘(中国大陆新千年曙光首照地、闽南方言岛的邻接地);“对外”,指温岭方言与宁波话(属北部吴语)、温州话(属南部吴语)等其他吴语的比较。“对内”和“对外”两条线的双向并进,有助于我们全面了解温岭方言自身的特点,认清温岭方言在吴语中的语言地位,以及吴语内部语言接触和分片的问题。2.以传统方言研究方法为“面”来研究温岭方言的语音、词汇和语法,但又能根据具体的研究内容的“点”进行研究方法上的适当调整,比如将社会语言学的研究方法和对语言现象的解释等加以适度地运用等,有助于我们认识温岭方言正在进行中的变化和已经完成的变化等。

【Abstract】 Wenling dialect belongs to Taizhou group of Wu dialect, except RuoShan dialectwhich belongs to Southern Min dialect island. In this dissertation, RuoShan dialect isn’tincluded in Wenling dialect.Owing to Mister Li Rong, Wenling dialect is well-known to scholars in dialectresearch.His four special articles about Wenling dialect and the examples of Wenlingdialect in many other articles,Tone Sandhi of Wenling Dialect and The Inflexion ofWenling Dialect, in particular, plays a creative and significant role in the research ofChinese dialects. However, LiRong’s articles focuses on studying phonetics, which is not acomplete system, neither a reference to lexics and grammar. Other researchers’ sporadicarticles, also can’t give us a whole picture of Wenling dialect. Therefore, as a Wenlingnative, meantime, a researcher of Chinese dialects, it seems reasonable to choose Wenlingdialect, which has special research meaning and value of studying, as my primary studyingobject.In the dissertation, the Wenling dialect study, the author adheres to the principle andcore thoughts of “intergrating points and spheres”,which basically reflects in thefollowing2respects:First,“integrating points and spheres” is reflected in research contents.1. We construct a Language panoramic of Wenling dialect by researching itsphonetics, lexics and grammar.2. We don’t intend to exhaust all facets of each aspect about phonetics, lexics andgrammar. Instead, extended and deep research are performed on the basis of formerscholars’ study.In phonetics aspect, the combination of complementary and comprehensive researchnot only replenishes the phenomenon of homophony syllabary, the comparision betweenancient and today, the inside differences and particular phonetic phenomena, theunfinished multiword with tone Sandhi and the function as well as the distribution of theinflexion by Li Rong, but also provides a deeper analysis and comparison about phonetic system of Wenling dialect and tone sandhi of the disyllables and tri-syllabic. All abovepromotes the study on phonetics of Wenling dialect.In lexics aspect, we analyse the source and characteristics of Wenling dialect, andmake a research of its distinguished glossary.In grammar aspect, consideraing the minor differences between the variousdialects,we analyse several grammar points with distinctive features, including typicalparts of speech, such as quantifier, directional verb, postpositive adverb, postpositive nounof locality, etc. and the aspects of verbs, the characteristics of sentences such as the orderof brief setences, comparative sentences, modal particles, etc.Second,“integrating points and spheres” is reflected in research methods.1. Grasping the principle of “integrating points and spheres” both internally andexternally. For interior, it means to research its own system of Wenling dialect. Taking thedialect of Taiping, seat of municipal government of Wenling, as a representative one, wechoose six dialects spots with distinctive features and compare them. The six spots areZeguo (With the characteristics of Huangyan dialect), Xinhe (Li Rong’s hometown),Wugen (It neighbours Yueqing in Wenzhou and Yuhuan in Taizhou), Aohuan andSongmen (the sites of garrison in Ming and Qing dynasty), Shitang (the first place inChina’s mainland to meet the dawn of the new Millennium, and the place to adjoin theSouthern Min dialect island).2. Using traditional research approach as sphere to study the phonetics, lexics andgrammar of Wenling dialect, and adjusting method properly according to the researchcontents,which is seen as points e.g., using the research method of Sociolinguistics and theexplanation of linguistic phenomena reasonably are conducive to our understanding of thechanging and the changed of Wenling dialect.

【关键词】 温岭方言语音词汇语法
【Key words】 Wenling dialectPhoneticslexicsGrammar
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期