

The Feasibility Research on Passive Hybrid Downdraught Cooling for Public Buildings

【作者】 邱静

【导师】 李保峰;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 高校各类教室和报告厅等建筑空间由于人员密度大、通风不畅等原因导致室内热环境不舒适、空气质量差的问题一直存在。近年来随着多媒体教学的普遍化,教室室内热环境进一步恶化。中央空调是长江中下游地区封闭型公共建筑室内通风降温的主要方式,由于中央空调投资和运行成本高,学校经费紧张、常规能源紧缺,而且教学类建筑使用人数不确定、极端季节放假等原因,在教学类建筑中使用中央空调是不现实的。被动复合式下向通风降温系统利用冷空气密度大下沉,热空气密度小上升的原理,借助于管井、双层墙、天井、中庭等建筑空间通风降温,无需使用风机和管道,是与常规空调系统完全不同的体系,能够将降温系统与建筑空间整合实现一体化设计。且不受建筑体量、进深和开窗的影响,弥补了大进深、封闭型建筑自然通风的局限性。由于该系统在设备投资和使用能耗两方面都比常规空调系统显著减少,故而大大减少了有害气体排放,减缓了城市热岛。空调送风管道是传递各种疾病的媒介,PDC系统不需使用管道,可减少疾病传播,有利于创造健康的室内环境。因此该系统具有常规空调无法比拟环保、低能耗优势。本文将以武汉地区为例,探讨这种新型通风降温技术在长江中下游高校教学类建筑中应用的可行性。本文主要从五个方面展开研究:(1)被动式通风降温的分类和技术适应性分析。首先对通风的作用和方式进行了简单介绍,总结了被动降温技术的类型,重点对被动式降温通风的类型进行梳理,研究发现随着现代建筑向复合化和大型化方向发展,利用自然冷源的被动式通风降温系统在建筑中的应用和研究正在从直接单一方式走向多元间接方式、从不易控制走向有组织可控制、从简单走向系统化。本文据此提出了四种降温通风的类型,并结合案例对各通风降温类型的技术适应性进行了讨论和分析,指出了直接式自然通风的不足,提出了间接可控通风降温才有可能解决大进深、封闭式公共建筑的通风降温问题。(2)被动式下向通风降温技术的理论。对起源于古埃及,近年来在欧洲得到重视的被动式下向通风降温技术的起源、当前的理论研究概况以及在建筑中应用的优势和存在的问题进行了文献整理和总结,并结合当前空调领域最新研究成果,提出适合我国不同气候区的被动复合式下向通风降温技术。(3)室内外设计参数的确定。由于我国现有的暖通空调规范中室内外环境参数的确定只是针对常规空调建筑,并没有被动式通风降温的室内外设计参数。本文对国内外被动式通风降温建筑和自然通风建筑室内热舒适研究文献进行了整理和比较。以武汉为例,提出基于被动复合式下向通风降温技术的室内外设计参数。并以武汉某高校单层报告厅为例,进行室内热环境的理论计算和模拟分析,证明该设计参数的可行性。(4)节能潜力研究。以武汉地区的典型年气象数据为依据,通过数据分析发现武汉地区公共建筑应用被动复合式下向通风降温技术的节能潜力相当大。这是因为在封闭式公共建筑中应用该技术能延长过渡季节,并使降温季节由通常的四个月缩短到一个月左右。对于高校教学类建筑则因为极端温度处于假期,基本不存在降温季节。故采用被动复合式下向通风降温系统不仅能解决全学年的通风降温问题,还大大改善了教室室内空气质量。(5)基于该技术的典型建筑的理论计算和模拟分析。通过对武汉高校公共教学建筑空间尺度和组合方式的调研,提出了基于被动复合式下向通风降温系统的空间类型。本文以三种典型教学空间类型为例,根据武汉地区过渡季节最不利室外计算参数,进行理论计算和模拟分析,进一步验证该通风降温系统在不同类型公共教学用房中应用的可行性。通过典型案例研究,确定了不同通风方式与建筑空间、楼层的关系,并通过风口尺度计算阐明了相关注意事项。被动复合式下向通风降温系统作为与常规中央空调完全不同的系统,是被动式降温研究领域的新方向,目前该系统在我国建筑中的应用还比较少,随着节能减排和建筑可持续发展的需要,在建筑设计中应用该技术替代常规空调具有非常重要的现实意义。本文的研究结论不仅适用于教学用房,也可为会议厅、剧院和电影院等建筑类型提供设计参考,同时为建筑师在封闭型公共建筑中创作提供了新的思路。

