

Study on Rheological Properties and Application of Oviductus Ranae

【作者】 梁清

【导师】 张守勤;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 林蛙油(Oviductus Ranae),是雌性林蛙输卵管的干制品,是传统的动物滋补药材之一。现代药理学研究表明,林蛙油具有抗疲劳、抗衰老、增强机体免疫等多种药理活性。本文分析了吉林安图县产林蛙油的基本成分及其乳化性、吸油性和保湿性,分离了林蛙油蛋白质,并研究了各组分蛋白的抗氧化活性,系统地研究了浓度、温度、冷冻和煮沸作用、盐浓度、pH值、压力对林蛙油吸水后形成的水凝胶流变学特性的影响,从而为林蛙油更广泛的应用提供了基础。根据林蛙油凝胶的流变学特性,以林蛙油为增稠剂开发了林蛙油保湿乳液,并明确了该乳液功效。本文的研究工作对于扩大林蛙油的应用范围提供了理论基础,对于丰富其产品的种类以及促进林蛙产业的发展具有一定的意义。

【Abstract】 Oviductus Ranae which is also called Rana oviduct, is the female frog’s fallopiantubes, obtained by the process drying, expand into a translucent jelly after absorbingwater. Oviductus Ranae is the traditional tonic herb in China, and is produced mainlyin the Changbai Mountainous Areas. There are proteins (about50%), lipids,polysaccharides, vitamins, nucleic acids, minerals and some other kinds of nutrients inOviductus Ranae. Modern medicine has proved that Oviductus Ranae had manyphysiological effects including anti-fatigue, anti-aging, lipid-lowering, adjustingataxia, and so on, and there is great potential for development. So it is meaningful forthe healthy growth of the industry of Rana temporaria to develop the related productsvigorously.In this paper, I studied the basic physical and chemical properties of OviductusRanae of Antu, Jilin, applied it to the cosmetics as thickener based on the rheologicalproperties of the colloids obtained from Oviductus Ranae absorb water and swelling,and develop Oviductus Ranae moisturizing latex. The research on Oviductus Ranaeprovides basis for the further development and utilization on Oviductus Ranae.Specific research work including:1. Study on the main nutrients of Oviductus Ranae.The physical and chemical properties of Oviductus Ranae are different when it isfrom different producing areas, the methods of getting the oil, the ways of drying. Tostudy the rheological properties better, analyzing the main nutrients and the basicphysical and chemical properties of Oviductus Ranae which is used in the researchsystematically is the first step.The sample of the Oviductus Ranae contains water11.91%, protein61.01%, lipid4.38%,(phospholipid3.79%), polysaccharide13.12%, ash content4.48%,collagen1.7%, reducing sugar4.10%. There is16kinds of amino acid, threonine6.66%, histidine4.86%, aspartic acid4.00%, proline3.48%, glutamic acid3.81%, andthere is also leucine, isoleucine, serine, glycine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, methionine,alanine, valine, lysine, arginine and methionine.The test also include the hygroscopicity, moisture retention, oil absorption,emulsifying property and emulsion stability of the Oviductus Ranae.2. Study on the extraction, separation and antioxidant activity of protein of theOviductus Ranae.According to the difference of the solubility of protein, water-soluble protein,salt-soluble protein, gliadin, alkali-soluble protein can be separated from OviductusRanae. the content of each kind of protein is: salt-soluble protein>alkali-solubleprotein> water-soluble protein> Composite protein> gliadinTo provide further basis of application of the Oviductus Ranae, and analyze theantioxidant activity of the Oviductus Ranae, the study determines the DPPH freeradical, OH scavenging activity and the ability of liposome oxidation resistancereducing power. The study shows that four kinds of samples acts reducing power, andenhanced along with the increase of concentration. Analyzing the correlation analysisof different kinds of methods to test antioxidation using the SPSS statistical software,and the results show that the results of different methods have significant correlation.So we can determine that the results are consistent.3. Study on rheological properties of Oviductus Ranae,To apply the Oviductus Ranae in the products better, we do the research ofrheological properties, the paper shows the effect of concentration, temperature, ionconcentration and pressure on the viscosity and viscoelasticity of Oviductus Ranaecolloid.The results show that Oviductus Ranae colloid is shear thinning pseudoplasticfluid, the viscosity decreased, liquidity increased, and thixotropy decreased with thedecreasing of the concentration of Oviductus Ranae colloid. In the frequency range ofthe study, all the samples’ storage modulus (G’) is higher than their each loss modulus(G’’), perform as the properties similar to the solid. The loss angle tangent (tanδ) of the Oviductus Ranae colloid in the trial stretch is greater than0.1, perform as physicalgel.Power Law model fitting data showed that consistency index decrease, colloidviscosity decreased, flow behaviour index increased, liquidity increased with theincreasing of temperature.The pH value has a great effect on the viscosity and viscoelasticity of OviductusRanae colloid. Out of the range of pH6-8, the macromolecules of Oviductus Ranaecolloid might degradation, and lead to the decrease of viscosity, storage modulus andloss modulus.Adding the salt ion can decrease the viscosity, storage modulus and loss modulusof the Oviductus Ranae colloid. And the influence of CaCl2is bigger than NaCl. Afterexert pressure of100-500MPa to Oviductus Ranae colloid, the viscosity increased,and it increased fast when the pressure is about200-300MPa, and slower later, storagemodulus and loss modulus also increased.4. Determine the formula of the moisturizing latex and study the functionOn the basis of the test, using Oviductus Ranae colloid as rheological thickenerand humectant, the shea butter and olive oil as oil phase, wheat germ emulsifying waxas the emulsifier, the paper shows that the four factors of three levels orthogonalexperiment, using the sensory evaluation as indicator. And finally determine theformula of the moisturizing latex is shea butter3%, olive oil4%, emulsion waxes2%and Oviductus Ranae0.2%. The research test the water-retaining property, antioxidantactivity,and the ability of sunscreen of the moisturizing latex. The moisturizing latexis qualified after being test in centrifugal test, cold and heat resistant test, the pH valueis6.5.

【关键词】 林蛙油分离凝胶流变
【Key words】 Oviductus Ranaeseparationcolloidrheology
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期