

The Study of Liang Qichao’s Artistic Aestheticism

【作者】 邢红静

【导师】 侯敏;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 文艺学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 梁启超(1873—1929)是19世纪末20世纪初中国中国近现代史上极富传奇色彩的人物,领导公车上书、推动戊戌变法、倡导三界革命、主编《时务报》、参与民国新政,这些政治活动毫无疑问奠定了他精神领袖的地位。但是,鲜为人知的是,作为清华四导师之一,他也是清末民初中国文化史上不可多见的文化巨匠。当今学者无论是研究清末民初的政治、哲学、史学、经学、美学、文学、教育、经济、法律、新闻、宗教、考古学、金石学、文献学、地理,都绕不开一个梁启超。而对于文艺美学学科来说,梁启超的贡献同样不容忽视:如何挽救民族肉体与精神的双重疲敝,他提出“心力”理论,让“经世”佛学、“致用”儒学与“无用之用”的美学联手,有效化解了物质与精神、西方与东方、科学与美的紧张对立,使“心力”转变为诗性审美与哲学思考的强大心理支持。如何在科学理性大行其道时坚守对日常生活的凝视,他提出“情性”说,对现实人生进行审美化践履,从而开启了中国传统诗学“现代转换”的先声。如何排除“赛先生”给学校教育带来负面效果,他提出富有梁氏特色的“美育”论,尝试着如何通过“乐”的方式达到“美”的效果,如何在“美”的感召下实现“仁”的境界。面对中西文化大碰撞,他用“会通”的视野来应对,坚持先中后西——调西入中——以中济西的理论思路。梁启超的文艺美学思想,是古今中西交汇时期中国近现代美学尝试转型的一个重要范例,创造性地开拓了中国近现代文艺美学学科的研究领域、研究角度、研究方法与研究思路。对于梁启超的集中研究,于今已经有二十余年了;而对于梁启超文艺美学思想的研究,进入新世纪以来更是如雨后春笋。笔者认为,对梁启超的文艺美学思想的研究,似乎应该寻求范畴之外蕴含的整体意义,在对其全面综合考证时考虑时代主体迫切的精神诉求,在人文学科话语重建时关注理论之外深沉的人文内涵,在文论的古今转换、中西结合中专注中华民族传统文化的新生新育。在研究方法上,本文主要采取理论范畴溯源法与理论特色归纳法,厘清“心力”与“情性”两大概念的源流,总结出梁启超“心力”说的五大理论重点:热力、爱力、意志力、创造力、审美感染力;概括出“心力”说的四大理论特色:物力与精神力的结合、佛陀与维纳斯之盟、文学与人心的合力、启蒙与救亡的互动;发掘出梁启超“情性”说的四大内涵:艺术情感论、生活情趣论、情感个性论、情性本体论;归纳出梁启超的四大“美育”理论:美的享乐说、美的创造说、以艺术视教育作用说、伦理意义的美育说;梳理出梁启超集中运用的四组相辅相成的研究方法:科学精神与整理国故、历时推演与共时归纳、思辨论证与感性表达、分类比较与发潜阐幽。本文运用的另外一个研究方法是比较法,通过对梁启超与鲁迅“群”“独”观的比较,探讨知识分子的现代性转换问题,即面对着天崩地裂的时代变局,具有现代前瞻意识的知识分子,在对西方研究方法与传统的学术资源进行整合时,所呈现出的典型时代特征:研究方法上的科学性、知识思想上的贯通性、精神人格上的批判性与学术追求上的独立性。通过对梁启超与杜亚泉、李大钊的比较,凸显出面对中西文化大碰撞,一代学人对中国传统文化出路问题所展现的学术态度,这些态度说明了社会理想的实现终归与审美意识密不可分。本文认为,梁启超美学思想呈现出独具特色的体系性,即:梁启超文艺美学思想,是一个以“心力”说为核心,以“情性”说为本体,以“美育”论为目标,以“会通”观为视野的人生艺术化文艺美学体系。它的四大理论范畴是:作为鉴赏论的“心力”、作为创作论的“情性”、作为功能论的“美育”,作为方法论的“会通”。这个体系有着自己的特色——潜隐性与开放性,有着清晰的理论脉络——“变”而“非变”,有着坚守的立场——学术研究与人文关怀。它是心力、情性、美育、会通四者的有序化合,更是美·艺术·生活三者不可分割的内在贯通。

