

On the Phonetic Contact between Dialect and Mandarin

【作者】 曹晓燕

【导师】 汪平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 语言接触是人类语言发展过程中常见的现象。可以说语言接触是语言演变的一种动力和自然法则。方言和标准语因社会的需要而产生,又随着社会的发展而发展,两者长期共存并用必然会相互影响,形成一种互动关系,再加上外部因素的作用,其接触情况也就变得异常复杂。方言与标准语(普通话)的这种接触现状已经受到国内外有关学者的密切关注。如今城市化进程加快,人口流动频繁,对此现象的研究就显得更加重要和迫切。本文以无锡方言和普通话的接触为例通过研究不纯的方言和不标准的普通话探讨了语言接触的深层次特点及语言变化的规律。尽管方言口音普通话和方言自身的变异分别是普通话和方言两个系统的演变结果,但语言接触是两个系统演变的外在诱因之一,结构的自我调节是两个系统演变的内在因素,结构差异和标记差异是两个系统变化的区域,语言规则的迁移是两个系统演变的机制之一。全文一共五章。绪论从方言和标准语的互动变异模式谈起,介绍了变异理论和接触理论在方言变异和方言口音普通话研究中的运用;同时对目前有关方言和普通话的关系,方言演变和方言口音普通话以及无锡方言的研究现状进行了梳理,指出尚且存在的问题,并说明选题的相关情况;介绍了本文所使用的调查和研究方法;第一章主要介绍了无锡方言语音的特点,为考察方言变异和方言口音普通话提供参照点;第二章主要运用传统方言学、社会语言学等学科理论与方法,以语言变异理论、语言接触与词汇扩散理论为依据,将显像时间研究材料和真实时间研究材料结合起来,对无锡方言变异与变化问题进行多角度描写、分析与研究,主要涉及声韵调、文白异读的演变,并以尖团变化的现象为例从微观的角度考察影响方言变异的语言因素和非语言因素。有关无锡方言的显像时间的研究材料均来自笔者的社会调查,真实时间研究材料主要来自地方志或前辈时贤论著中的有关材料。第三章描写了不同程度无锡口音普通话的音类偏误和音值偏误。通过无锡方言和普通话的音类对应关系寻找偏误产生的原因。同时运用实验语音学的方法对方言口音普通话中的音值缺陷进行了更加直观和细致的分析。通过研究我们发现,首先在带口音的普通话中有的方言成分被保留得多一些,有的方言成分保留得少一些,结果就形成了一系列的“近似系统”类似于中介语的连续体。近似系统的不断演化说明这是一个动态发展的系统。其次无锡口音普通话主要以单向性偏误为主,但是在不同程度的方言口音普通话中表现并不一样。重度口音以单向偏误为主,中度和轻度口音双向性偏误逐渐增多,尤其到了轻度口音阶段,几乎都是双向性偏误。这说明普通话水平越高的人,对于方言和普通话差异的辨别能力越强,但是有时难免会矫枉过正。最后分析了产生偏误的各种原因并在此基础上总结了无锡人在学习和使用普通话语音时的难易程度。第四章总结了方言变异和变化的原因。其中有语言接触中外界因素的影响,目前来看,普通话的影响是最主要的,大部分的变化都是不断在向普通话靠拢。但是我们也看到新老方言之间的差异并不都是受普通话影响所致,语言接触的一个明显事实是强势语言向弱势语言输入语言成分。而实际上,我们通过方言口音普通话和方言自身的变异情况看到,弱势语言也会对强势语言产生影响。不管怎样,外因必须通过内因起作用,语言演变离不开自身结构系统调整的需要,也会受到经济原则的制约,同时使用者的态度也会影响到语言变异的方向和速度。第五章从方言口音普通话的角度考察了方言成分的强弱程度对语言迁移的影响。我们已经知道迁移的发生显然不是单凭两种语言间的差异就可以解释和预测的。那些容易被迁移的成分往往是方言中的强势成分,反之则为弱势。方言成分的强弱程度也不是由单一因素决定的,可能会涉及到方言本身的稳定性、方言和普通话的标记性、典型性、相似度等等。余论部分在总结全文的基础上提出了需要改进的地方和后续的研究思路。