【Abstract】 Air quality problems in University classrooms and lecture halls are persistent due to the density of personnel, poor ventilation which lead to uncomfortable indoor thermal environment. In recent years, with the universalization of the multimedia teaching, classroom indoor thermal environment is deteriorating further. Central air-conditioning is the main equipment of cooling and ventilating closed public buildings in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Since costs of investment and running of central air conditioning are high, lack of funds, shortage of conventional energy sources, the number of students in teaching classes is uncertain, and extreme season is holiday. It is unrealistic to use the central air-conditioning in a teaching building. The principle of Passive and Hybrid Downdraught Cooling system relies on the thermal buoyancy, the density of cooled air is higher than the inside air, which leads the heavy cooler air downdraught to cool the indoor space. By means of tube wells, double wall, patio, courts, the hot air rise and exit to outside without fans and piping. The PHDC system is completely different from the conventional air conditioning system in that it integrates cooling system with the building space. Without impact by building mass, building depth and openings in the wall, PHDC makes up the limitations of natural ventilation in deep-plan or enclosed buildings. Because of the reduction in equipment investment and lower energy consumption in operation, harmful gas emissions are greatly reduced, urban heat island is mitigated. Air conditioning piping is the medium of various diseases delivery, without using pipes, the PDC system can reduce the spread of the disease, and help create a healthy indoor environment. The advantage of PHDC is low power and environmental friendly. This dissertation will explore the application feasibility of this novel ventilation and cooling technology in university teaching building in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, take Wuhan city as an example.This dissertation discusses from five aspects as follow: (1) The classification and adaptability analysis of passive ventilation and cooling. Firstly, a brief introduction on the function and pattern of ventilation was introduced, the types of passive cooling techniques were summarized. After sorting out the types of passive cooling ventilation techniques, it was found that with the development of modern society, public buildings stepped into complex and large-scale. Application and research on natural ventilation in these buildings were changed from direct and single methods to indirect and multiple methods, from uncontrolled to organized way, from simple to systematize. This dissertation has put forward four cooling and ventilation types. According to case study, different types of ventilation and cooling technology were discussed and analyzed. It pointed out the disadvantage of direct natural ventilation, and suggested that indirectly and controlled ventilation and cooling is possible to solve the problems in the deep-plan, enclosed public buildings.(2) Theory of passive downdraught cooling. PDC is originated in ancient Egypt, which was got the attention in Europe in recent years. The origin of PDC technique, current research situation, the application of advantages and problems were literature reviewed and summaried. Combined with the latest research achievements in the field of air conditioning, PHDC technique which is fit in different climatic zones in our country is put forward.(3) Determination of indoor and outdoor design parameters. The indoor and outdoor parameters are only in HVAC standard, not for passive cooling buildings. After The collation and comparison of indoor thermal comfort studies in domestic and foreign passive cooling and natural ventilation buildings, design parameters based on PHDC in Wuhan is presented. A case study of a monolayer lecture hall in University in Wuhan is studied by calculations and simulations to demonstrate the feasibility of the design parameters.(4) Potential study of energy saving. After analyzing Wuhan typical year meteorological data, it revealed that potential of energy efficiency in public buildings with PHDC system is quite significant. Because the transitional season will be extended by the application of this technology, and cooling season is shortened from the usual four months to about one month in enclosed public buildings. There will be no cooling needs for university teaching buildings due to summer holiday during extreme temperature. Therefore, PHDC can not only solves the problems of ventilation and cooling for the entire school year, but also can greatly enhance the classroom indoor air quality.(5) Theoretical calculations and simulations of the typical teaching buildings based on PHDC. Type of space based on PHDC is presented after survey on spatial scales and combinations of University teaching buildings. Three typical types of teaching space are presented as examples. According to the most unfavorable outdoor parameters during Wuhan transition seasons, theoretical calculations and simulations are used to further verify the feasibility of PHDC system in different types of teaching space. According to case study, the relationships between ventilation types and architectural space, the floors are confirmed, and some relevant notes are clarified through the outlet size calculation.PHDC is a new aspect in passive cooling field in the future. The system is seldom used in our country. With the energy conservation and architecture sustainable development, study on this technology as an alternative to conventional air conditioning has a very important practical significance. The conclusions of this study are not only applicable in teaching buildings, but also provide design references and creat new idea for architects in building types such as conference rooms, theaters cinemeas, and some other enclosed public buildings.
