

Research on the Construction of Misdemeanor Law

【作者】 陆岸

【导师】 杨海坤; 李晓明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 在我国现行的社会治安制裁体系中,《刑法》处罚犯罪行为,劳动教养法规处罚轻微犯罪或严重行政违法行为,《治安管理处罚法》处罚一般行政违法行为;刑罚最为严厉,劳动教养次之,治安处罚最轻。从表面上看,三法处罚对象界限明确,处罚轻重适格,三者形成了衔接流畅的三级制裁体系。但我们仔细研究三法的具体规定,三级治安制裁体系中三法处罚对象界限模糊、劳动教养已失去其正当性和合法性、三法的处罚严重失衡、三法司法执法混乱等制度性弊病已无法协调,这些制度性弊病已经严重影响我国法制结构的科学性,成为我国实现法治的一个根源性弊端。本文以行政制裁和刑事制裁的衔接为视角,以轻罪建构的合理性和正当性论证为基础,并立足具体制度建构,提出了建立我国轻罪制度的理论主张。我国立法中并没有涉及轻罪的概念,学界对于轻罪的定义也众说纷纭,而轻罪的概念是本文研究的前提和基础,因此,本文第一章试图在借鉴国内外现有立法实践和理论研究的基础上界定轻罪的内涵和外延。本文认为应当从犯罪分类的角度建立轻罪的概念,提出确定轻罪的内涵和外延应当遵循以下三个原则:1、《刑法》规定的犯罪大多是严重犯罪,且为了保持现行《刑法》的稳定性,保持现有刑事法律大框架不变的前提下,不将《刑法》中任何罪行划分到轻罪中去。2、将劳动教养法规处罚的行为全部纳入轻罪的范畴。3、将《治安管理处罚法》中与《刑法》调整的对象发生竞合的行为,纳入轻罪的范畴。进而,本文在轻罪概念建立的基础上,从新三级制裁体系的建立、《轻罪法》与《刑法》和《治安管理处罚法》之间的关系等方面入手对轻罪法的定位和构建进行探讨和分析。现行立法的冲突和司法实践的混乱是本文选题的出发点和立足点,也是轻罪构建的必要性之一。本文第二章意图在厘清我国现行三级治安制裁体系的形成及现状的基础上,重点从三法处罚对象的竞合、劳动教养的非正当性与非合法性、三法处罚严厉程度失衡以及司法执法上的混乱等方面进行分析。造成现行立法冲突和司法实践混乱深层次的根源是什么,其背后的价值选择如何权衡?第三章从行政权与司法权的权衡、犯罪化与非犯罪化的选择以及犯罪文化观等问题入手,试图探寻现行立法矛盾和冲突的平衡点,为轻罪建构提供正当性基础。现行立法冲突和司法实践混乱如何解决,轻罪的建构是否能从根本上解决这些问题和弊端?第四章首先从立法意图角度探寻三法部分对象竞合的根源性原因,并在梳理行政违法和犯罪区分理论的基础上,对我国《刑法》定性加定量的犯罪概念界定模式进行反思,最终提出采用犯罪定性界定模式构建我国轻罪法调整对象的理论思路。尔后,从劳动教养改革的理论争论入手,分析和考量各种方案的利弊,进而提出劳动教养轻罪化的理论主张。最后,本文从建立轻罪法轻缓化处罚机制以及改造行政拘留两方面进行探索,意图建立《刑法》—《轻罪法》—《治安管理处罚法》三法处罚严厉程度衔接的制裁体系。本文最后一章试图对《轻罪法》的实体和程序两方面进行制度重构。实体建构方面包括犯罪概念界定模式的界定、轻罪法调整对象的确定、轻罪罚以及前科消灭制度等方面的探讨。程序建构方面包括一般轻罪审理程序、轻罪和解协商制度以及轻罪处罚令程序等方面的探索。