【Abstract】 Liang Qichao (1873-1929) is the end of the19th century and early20th century. China’s modern history and colorful characters, a letter to the leadership of the bus to promote the1898Reform advocate the Realms revolution, editor of "Current Affairs", to participate in the Republic of New Deal, these political activities centsno doubt laid the spiritual leaders position. However, little is known as Qinghua one of four instructors, he is also the end of the Qing Chinese cultural history, not common cultural masters. Scholars today regardless of the end of the Qing politics, philosophy, history, aesthetics, literature, education, economy, law, journalism, religion, archeology, epigraphy, philology, geography, and are not open around one Liang Qichao.Literary Aesthetics, Liang Qichao the contribution of the same can not be ignored:how to save the double Pibi of the national body and spirit, he proposed the theory of "effort","World" Buddhist,"Practice" Confucianism and uselessaesthetics together, effectively combined tensions of the material and the spiritual, the West and the East, Science and the United States,"effort "into a poetic aesthetic and philosophical reflection of the strong psychological support. How to stick to science and rationality popular gaze on daily life, his "love" the aesthetic of Fulfillment, which started the Chinese traditional poetics convert the precursor of real life. How do I exclude the "Mr." to the negative effects of school education, he proposed that the rich the Liang characteristics of the aesthetic on, try the way how the music "to" effect, how in the United States under the influence of realization of the realm of "benevolence". Collisions face of Chinese and Western cultures, he will pass the vision to deal with, adhere to the first in the West-tune the West into the-to the West in economic theory ideas. Liang Qichao of literary aesthetic thought, is an important example of modern aesthetics in ancient and modern Chinese and Western intersection of China are trying to transition, to develop interdisciplinary research field of modern literary aesthetics research perspective, the research methods and research ideas.Liang focus on today has more than twenty years; Liang Qichao of literary aesthetics thought, into the new century is springing up.1believe that thinking of Liang literary aesthetics, it seems that should be sought outside the scope of the overall inherent significance. consider pressing the spirit of times the main demands of its fully integrated research, theory outside of deep concern in the redevelopment of the humanities discourse human connotation, the focus in the past and present of the text on the conversion, the combination of Chinese and Western students of traditional Chinese culture, new sterile.Research methods, take a traceable method and theoretical characteristics of the theoretical categories of induction to clarify the origins of the two concepts of "effort" and "Love", summed up the Liang Qichao "effort." said the five theoretical focus:heat, love of power,willpower, creativity, aesthetic appeal, summed up the effort, said the four theoretical characteristics:a combination of material and spiritual force, Buddha and Venus Alliance, literature and people together. enlightenment and salvation of the interaction to exploreLiang Qichao out of "love,"said the four connotations:the emotion of art theory, the interest in life on the emotional personality theory, the situation ontology, summarized Liang four "aesthetic" theory:the pleasures of America, said the creation of the United States said,to the educational role of the arts, as said. the ethical significance of aestheticIn this paper, another method is comparative law, Liang Qichao and Lu Xun’s "group" and "independence" concept of comparison, explore the intellectuals of the modern conversion issues, the face of earth shattering change in the situation of the times, with the knowledge of the modern forward-thinkingan independent molecules in the integration of Western research methods and traditional academic resources, showing the typical characteristics of the times:the scientific research methods, knowledge ideologically through sexual, psychological or personality critical and academic pursuitssex.Liang Qichao the Du Yaquan, Li Dazhao comparison highlighting the face of Chinese and Western cultures collision generation of scholars made to answer the way out of the traditional Chinese culture, these answers from different angles, a reflection of the aesthetic consciousness and social ideals, the United States of Enlightenment meaning andbright side of humanity each other.This paper argues that Liang Qichao aesthetic ideas showing a unique system:Liang Qichao of literary aesthetics thought, is an "effort" as the core. the "feeling" that body, on the "aesthetic" as the goal,"pass" concept as a vision of the art of life art aesthetic system.Its four theoretical categories:the "effort" as the appreciation on the Creation of "Love" as a function on the "aesthetie", as the methodology "will pass".This system has its own characteristics-latent and openness, have a clear theoretical context-"change" and "non-change", has held the position-academic research, and humane care.It is the effort, affective, aesthetic, through the ordered compounds, it is inherent through art life three indivisible.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期