

Study on the Principle of Social State

【作者】 葛先园

【导师】 胡玉鸿;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 社会国原则是现代宪法的基本原则之一,源自前宪法的社会国观念。前宪法的社会国观念与宪政无涉,其目标仅在于防治贫民暴动,维护社会安全。宪法意义上的社会国观念有三种型态:权利条款型、宪法基本原则型、权利条款与宪法基本原则综合型。拥有后两者的宪法可以概称为涵括了社会国原则的宪法。社会国原则的内涵不宜被宽泛理解,公民经济安全、社会经济正义构成其本质属性的总和,因此社会国原则的规范效力强度界定为制度性保障为宜。社会国原则体现了现代国家的基本目标与现代宪法的价值取向,代表着宪法的未来发展方向,体现了与法治原则的结合,有利于社会基本权在法律制度中的落实。社会国原则具有坚实的理论基础。现代社会是风险社会,社会团结是维系共同体存在的重要因素,是社会国原则的国家理性基础。人的尊严衍生出人们之间的重要性平等、以及平等的具体责任,它们构成社会国原则的宪政伦理基础。社会发展的客观性不可阻遏,宪法的社会安排亦可以引领社会发展。人的发展是现代宪法安排的社会发展目标,是社会国原则的社会发展观基础。社会团结是现代风险社会的客观所需;人的平等是社会国原则得以产生的的逻辑前提;人的发展构成社会国原则的目标,三者作为整体共同决定社会国原则的面貌与未来发展。社会国原则具有与法治主义相融合的品格,具有与分配正义不可分离的品格,具有要求“辅助为主、担保为辅”的国家责任的品格。社会国原则的法律品格诠释了它的规范性。社会国原则与社会基本权的关系凸显了社会国原则重要的工具性价值。社会基本权的基本权属性遭遇质疑;其与自由权相比,仍然面临宪法明确规定相对不足的形式困境;社会基本权饱受内容模糊不清之苦,面临司法救济的难题。社会国原则弥补社会基本权宪定形式的不足,具体化社会基本权的内容。按照社会国原则的规范效力强度而规划的社会基本权的司法救济,能够实现社会基本权的“弱法院、强权利”的法律效果。社会国原则的法制外延在各国和地区的实践中表现不一,在理论也存在歧见。从影响社会国原则法制外延的重要因素入手,根据宪法第14条第4款,我们把我国社会法制的外延定格为社会保障法制,其由社会保险法制、社会救助法制、社会促进法制三个部分组成。我国的社会保障法制尚未达到完美的境界,以晚近颁布实施的《社会保险法》中关于全民基本医疗保险制度的规定为例来说明:我国目前全民基本医疗保险制度已取得了不少成就,但是在以下几个方面显然需要进一步的完善:需要补充真正的全民强制纳保制度;完善保费分级制度,构设保险金平等支付制度;建立欠保不停止支付制度、欠保暂时停止支付制度,以及相关配套制度;完善基本医疗保险制度与基本医疗救助、商业医疗保险的协调、衔接。如此,全民基本医疗保险才是社会国原则下的社会保障法制,才是珍视社会团结、人的平等与发展的法制。

【Abstract】 The principle of social state, one of the basic principles of the modern constitution,derives from the social state concept of the former constitution. The social state concept ofthe former constitution is not involved in constitutionalism, which goal is only to preventthe poor riot, maintaining social stability. There are three types of constitutional social stateconcept: types of rights provisions, the basic constitutional principle, and rights provisionswith the basic principles of the constitution. The constitutions contain the latter two can beknown as the constitutions that encompass the principle of social state. The connotation ofthe social state principle should not be a broad understanding, which should only consist ofcitizens’ economic security and social economic justice. And thus, it is appropriate todefine the normative strength of the principle of social state as institutional safeguards. Theprinciple of social state reflects the basic goal of the modern state and the value orientationof the modern constitution; represents the future development of the modern constitutionand the combination of the rule of law; contributes the implementation of social rights inthe legal system.The principle of social state possesses solid theoretical foundations. In modern risksociety, social solidarity is an important factor to maintain the community, thus it is thenational rational basis of the principle of social state. The importance of equality amongpeople and the equal specific responsibilities are derived from human dignity, and theyconstitute the constitutional ethical basis of the principle of social state. Though it isimpossible to prevent the social development, social arrangements of the constitution canalso lead the social development. Human development, which ought to be the goals ofsocial development, is the basis of the principle social state involved in social developmentconcept. Social solidarity is necessary for a modern risk society; human equality is thelogical premise of the principle of social state; human development is the goal of theprinciple of social state. They as a whole condition the features and developments of the principle of social state.The principle of social state possesses the characteristics of the integration with therule of law; the distributive justice; the state responsibility, which annotate the normativefeatures of the social state principle. The relationship between the principle of social stateand social rights highlights the instrumental value of the former. Whether social rights arebasic rights is being questioned. Social rights are still faced with the deficiencies of theconstitutional provisions. The content of social rights is very broad, facing the difficultiesof judicial relief. The principle of social state recuperates the deficiencies of social rights inthe constitutional provisions, and specialize its contents. In accordance with the principleof social state, the judicial relief to social rights has "Weak courts, strong rights" legaleffect.In different countries and regions, the legal systems of the social state principle aredissimilar in practice, and different views also exist in theory. According to the importantfactors affecting the principle of social state and Paragraph4of Article14of theConstitution, We identify the legal system of the social state principle in our country withthe social security legislation, which involves the legal systems of social insurance, socialassistance, and social promotion. China’s social security legislation has not yet reachedperfection. For example, though there were lots of achievements in the provisions aboutnational basic medical insurance in "the Social Insurance Law", the following aspects needto improve: It is necessary to add the national compulsory insurance system; to improvethe classification system of premium and set up equal payment system of insurancebenefits; to improve the coordination between the basic medical insurance and basicmedical assistance, commercial health insurance; and to establish other related systems.Only in this way, the national basic health insurance is consistent with the principle ofsocial state, cherishing the spirit of social solidarity, human equality and humandevelopment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期