

A Study of the Characteristics and Regulation-Storage Capacity of the Zhangfang Karst-groundwater Reservoir in Beijing

【作者】 李世君

【导师】 周训;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 水文学及水资源, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 北京地处华北平原的北部,是国际上为数不多的以地下水作为主要供水水源的大都市,地下水资源占城市供水总量的2/3。境内降水具有时空分布不均、丰枯交替出现等特点,导致水资源有效利用率不高,供需矛盾突出,缺水严重制约着北京城市建设和社会经济的可持续发展。利用地下含水层的天然调蓄库容建立地下水库,通过有计划的储蓄和调节水资源,实现水资源的丰补旱采,提高区域水资源综合利用效率,是缓解区域水资源紧张局势的主要途径之一。岩溶水资源作为北京地区主要地下水资源之一,由于赋存介质不均一,系统特征比较复杂。本文结合张坊岩溶应急水资源地的勘探建设,从水源地的选址、勘察和开采评价等多方面论述了岩溶地下水系统的特征。综合影响和控制岩溶水系统的主要因素,作者通过对区域古气候、地形地貌、地质构造等特征分析,应用地球物理勘探、水文地质勘探、水化学、同位素等多种技术手段相结合,通过对区域构造应力场、水化学场、水动力场等多种特征场的综合对比分析,阐述了岩溶地下水的补径排特征;应用氢氧同位素和CFCs示踪剂取样分析,初步分析了地下水的形成年龄。最后划分了白岱、石窝和长沟3个富水区,圈定了张坊岩溶地下水库的范围,面积约401 km~2,其中山区补给面积约280 km~2。研究结果表明,区内岩溶水的分布明显受构造控制,富水性不均匀;地下水的补给条件较好,循环演化较快。最后建立了岩溶地下水系统数值模型,预测了不同开采方案下区域水位降深,评价了岩溶地下水库的调蓄能力。综合区域水资源特点,分析了地表水和地下水联合调蓄条件,提出了地下水和地表水联合调蓄方案。张坊岩溶地下水库,属半开放式山前浅埋岩溶地下水系统,其补给条件好,但可调蓄资源量有限。多年平均可采地下水资源为2330×10~4m~3/a,年内最大可调蓄库容为4690×10~4m~3/a。拒马河自张坊岩溶地下水库西北部流入,年均径流量为11804×10~4m~3/a。区内具备地表水和地下水联合调蓄条件,通过胜天渠地表引水与张坊岩溶地下水库联合调度供水,利用地下水库的调蓄功能,弥补了地表水资源的不足,提高了区域水资源的综合利用效率。地表引水和地下水库联合调蓄,可满足年供水1.3-1.5×108m~3/a。

【Abstract】 Beijing is in the north of Huabei Plain, is the big city in the world which usesgroundwater as the main water supply source. Two thirds of water is groundwater.The precipitation distributes irregularly and alternates abundance and deficiency,which leads to low efficiency of water use and contradiction between supply anddemand. Water shortage restricts the sustainable development of society andeconomy. Using storage capacity of aquifer to set up the groundwater reservoir,which can realize water storage and adjustment and improve the water utilizationefficiency, is the main approach to relax the tension of water resources.The karst-water is the import water resources in Beijing, which has complex systemcharacteristics due to irregular storage media. The paper discussed the characteristics of theZhangfang karst-water system based on water source site selection, engineering investigation andwater production. Considering the dominating factors such as paleoclimate, topography andgeological structure, the author used geophysical and hydrogeological exploration,hydrochemistry and isotope method to analyze regional tectonic stress field, hydrochemical fieldand groundwater dynamic field. Then, the condition of recharge, runoff and discharge wasdiscussed, and the groundwater age was tested by using deuterium and oxygen isotope and CFCstracer. Three water-rich zones were classified named Baidai, Shiwo and Changgou, whichdetermined the range of karst-water reservoir. The reservoir area is about 401 km~2, in which themountain area for recharge is 280 km~2. The result of research shows that the distribution ofkarst-water is dominated by geological structure. The water yield property distributes irregularly.The recharge condition is good and water circulates fast. On the basis above and dynamicmonitoring of groundwater level, the numerical groundwater flow model was established toforecast the drawdown of groundwater table and evaluate the regulation-storage capacity ofgroundwater reservoir. Thereafter, the joint regulation-storage plan of surface water andgroundwater was put forward.The Zhangfang karst groundwater reservoir is in the Piedmont, which isbelongs to the semi-open type karst-water system and has good recharge condition.The average annual groundwater could be product is 2330×10~4m~3/a, and the largestregulation-storage capacity is 4690×10~4m~3/a. The Juma river enters the karst-waterreservoir in northwest with runoff of 11804×10~4m~3/a. The karst-water region hasjoint regulation-storage condition. The Shengtian trench can be used to adjust watersupply of karst-water reservoir which has excellent storage function and remediesthe deficiency of surface water. So, the utilization efficiency of water resourcescould be improved. The research shows that the joint regulation-storage can meetwater supply 1.3-1.5×108m~3/a.