【Abstract】 Language contact is commonly seen in the process of human language development. In a sense,language contact is a drive and also a natural principle behind the language evolution. Dialect andstandard language arise from the needs of the society and then develop as the society advances. Theirlong-term coexistence and interaction, coupled with the influence of external factors, have furthercomplicated the language contact. And scholars and experts at home and abroad have paid closeattention to the status of the contact between dialect and standard language (Mandarin). At present,research on this phenomenon has become more important and urgent with the speeding up ofurbanization and more frequent population migration.Take the phonetic contact of Wuxi dialect and Mandarin for example. This dissertation goes deepinto the features of language contact and the principles of language changes based on the study ofnon-pure dialect and non-standard Mandarin. The non-standard Mandarin with dialect and the variationof dialect itself result from the evolution of language systems of Mandarin and dialect respectively,though, language contact is one of external reasons that bring about this evolution while the internalreason lies in self-adjustment of the structure of these two language systems. Differences of structuresand marks are the areas in which changes take place in these two language systems and the transition oflanguage principles is one of mechanism for the evolution of these two systems.Preface starts from the model of interaction and variation between dialect and standard languageand then introduces how the theories of variation and contact work in the research on dialect variationand non-standard Mandarin with dialect. In the meantime, it points out the existing problems by sortingout the relationship between dialect and Mandarin, the current study of dialectic evolution, non-standardMandarin with dialect and Wuxi dialect and explains something that concerns the selected theme. It alsoillustrates the ways and methods of research and investigation that have been used here.In the Chapter1, the characteristics of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar of Wuxi dialect aredescribed, which works as references for investigation of dialectic variation and non-standard Mandarinwith dialect.Chapter2depicts, analyzes and studies from multiple angles the variation and changes of Wuxidialect by combining apparent-time and real-time research materials and using theories andmethodologies of traditional dialectics, socialinguistics, etc. and as well based on theories of languagevariation, language contact and lexical diffusion. It is mainly about phonology, the evolution of literaryand colloquial readings. It looks into the linguistic and non-linguistic factors behind dialectic variationfrom the micro perspective by taking the distinction and mixing of Jian Yin and Tuan Yin for example.All of the apparent-time research materials come from my social investigation in person while real-timeresearch materials originate mainly from local chronicles or the papers of prominent scholars andexperts.Chapter3describes the different scales of phonetic nature error and phonetic value error ofnon-standard Mandarin of Wuxi accent. The paper also analyzes the causes of phonetic errors through the phonetic corresponding relations between Wuxi dialect and Mandarin. In the meantime, the phoneticvalue defect of Mandarin of dialect accent is analysed more directly and carefully by the method ofexperimental phonetics. At first, it is found through the study that some dialectic elements are kept morewhile others less. It turns out that aseries of similar systems come into being---just like continuums ofintermediate language. The evolving similar systems explain that this is a system with a dramaticdevelopment. Secondly, non-standard Mandarin of Wuxi accent is mainly characterized byunidirectional errors, but errors present themselves differently at the different extents of non-standardMandarin with local accent. Thick accent features unidirectional errors while medium and slant accentshave more bidirectional errors. In particular, errors are almost bidirectional in terms of slant accent. Itshows that the better people at Mandarin, the more easily they can identify the differences betweendialect and Mandarin. But sometimes it is hard for them to avoid overdoing it. At last, the paperanalyses the cause of non-standard Mandarin of dialectic accent and on this basis, sums up whether it iseasy or difficult when Wuxi natives learn and use Mandarin phonetics.In the Chapter4, the focus is on dialectic variation and transitions which is partly attributed toexternal elements during the language contact. To date, Mandarin has played a vital role which makes itpossible that most of changes are moving towards Mandarin. But it should also been seen that thedifferences between the new and old dialects do not always result from Mandarin. It is a clear fact thatin the language contact language elements are transferred from powerful language to weak language. Infact, however, it can be found through variation of non-standard Mandarin and dialect itself that weaklanguage also has an impact on powerful language. Anyway, internal factors have to work throughinternal factors. Therefore, language evolution arises from the need of adjustment of its own structureand system and is restrained by economic principles. Meanwhile, the attitudes of language users alsoinfluence the direction and speed of language variation.Chapter5looks at the impact of the strength of dialectic elements on language transfer from theangle of non-standard Mandarin with dialect. As we know, language transfer cannot simply be explainedand predicted on the basis of differences between languages. Those elements that are easily transferredare often powerful elements in the dialect while those elements that aren’t easily transferred are usuallyweak elements. The strength of dialectic elements is not decided by the only one factor, probably alsoby stability of the dialect itself, markedness, prototypicality and similarity of dialect and Mandarin, etc.The last part is about improvements and follow-up research thought on the basis of summarizationof the ideas abovementioned.

【关键词】 语言接触变异语音无锡方言普通话
【Key words】 language contactvariationphoneticWuxi dialectMandarin
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期