

On Information Variation in Emergency Events and Countermeasures

【作者】 熊茵

【导师】 赵振宇;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在风险社会语境中,频繁发生的突发事件对人类社会的影响越来越大。学界纷纷从不同角度对突发事件加以研究,企图找到降低突发事件破坏力的种种方法和途径。以新闻传播而言,突发事件造成不利影响的源头在于信息的不稳定状态。因此本文选取突发事件中的信息变异及其应对策略作为研究主题。突发事件信息变异系指突发事件信息在传播过程中,其意义随着信息传播主体的不同而发生迁移的过程,同时对社会交往产生影响。它表面上是事件相关信息相关元素的变异,实则是原有社会关系的变动。在信息的传递过程中,社会关系要素与社会认知要素会影响突发事件信息变异的内容与信息变异的程度。正因如此,本文的研究视角从社会关系的角度入手,着重探讨突发事件中的信息变异对社会关系与社会结构的影响并从中得出应对策略。本文分为两大部分,一为信息变异的基础理论部分:笔者从信息变异的基本概念入手,概括了信息变异的表现与影响,分析了突发事件信息变异产生的原因。二为突发事件信息变异的应对策略。突发事件的信息经由不同的传播渠道会产生形态变异,总体可归纳为信息量的增减和质的改变。无论何种情况的信息变异都会对社会关系发生影响,从而破坏社会稳定、减少社会信任、降低政府公信力,产生解释的恶性循环。深入探究其发生原因可知:其变异的根本原因是其突发事件信息对人的至关重要性,简言之,信息越有重要性、被传播的概率就越高,同时存在着被各色传播者有意识和无意识信息加工的可能性就越高,最终其发生变异的可能就越大;信息传播主体的编码能力欠缺是信息变异产生的又一重要原因;信息主体利益立场严重影响信息加工行为,是信息变异的意识层面的原因;社会的信任不均衡则是信息变异产生的外围大环境因素;框架意识的思维方式导致信息变异亦会导致信息变异;信息接受主体高低不一的解码能力与各异的诉求目的则是信息变异关键性因素。种种因素如同浮世绘般的错综复杂,汇集交织并共同发生作用。信息变异之原因当然不仅止于此,厘清其原因更应该是一项复杂艰巨且需与时更新的一项研究任务。至于突发事件信息变异的应对,文章认为既然信息变异不可规避,那么构筑社会信任是消除信息变异负面影响的基本前提。具体应对策略研究径藉由过程论和系统论的路径,从传播取向、传播时空、传播渠道以及长效规制的建立等层面进行。突发事件的可怕之处不仅在于事件本身破坏和伤害,更在于其对社会结构与社会关系的巨大影响和冲击,它使得人们的社会交往产生障碍不畅,最终造成不同程度的社会冲突。从信息变异层面来研究和探讨突发事件的处理方式与解决机制将有利于我们从社会自身的角度来看待突发事件的处理机制,改进和调控社会关系,从而最终促进社会的和谐与发展.。

【Abstract】 In the risk society, frequent emergency events have greater and greater influence on human society. Academic circles have been studying them from various views and try to find the approches and ways to reduce the damages of the emergency events. As the view of the mass communication and jounalism, the root of the bad influence from emergency events lies in the unstablity of information. So the paper take information variation and countermeasures as the study target.Information variation means that in the course of transferring information, the meannings of the information vary as the change of the communicators, and the influence on the social interactions comes into being. Superficially, it is the changes of some elements of information about the emergency events. But in essence, the social relationships change. In the course ot the information transfer, the social relationships and social recognition have great influences on the directions and intensity of information variation. Due to it, the paper starts from the view of social relationships and probes into the influences on the social relationships and structure, which is from information variation, and eventually tries to find some countermeasures.The paper consists of two section:the frirst section includes the basic theory on information variation. The first section concludes the definition,the reasons, the influence and the appearance of information variation; sencond section is on the countermeasures which includes controlling tactics and media tactics.Macroscopic countermeasures start from the macroscopic socail level. It is aimed to the main principles and applied to all communicators.In morden soceity, mass medias are the most important communication medium. Through the investigations and studies on the media’s acts, try to countermeasure information variation.It is of great significance both for the society and the media’s practice.Information about emergency events take on different forms through different channel. In general, it takes on the reduction or increase on the quanity and the change of meaning. But it does not what happens, the information variation have influence on the social relationships somehow. And it causes the consequence, such as destroy the stability of society, reduce the social credit, weaken the power of government and bring the misunderstandings. There are some reasons which are related:the basic reason is the importance of the infromation. In another word, the more important it is, the more frequently it will be communicated,the more possibilities of being processed by people consciously or unconsciously there is and enventually the more possibilities of information variation there would be; the lack of the encoding abilities of the comunicators is another reason; the standpoints of value also affect the information process; the unbalanced social credits is the atmosphere in which the information variation is likely to happen; frame consciousness leads to information variation; the different decoding abilities and the appeals also the reasons that are due to information variation. All those reasons mix with each other and come into effect simultaneously. To find more reasons of information variation, there are still more studies to do as times changes.As for the countermeasures to the information variation in emergency events, the paper thinks the most important goal is to build up the social credit, since information variation is unavoidable. By Process theory and System theory and from the communication orientation, time and space of communication,channel and systems, the paper concludes some tactics.The bad influence of the emergency events lies in not only the damage and the injure that it brings, but also its great impact on the social structure and social relationships. It makes the social intercation in trouble and then conflicts break out. The studies of emergency events from the information variation do good to thinking of the mangement systems from social view, it helps to improve and regulate the social relationships, and eventually promote the harmonization and development of the society.

  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1462