

Study on Synchronous Control of Domestic Water & Odor in Biotrickling Filter Packed with Mineral Materials

【作者】 匡颖

【导师】 万力;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 环境工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 城市污水和工业废水处理过程中会散发恶臭,其中多含有机硫化物和苯类等挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)和恶臭物质。不仅会恶化环境,还会危害人群健康。因此,污水处理厂有必要研发清洁生产工艺以解决二次污染问题。生物滴滤池是处理低浓度有机废气及恶臭的有效方法,目前也有研究涉及废水处理。本文采用天然矿物填料火山岩与焦炭,研究生物滴滤池同步处理污水、VOCs及恶臭气体的可行性,探索污水臭气共降解的反应机制与提高其共降解速率的途径。柱试验、中试试验和现场试验的研究表明,火山岩填料生物滴滤池的脱氮效果较好,除磷效果还需加强。实验条件下,出水中CODcr达到或接近《污水处理厂污染物排放标准》一级B标准;NH3-N可达到一级A标准。系统同步硝化与反硝化作用明显,TN可满足一级B标准;TP满足二级标准。水力负荷对系统处理的影响较大;容积负荷、进水浓度有适宜的取值范围,适当增大容积负荷可促进滴滤池反硝化作用。A/O生物滴滤池可以显著增强滴滤池的脱氮除磷功能,出水中TN可达一级A标准;TP接近一级B标准。但其工业性应用效果还需进一步改进。生物滴滤池内苯乙烯的吸收与吸附过程是同步发生的,符合―吸收-吸附-生物膜‖理论。进气浓度、容积负荷、停留时间都会影响去除率和去除速率。当进气浓度为1000 mg/m3左右时,火山岩和焦炭反应柱的最大去除率为71.3%和67%。进气浓度、容积负荷与去除速率呈线性关系。H2S和污水同步处理时,H2S的去除效果很好,两组反应柱的平均去除率为92%和93%,最大去除速率为711mg/m3·d和707mg/m3·d。污水的同步处理效果低于单独处理。CODcr的去除率可稳定在75%左右,去除速率约为2 kg/m3·d,出水平均浓度接近一级B标准。脱氮除磷的效果会受到影响,火山岩柱出水NH3-N满足二级排放标准,脱氮效果明显优于焦炭。苯乙烯和污水同步处理时,稳定后CODcr的平均去除率为81%,在实验进水条件下,出水平均浓度为68mg/L,接近一级B排放标准。苯乙烯的最大去除率和去除速率分别可达78%和758g/m3·d。实验数据说明,天然矿物填料生物滴滤池同步处理污水与臭气可以取得较好的处理效果,但脱氮除磷及VOCs的去除效果还需加强,应进一步研究共降解的反应机制,提高共降解的效率。

【Abstract】 Odor of municipal sewage or industrial wastewater plants always consist oforganic sulfide, benzenes and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or odorouspollutant. It will not only worsen the environment, but also harm human health.Therefore, it’s necessary for treatment plants to develop clean production technologyto solve the secondary pollution. Biotrickling filter is an effective way to deal withlow concentrations of organic waste gas and stench, and current study involvedwastewater treatment. Experiment on synchronous control of sewage, VOCs or odorgas was carried out to explore the mechanism and methods to improve the efficiencyand rate in biotrickling filters filled with natural mineral filler volcanic rocks andcokes.The results of column, pilot and field test have shown that the denitrification isbetter in lava trickling filter, yet phosphorus removal need to be improved. Dependedon the experimental conditions, CODcrin outfluent reached to or near the one gradeB of sewage treatment plant pollutant emission standards and NH3-N achieved levelA. Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification were observed. TN and TP meet onegrade B and two separately. Flow load will influence more on the system; volumeload, influent concentration should in the specific range; the denitrification will bepromoted with the volume load increasing. In A/O tricking filter, the denitrificationand phosphorus removal were improved obviously for TN meet the one grade Astandards and TP is close to B. However, field test didn’t succeed fully. It could bedescribed as―absorption-adsorption-biofilm‖for absorption and adsorption ofstyrene was occured simultaneously in biological trickling filter. Inlet concentration,volume load and residence time will affect the removal efficiency and rate.When theinlet concentration is about 1000 mg/m3, the removal efficiency of volcanic rocksand coke column were 71.3% and 67%. Linear relationship was showed betweenInlet concentration, volume load and removal rate. H2S had been removed well withthe average removal efficienciy was 92% in lava trickling filter column and 93% incoke column and the maximum removal rate was 711mg/m3·d and 707mg/m3·dduring the synchro operation. Yet sewage treatment was less effective than alone.The removal efficiency of CODcrwas stabilized at around 75%; removal rate about2kg/m3·d. The average effluent concentrations close to one grade B level.Denitrogen and phosphorus removal was worsened. Denitrification of volcaniccolumn is better than coke with the effluent NH3-N meet the two grade standard. Inthe experimental conditions, a stable average removal rate of 81% was got for CODcrand effluent average concentration of 68mg/L which is close to one grade Bstandards. The removal efficiency and rate of styrene was up to 78% and 758g/m3·d.The experimental data shows that good result could be expected to treat sewage andodor synchronously in biological trickling filter packed with natural mineral fillers.However, denitrogen and phosphorus removal should be improved. Further researchshould be done to explore the mechanisms and improve the degradation efficiency ofboth sewage and odor.
