

Based on the Correlation Analysis of the Marine and Land Resources and Industrial Integration

【作者】 吴雨霏

【导师】 崔彬;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 陆域资源日渐枯竭,海洋资源备受关注。随着海洋经济的发展,海陆产业互动加强,单一的海洋或陆地资源开发模式极大地限制了经济发展,海陆资源与产业一体化成为经济发展的一个新趋势。对于海洋区位优势明显且人地矛盾日益尖锐的海洋资源大省浙江来说,它迫切需要借助海洋资源来弥补陆域经济发展的单一与不足,因此海陆资源与产业一体化是浙江经济社会发展战略的必然选择。本文以海陆资源与产业的关联为切入点,首先阐明海陆资源与产业一体化的相关概念以及对各种相关理论的研究与思考;其次构建灰色关联度模型,实证分析海陆资源开发与产业发展之间的内在关联;同时从投融资机制、市场机制等方面探讨分析海陆资源与产业一体化开发战略的外部支撑条件;然后构建SWOT模型对浙江省海陆资源和产业一体化发展进行可行性分析,最后在此基础上从海陆资源与产业关联角度提出浙江省海陆资源与产业一体化发展战略。通过研究,本文得出以下结论:(1)海陆资源与产业一体化是未来经济发展的一种趋势。它通过规划、协调、引导等手段提高海洋和陆地两大系统的内在联系程度,能够达到优化资源配置和产业结构升级、实现区域统筹和经济一体化发展的最终目标。(2)通过灰色关联度模型计算得出,海洋第一产业与陆域第三产业的关联度最高,与陆域第二产业的关联度次之,与陆域第一产业的关联度最低。海洋第二产业和陆域三大产业间的关联度大体相当。海洋第三产业关系最为密切的是陆域第一产业。同时计算出海洋主要产业和陆域经济三次产业的关联度。(3)浙江省海陆资源与产业一体化发展具有一定的基础,其海洋产业与陆域产业发展各有优劣,机遇与挑战并存。在海洋区位优势明显和人地矛盾日益尖锐的双重形势下,浙江省需要海陆经济协调管理机制、海陆统筹的投融资机制、统一开放的市场机制、海陆一体的基础设施网络体系、相互支撑的海陆科技创新体系和海陆协调的政策法规体系等一系列外部条件的支撑;措施上进行海洋资源的合理开发,优化海陆经济发展布局,打造现代海陆产业体系,构建“三位一体”的海陆一体化物流服务体系等,从而全面实施浙江省海陆资源与产业一体化发展战略。

【Abstract】 When Land resources are dried up with the passing day, marine resources getmuch concern. With the development of marine economy, the connection betweenmarine and land industry strengthens. The single marine or terrestrial developmentmode has restricted the economic development, and the integrated industry hasbecome a new trend. For the Zhejiang Province which has marine location advantagebut the contradiction between people and land, it is urgent to use marine resource tomake up for the land economy development. So the land and sea resources industryintegration is the necessary strategy to the Zhejiang Province.This paper takes the connection between land and sea resources industry aspenetration and firstly expounds the related concepts and theoretical research of landand sea resources industry; secondly makes up the grey correlation model to analysisthe relationship between land and marine resources industry empirically; at the sametime analyzes the investment and market mechanisms of external support conditions;and then builds the SWOT model of Zhejiang province to conduct a feasibilityanalysis; finally puts forward land and sea resources industry integration developmentstrategy of Zhejiang province.Through the research, this paper draws the following conclusions:(1) The integration between land and sea resources industry is a tendency ofeconomy development. It can reach the ultimate goal of economic developmentthrough the planning, coordination, guidance and other means to improve theconnection.(2) Through grey correlation model calculation, the marine first industry and theterrestrial third industry has the highest association, and followed by the terrestrialsecond and first correlation. The marine second industry and terrestrial thirdcorrelation roughly equal to the same. The marine third industry is most closelyconnected the terrestrial first industry. At the same time the paper calculates therelevancy between the main marine industry and the terrestrial three industries.(3)Zhejiang province has certain base in integration development that the marineindustry and terrestrial industry both have their own advantages and disadvantages.With the marine area location advantage and contradiction between people and land,Zhejiang province needs to the economic coordination, market and financemechanism, land and sea and cast financing mechanism, and unified market system,build infrastructure network system, and the support from external policies and laws.It also needs to develop marine resources, optimize industry layout, build modernindustry system, construct integrated logistics distribution and implement theintegrated develop strategy.

  • 【分类号】F127;P74;F224
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】821
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