

The Horizontal Well Technology Policy Research in Gas Field

【作者】 郭建军

【导师】 李治平;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 油气田开发工程, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 本文针对气藏水平井的开发在国内外缺乏相应的开发经验和开发模式的实际问题,以克拉美丽气田为例,进行了相关技术研究。采用多学科的方法对地质特征、气藏特征、开发特征进行了基础研究,对气藏水平井采用的井网形式、合理井距及井网部署、水平井产能、水平井水平段长度等进行了论证和优化,研究得到了一套适合于气藏水平井开发的理论和方法,取得了以下成果:1、采用多种判定方法,研究了克拉美丽气田的气藏类型、油环大小,研究结果表明:克拉美丽气田属于中含凝析油的气藏,可以采用普通的开采方式进行开采的认识。2、运用类比法、经济极限法、压裂缝半长法等多种方法确定了直井井网密度,通过直井井网密度和水平井井网密度的对比,得到了克拉美丽气田水平井井网密度,计算得到了四个区块的合理井网密度。同时研究了水平井开发的井网形式,得出对于火山岩气藏的裂缝发育特点,适合这类气藏的水平井网形式是非规则形式布井。3、分析了裂缝—孔隙型储层水平井渗流特征,建立了无限大双重介质油藏产能模型并且进行求解,在此基础上,推导出无限大双重介质气藏直井非稳态产能模型和气藏水平井非稳态产能二个模型,使用编制计算机程序进行了验证。运用采气指数和产能替换比的相互关系,计算了未压裂水平井和压裂水平井产能。4、运用类比法、理论法、数值模拟法和一种新方法对水平井水平段长度进行了优化。该方法考虑了单井产量与控制储量相匹配,考虑了水平段井筒中流动阻力等因素对产能的影响来优化水平井的水平段长度,分析了影响水平段长度的敏感性因素,包括生产压差、产气指数、水平段直径尺寸,得出了水平井水平段长度和各因素间的定量变化关系,为水平段的长度设计提供合理的理论指导和新方法。5、采用采气指数法、最小极限产量、最大极限产量等多种方法得到克拉美丽气田水平井的合理配产范围。采用临界携液产量为最小极限产量,采用临界冲蚀产量为最大极限产量,确定水平井的合理配产范围。运用水平井长度优化设计新方法中的产量公式,代入各井区的水平段长度取值范围,得到相关的产量变化范围。

【Abstract】 Taking Kelameili gas field as a case study, technical researches related to the developmentof horizontal well of gas reservoir were done in this paper, which aim at the realistic problemsof lack of development experiences and models. Basic studies were done to the characteristics ofgeology, gas reservoir and development with multiple methods of different subjects; the form ofwell network, reasonable well-space, disposition of well network, deliverability well andhorizontal length of horizontal were demonstrated and optimized. Suitable theory and a methodfor horizontal wells of gas reservoir were obtained, as well as the following achievements:The types of the gas reservoir and the size of oil ring in Kelameili gas field were researchedwith various methods, the results of the research indicated that the gas field was gas reservoirwith moderate condensate oil and could be extracted in ordinary way.Well spacing density was fixed by analogy, economic limit, fracture half length,etc. Thewell spacing density of horizontal wells in Kelameili gas field was obtained through thecorrelation between the well spacing density of straight well and of horizontal well; reasonablewell spacing density of the four districts was calculated. Meanwhile, the form of network ofhorizontal well was studied, and the view that the irregular placing of wells was suitable for gasreservoir of volcanic rock because of characteristics of its fractures.Characteristics of infiltrating fluid of horizontal wells in fracture-pore reservoirs wereanalyzed, and the deliverability model of infinite double media of reservoir was built up andcomputed. Then the unsteady state deliverability model of infinite double media of gas aboutstraight wells and about horizontal wells were derived based on the work above, and verifiedthrough computer program. Deliverability of fracturing horizontal well and non-fracturinghorizontal well were calculated with relationship between gas productivity index and ratio ofDeliverability replacement.Horizontal length of horizontal well was optimized with analogy ,theory, numericalsimulation and a new method, which taking into account of the matching of per well productionand controlled reserve ,and optimizing the horizontal length of horizontal well considering theinfluence of factors of flow resistance etc. to Deliverability. The sensible factors, includingdrawdown pressure, gas producing index and diameter size of horizontal part were analyzed, andthe quantitative variation relation between horizontal length and the factors, which offered a newmethod and theoretical supervision for the design of horizontal length.Reasonable distribution of production proration about Horizontal well in Kelameili gas fieldwas achieved with methods of gas productivity , minimal ultimate output and maximum ultimate output, taking the marginal liquid-carrying capacity as the minimal ultimate output andthe marginal impact erosion output as the maximum ultimate output. Take the value range ofhorizontal length into the formula of the new method optimizing the design for horizontallength of horizontal well, then the related variation range of output were obtained.

【关键词】 气田水平井井网密度产能井距
【Key words】 Gas FieldHorizontal WellWell Spacing DensityDeliverabilityWell Spacing