

China’s Circular Economy Operation Mechanism and Development Mode Research

【作者】 王红征

【导师】 于金富;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 政治经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在全球化背景下,处在经济高速成长重要阶段的中国,每一个举动都与世界经济政治局势密切相关。西方世界的崛起是以占世界人口20%的国家消耗世界资源的80%以及污染环境为条件的。如今,同样占世界人口20%的中国也要“崛起”,那么按照西方经验,中国也一定要争夺世界资源和污染环境。当前,我国国内生产总值只占全世界的4%左右,但原煤、钢材、水泥的消耗量分别占全世界消耗量的31%、30%和40%,石油、铁矿石的进口依存度分别达到40%、60%以上,主要污染物排放量已经超出环境容量。在西方,上世纪70年代起新自由主义和新古典综合学派上升为主流学派。它们是在经济全球化背景下,占主导地位的发达资本主义生产方式——以“资本”为主体、以市场为资源配置方式、以获取资本高额利润为目标、以不惜牺牲人类利益和自然环境为手段的生产方式。作为发展中国家,我国在经济发展初始期就不得不为发达国家已经造成的问题“埋单”。发达国家排放的二氧化硫压缩了未来发展中国家社会经济发展所需要的排放空间,使发展中国家的未来经济发展面临更多的限制和困难。作为发达国家的代表,西方垄断资本集团一直在把污染转移给发展中国家。发展中国家为世界经济发展不仅付出了巨大环境成本和廉价劳动力,还付出了巨大经济成本和高昂的金融外汇成本。我国经济增长面临的现状是:资源环境的约束已经难以为继了;低成本出口战略和以低端产业主导的产业结构难以继续为继;收入分配不公、国内市场发展不足所引发的社会问题难以为继。粗放型的经济增长方式,导致经济效益低下,投入多、产出少;资源浪费严重,生态环境问题突出;投资需求膨胀,经常造成总量失衡……。可以肯定,我国作为世界上最大的发展中国家、经济增长速度最快的新经济体、第二大温室气体排放国,正面临着前所未有的压力和挑战。日本在发展循环经济上选择了保护环境和节约资源相结合的指导模式,从而实现了从节约资源的循环再利用到构建“循环型社会”的飞跃;德国在发展循环经济上选择了资源节约的指导模式,从而实现了从单纯的环境卫生措施到经济发展与环境保护相协调的战略转变,并用循环经济指导和推进经济的可持续发展和社会建设;美国发展循环经济选择了重视环保的指导模式。因此,必须坚持从基本国情,在坚持和传承马克思主义经济学基础上,吸收西方主流经济学成果,创新和构建中国特色社会主义经济理论,构建我国循环经济发展模式刻不容缓。马克思主义经济学为创新循环经济理论提供了理论基础和理论框架:第一,马克思主义经济学“本质上是建立在唯物主义历史观的基础上的”,作为科学的发展观,它揭示了循环经济研究者至今没有阐述清楚的问题――自然、人类自身、人类活动、社会、环境以及它们之间的相互关系问题。第二,马克思主义经济学系统地揭示了人类活动、劳动、活劳动、人类主观能动性与社会组织形式之间的内在逻辑,为循环经济学科学阐释人类活动与人类生存和发展环境之间的互动关系提供了理论依据。第三,马克思主义经济学有层次地揭示了劳动、生产劳动、生产活动如何借助生产方式转换为经济活动、经济基础、经济结构、经济形态,为循环经济理论研究如何借助经济学范畴建立循环经济理论框架提供了可直接借鉴的逻辑方法。第四,马克思主义经济学全面地阐释了资本主义生产方式及其革命同经济增长模式之间的关系,为研究循环经济的发展如何推动经济发展模式的变革提供了崭新的理论思路。第五,马克思主义经济学的资本循环的理论为在市场经济框架下构建循环经济理论提供了直接可参考的理论模式。资本循环就是资本运动的基本形式。产业资本循环是各种形式的资本循环中惟一能够直接承载自然与社会交错运动关系的资本形式。第六,马克思主义经济学认为,①资本主义生产方式绝不是承载人与自然和人与人之间互动关系的永恒方式;②资本主义生产方式在其促进经济增长的同时借助世界市场网络将其内部矛盾外溢,不仅造成世界各国之间的联系与矛盾而且造成整个人类与自然界之间的联系与矛盾;③发达国家资本主义生产方式在促进本国经济增长的同时,制造了全球范围内的人力资源、物质资源、自然资源的巨大浪费,以及人文环境与生态环境的不断恶化,这些至今依然是制约发展中国家经济发展的历史纽结。科学发展观本质上是实事求是的世界观,是在自然科学与社会科学交集中,认识以人为本,生态、经济可持续发展规律的方法体系。在科学发展观的统领下发展循环经济,实际就是在走用生态文明、信息化引领资源节约型和环境友好型的新型工业发展道路。笔者认为,不管当前席卷全球的金融危机对世界各国经济、社会发展的影响有多么严重,也不管我国保增长、促进就业、稳定物价的压力有多么巨大,摆在世界和中国面前最大的危机依然是资源、环境、生态问题。借助大力发展循环经济,构建资源节约型、环境友好型社会,以实现低碳、增长目标是认真贯彻科学发展观亟待解决的问题。本文以政治经济学角度出发,特别是从马克思主义经济学视角对发展循环经济的机理进行了较系统梳理;对我国发展循环经济的实践进行了深入分析;对发达国家循环经济的实践进行了系统研究和归纳总结。在此基础上,借鉴前人观点,尝试构建我国循环经济的航天发展模式,提出动脉产业生态化模式、静脉产业资源化模式,并对此进行了延伸分析。1.我国整个经济系统就像一个航天器,循环经济发展模式就像主推进器,动脉产业生态化和静脉产业资源化就像航天器的二个助推器,实施的途径就像助推器与船体的连接机构,循环经济运行模式就像航天器的运行轨道。2.动脉产业生态化模式。从企业层面、园区层面和社会层面系统阐述了生态农业、生态工业、生态服务业的实施途径。3.静脉产业资源化模式。借鉴德国经验提出我国城市生活垃圾回收利用体系和废旧家电回收再利用体系。4.从科学发展观入手,提出我国循环经济发展模式的推进措施。未来中国时刻都要清醒:当代世界是怎样的一个世界?它既是占总人口20%的西方人在占有全球80%资源的前提下实现了工业化的世界,又是80%的人在占有20%资源的情况下实现工业化的世界,还是当代80%的发展中国家人民和全球100%人民的子孙无法进行可持续发展的世界……。

