

The Study on Exchange for Buddhism Bewtween Tibet and Western Region in China from7to18Century

【作者】 董知珍

【导师】 洲塔;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 西域自古以来是一个多民族汇聚的地区,因而也是多种宗教活动的沃土。学界对历史上西域的佛教、祆教、摩尼教和伊斯兰教津津乐道,但对历史上传播与流行于西域的藏传佛教鲜有关注,更对历史上西藏和西域之间在佛教方面的交流缺乏全面系统的研究。本文正是以西藏与西域之间在佛教方面的交流为主线,全面探讨了7-18世纪西域佛教、吐蕃佛教和藏传佛教在西域的传播发展和相互交流交融。理清了西域佛教的发展兴衰以及与吐蕃佛教的密切关系,提出了藏传佛教于10世纪后期至11世纪初传入西域以后持续不断发展的观点,并着力论述了藏传佛教在西域传播发展的情况,特别是藏传佛教格鲁派与卫拉特蒙古在佛教方面的密切关系和频繁交流。本文除导言和结论外,总共有八章。导言主要论述了本文的选题意义、研究现状、研究资料和研究方法等内容。第一章论述了7世纪以前佛教在西域的传入、传播、西域佛教的繁盛,以及通过密教在西域的传播情况的论述和西藏与西域之间的早期联系探讨西域佛教传入吐蕃(bod)的可能性。第二章论述了7-8世纪中叶西域的佛教发展情况。兴起于6世纪的西突厥人的佛教信仰,松赞干布引入佛教时西域佛教对吐蕃佛教的形成产生的深入影响。第三章为本文的重点之一,本章在论述唐与吐蕃对西域的争夺、吐蕃在西域的全面统治后着力论述了吐蕃与西域之间的密切联系以及在西域佛教的壁画和塑像里反映出的吐蕃元素,说明吐蕃与西域之间文化的相互影响和相互交融。第四章论述了西域佛教的消亡、藏传佛教在西域的初传以及藏传佛教在西域的传播情况和高昌回鹘后期回鹘人皈依藏传佛教的情况。第五章论述了13-16世纪西域藏传佛教的发展情况,天山北麓广大地区的藏传佛教因瓦刺进入西域后,藏传佛教得到了发展。第六章论述了瓦刺在西域的活动和和硕特蒙古与西藏的联系以及咱雅班第达对西域藏传佛教发展做出的贡献。第七章是本文的又一个重点,这一部分重点论述了藏传佛教的西域的发展和西藏与西域在佛教方面的频繁往来,并论述了准噶尔汗国覆亡以后西域藏传佛教的新发展。第八章结合文献记载、考古发现和本人的考察,论述了吐蕃时期和准噶尔汗国两个时期的佛教寺院的发展盛况,特别是近年来许多考古发现的新材料揭示了西域与西藏之间的密切关系。本文最后对全文做了归纳和整理,提出了自己的一些认识和看法。

【Abstract】 The western regions was a multi-ethnic pool area since ancient times, therefore it was a fertile soil for variety of religious. Scholars have taken delight in talking about Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism and Islam in the history of western region, however they have paid little attention to the history of communication and popular in western region for Tibetan Buddhist, moreover they have not research on the exchange for the Buddhism between the western regions and Tibet comprehensively and systematicly. This article was to kake exchanges between Tibet and Western regions Buddhism as the main line, discussing on development and mutual exchange of blending comprehensive for western region Buddhism, Turbo Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism and the spread of Tibetan Buddhism in western region in7-18century; Clarifying the development of the Western Buddhist and close relationship with Tibetan Buddhism.therefore draw a conclusion of Tibetan Buddhist continuous developed in western region since late10th century to the early11th century; focus on the communication and development of Tibetan Buddhism in the western region discussing especially between Tibetan Buddhist Gelug Sect and Beirut Mongolia in the Buddhist aspects of close relationships and frequent communication.This paper totally includes the introduction the conclusion and eight chapters. The introduction mainly gives a description of reasons in choosing this topic, research scope, research methods, research materials and the current academic research situation of Tibetan Buddhism in western region. The first chapter deals with the Buddhism in the western region incoming spread, Western Buddhism flourished and spread of early contact between the discourse and Tibet and Western Esotericism in the western Region to explore the possibility of the Western Buddhist introduced to the Turbo before7th century. The second chapter discusses the development of7-8by mid-century western region Buddhist. The Buddhist beliefs of western Turks,which rising in the6th century, the pervasive influence of western region Buddhist for Tibetan Buddhism which Songtsan introducted. The third chapter is one of the focuses of this article, this chapter discusses the Tang and Turbo the fight on the western region, Tibetan comprehensive rule in the western region, focus discusses the close links between Tibetan and western regions in the Western Buddhist murals and statues reflect theTibetan elements, indicating that the mutual influence and mutual exchanges between Tibetan and Western culture. Chapter four discusses the demise of western region Buddhism, the early transfer and the spread of Tibetan Buddhism in the western region and late Gaochang Uighur convert to Tibetan Buddhism. The fifth chapter deals with the development of Tibetan Buddhism in western region during13to16century, due to the Oirat entered the western region, Tibetan Buddhism has been developed continuously in the vast areas of the Tianshan Mountains. Chapter six dealt with the activity of Oirat in the western region, the connection between Heshuote mongol and Tibet, and the contribution of Zaya-Pandita to the development of Tibetan Buddhism in western region. Chapter seven is another focus of this article, this part focuses on the development of the Tibetan Buddhism in western regions, frequent contacts between Tibet and the Western Region for the Buddhist, and discussed the new development of Tibetan Buddhism after the Junggar Khanate defeat in western region. Chapter eight discusses the development of the Buddhist temples grand in Tibetan and the Junggar Khanate period, combining literature, archaeological discoveries and my visits. Especially to say many archaeological discoveries found recently has revealed the close relationship between Tibet and the Western Regions. Finally, induct and consolidate full text, thus come into bing the conclusion of my owm.

【关键词】 西域西藏佛教交流
【Key words】 Tibetwestern regionBuddhismExchange
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】K242;B948
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1192
  • 攻读期成果