【Abstract】 In the existing sanction system of social security of China, Criminal Law is aboutpunishing the criminal behavior, the legislation of rehabilitation through labor is aboutpunishing the minor offenses and serious administrative violations and Public SecurityAdministration Punishments Law is about punishing general administrative violations.Criminal Law is the most severe, the legislation of rehabilitation through labor is thesecond, and Public Security Administration Punishments Law is the third. On the surface,the boundary of the three punishment objects above is clear, the severity of punishment isreasonable; they formulate affluent connection of three degree sanction system. But whenwe research on the specific provisions of the three laws attentively, we find many problems.For example, the boundary of the objects of punishment in the three degree sanctionsystem of social security is illegibility. The legislation of rehabilitation through labor losesits basis of legitimacy and legality. The punishment of them is in a serious imbalance statusand the judicature and law enforcement is order less. The institutional drawbacks have nopossibility to connect, which have already influenced the science of legal structure andbecome the original drawback of achieving the rule of law of our country. This articleviews an issue from a connection of administrative sanction and criminal sanctionperspective, on the basis of demonstrate the legitimacy and legality on the construction ofmisdemeanor and specific systems, we put forward a proposition about establishingmisdemeanor system in our country.There is no concept of misdemeanor in our legislation and different scholar hasdifferent opinion. However, the concept of misdemeanor is the premise and basis of thisessay. So the first chapter of this essay would try to define the connotation and denotationof misdemeanor in the basis of learning from the existing legislation and theories in ourcountry and abroad. The author believes that we could establish the concept of misdemeanor from the perspective of crime classification. So the definition of theconnotation and denotation of misdemeanor must obey the following three principles:(a)the crimes stipulated by Criminal Law are all most serious crimes, in order to maintain thestability of the Criminal Law and in the premise of maintaining the frame of criminallegislation system, there is no need to partition the crimes in Criminal Law intomisdemeanor;(b) All behaviors penalized by the legislation of rehabilitation through laborwould be included into the system of misdemeanor;(c) The behaviors penalized by bothPublic Security Administration Punishments Law and Criminal Law would be includedinto the system of misdemeanor. What’s more, in the basis of the establishing the conceptof misdemeanor, this essay tries to explore and analyze the location and construction of themisdemeanor law.The legislative conflicts and the chaos of judicial practice are the starting point andfoothold of this essay topic, which is also the necessity of establishing the system ofmisdemeanor. The second chapter of this essay would try to focus on analyzing the samepenalties objects of the three laws, the non-legitimacy and unlawful of rehabilitationthrough labor, the unbalance of the severe degree of the three laws as well as the chaos ofjudicature and law enforcement. The analysis would set up in the basis of clarifying theformation and current situation the existing three security sanction system.What are the root causes of legislative conflicts as well as the chaos in judicialpractice, and further, how to weigh the underlying value choices? By analyzing issues suchas the balance between administrative power and jurisdiction, the possibility forcriminalization and decriminalization and culture outlook on crime, the third chapterattempts to explore a way out of current legislative contradictions and provide a rightfulbasis for the construction of misdemeanor.How are to resolve the conflicts existed in legislation and chaos in judicial practice?Whether we can settle these problems and malpractices fundamentally or not? From theperspective of legislative intent, the forth chapter firstly explores the original causes of thecompeting of object in the above-mentioned three laws. Then, on the basis of analyzing thedifferences between crime and administrative violation, rethinking about the qualitativeand quantitative mode presented in concept of crime in our criminal law, we finallypropose a theory thought which will establish adjustment object of misdemeanor law in ourcountry by above-mentioned way. Furthermore, starting from the theoretical debate of labor reeducation, we analysis and weigh the pros and cons of various programs, and putforward our suggestion——misdemeanor of labor reeducation. Finally, this essay mainlywants to establish the sanction system in which the severity of punishment is consistentwith Criminal Law—Misdemeanor Law—Public Security Administration PunishmentsLaw by exploring how to establish mechanism of mitigation punishment in misdemeanorlaw and how to reform administrative detention.This essay will try to reconstruct both substantive and procedural part of misdemeanorlaw in its last chapter. The part of the substantive reconstruction includes definition of thedefined mode of concept, the decision of the adjustment object of misdemeanor law, thepunishment of misdemeanor and the system of eliminating criminal record and otheraspects. The part of procedural reconstruction involves procedure of commonmisdemeanor, the system of reconciliation in misdemeanor and the procedure ofmisdemeanor punishment order and other respects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期