【Abstract】 In the context of globalization, an important stage in the rapid economic growth in China, with everymove is closely related to the world economic and political situation. The rise of the Western world is theworld’s population consumes20%of the country80%of the world’s resources and polluting theenvironment conditions. Today, the same20%of the world’s population, China must "rise", then accordingto the Western experience, the Chinese also have to compete for the world’s resources and pollute theenvironment. At present, China’s GDP accounts for only about4%of the world, but coal, steel, cementconsumption accounted for31%of world consumption,30%and40%, petroleum, iron ore importdependence respectively40%,60%, and emissions of major pollutants has exceeded the capacity of theenvironment.In the West, since the1970s neo-liberalism and neo-classical school of comprehensive school rose tothe mainstream. They are in the context of economic globalization, dominated by the developed capitalistmode of production-the "capital" as the main market for the allocation of resources, access to capital tohigh profits as the goal, at the expense of the interests of humanity and natural environment as a means ofproduction. As a developing country, China’s economic development in the initial period would havecaused problems for the developed countries have "pay." Developed countries, the future emissions ofsulfur dioxide reduced the social and economic development needs of developing countries emissions,making the future economic development in developing countries face more constraints and difficulties. Asa representative of the developed countries, the Western monopoly capitalist groups has been the transfer ofpollution to developing countries. Economic development of developing countries in the world not onlypay a huge environmental costs and cheap labor, but also paid a huge economic cost and high financeforeign exchange costs.Realities faced by China’s economic growth is: Resource constraints have been difficult to sustain theenvironment; low-cost exports to low-end industry-led strategy and industrial structure is difficult tocontinue to continue; unequal distribution of income, lack of domestic market development is difficultsocial problems caused by to continue. Extensive economic growth mode, resulting in lower cost and input,output less; serious waste of resources, ecological and environmental problems highlighted; investmentdemand, often resulting in the total balance.... To be sure, China as the world’s largest developing country, the fastest economic growth in the new economy, the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases, are facingunprecedented pressures and challenges.Japan in the development of recycling economy, select the protection of the environment andconserving resources a combination of guidance modes, in order to achieve savings from the recycling ofresources to build a "recycling society" leap; Germany in the development of recycling economy, select theresource conservation guide mode, in order to achieve the environmental health measures from simple tocoordinate economic development with environmental protection strategy for change, and to guide andpromote the recycling economy with sustainable economic development and social construction; the UnitedStates chose to attach importance to the development of recycling economy model of environmentalprotection guidance. Therefore, we must proceed from the basic national conditions, adhere to andtransmission of Marxist economics, based on the results of the absorption of Western mainstreameconomics, innovation and economic theory to build socialism with Chinese characteristics, China’srecycling economy development model to build without delay.Marxist economics of innovation and circular economy theory provides a theoretical foundation andtheoretical framework: First, Marxist economics "is essentially built on the basis of the materialistconception of history", as a scientific concept of development, it reveals a cycle Economic researchers havenot yet clearly explained the problem-natural, human beings, human, social, environmental, and theirmutual relations. Second, the economic system of Marxism reveals the human activities, labor, living labor,and human forms of social organization initiative between the internal logic, economics, scientificexplanation for the cycle of human activity and human survival and development of the interactiverelationship between the environment provides a theoretical basis. Third, there are many levels of Marxisteconomics reveals the labor, production labor, production activities can be converted with the help ofproduction for economic activity, economic infrastructure, economic structure, economic structure, to studyhow economic theory for the circulation areas of the establishment of circular economy with the economytheoretical framework provides a logical method of direct reference. Fourth, a comprehensive interpretationof Marxist economics of the capitalist mode of production and the revolution and the relationship betweeneconomic growth model for the study of how to promote the development of recycling economydevelopment model of economic transformation provides a new theoretical ideas. Fifth, the capital ofMarxist economics, the theory of cycles in the market economy within the framework of economic theory to build cycle can provide a direct reference to the theoretical model. Capital cycle is the basic form ofcapital movement. Cycle of industrial capital in various forms of capital circulation is the only directlycarry staggered movement between natural and social forms of capital. Sixth, Marxist economics,①capitalist mode of production is carrying no human interaction between people and nature and the eternalrelationship between the way;②capitalist mode of production in their efforts to promote economic growththrough its network of world market internal conflicts spill, resulting in not only the link between the worldand contradictions and causing the whole link between humans and nature and contradictions;③capitalistmode of production in developed countries in promoting national economic growth, creating a globalhuman resources, material resources, a huge waste of natural resources and human environment and thedeteriorating ecological environment, which is still being constrained economic development in developingcountries, the history of knot.Scientific concept of development is essentially a pragmatic view of the world, is in the naturalsciences and social sciences intersection, recognizing people-oriented, ecological, sustainable economicdevelopment law methodology. In the scientific concept of development under the command of thedevelopment of circular economy is to go with the actual ecological civilization, and information leadingresource-saving and environment-friendly new industrial development. I believe that, regardless of thecurrent global financial crisis on world economic and social development of how serious the impact of, andregardless of China’s capital growth, promote employment, stabilize prices and how great the pressure,placed in front of the world and China is still the biggest crisis resource, environmental, ecologicalproblems. With the vigorous development of circular economy and build a resource-saving,environment-friendly society, in order to achieve low-carbon, growth target is seriously implementing thescientific concept of development problems to be solved.In this paper, the perspective of political economy, especially from the perspective of Marxisteconomics, the development of circular economy, a more systematic mechanism comb; the development ofrecycling economy of China’s practice of in-depth analysis; practice of circular economy of developedcountries, a systematic research and summarized. On this basis, drawing on previous ideas, try to build acircular economy in China’s space development model, proposed model of industrial ecology artery, veinpatterns of resource industries, and following the extension of analysis.1China’s entire economic system is like a space station, recycling economy development model like spacecraft, arteries and veins of industrial ecology industrial resources as the two spacecraft, booster,booster and the implementation of the hull as the way connections institutions, circular economy mode ofoperation as the space station’s orbit.2arterial pattern of industrial ecology. From the enterprise level, the park level and social level systemdescribed ecological agriculture, ecological industry, ecological services implementation approach.3vein patterns of resource industries. Learn from the German experience to present my MSWrecycling system and recycling system of waste home appliances.4starting from the scientific concept of development, put forward China’s recycling economydevelopment model to promote measures.China always have a clear future: how the contemporary world is a world? It is20%of the totalpopulation of the West in the80%share of the global context of resources to achieve industrialized world,but also a80%share of20%of the resources in the case of industrialization of the world, or80%of thedevelopment of contemporary the peoples and the descendants of the people of the world100%sustainableworld can not be........

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】F205;F124
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1674
  • 攻读期成果