

Ecological Analysis of Growth of the Media

【作者】 陈瑞群

【导师】 屠忠俊;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 本文运用生态学理论、模型和方法,整合企业成长理论,辅以传播学理论、新闻学理论,以湖北知音传媒集团为典型案例,对传媒成长历程进行描述与分析,探寻传媒成长的机制、路径和规律。论文从生态学视角对传媒成长进行了新的界定,指出,传媒成长的过程就是通过获取和利用内、外部资源,实现传媒生态位不断扩充的过程。生态位扩充有几种方式:竞争或捕食(兼并);开拓潜在生态位;增强环境适宜度,正向构建生态位。媒介、传媒业、传媒企业在社会系统中分别对应的是群落、种群和种,它们的功能结构不同,研究的内容也不尽相同。在群落的(媒介)层次,关注的是其演进规律和路径;在种群的(传媒产业)层次,关注的是多样性和决定种群增长波动的因素;在种的(传媒企业)层次,关注的是个体对环境(自然、社会环境及竞争者)的适应和反应。它们之间又有强相关性,传媒企业是构筑传媒产业的单元,而传媒产业是构筑媒介群落的一个单元。论文阐释了生态位选择、生态位宽度、生态位扩充、生态位构建、生态位分离在传媒企业成长过程中的表现,阐释了传媒企业成长不同阶段的演化逻辑。传媒企业在每一个成长阶段都有着特定的抉择和挑战,有效识别和构筑特色竞争力有助于传媒企业选择适合的生态位,制定正确的成长策略,为优化资源配置和争夺市场制高点奠定坚实基础。传媒企业生态位战略一般步骤为:第一,开拓生态系统,占据一个有利生态位;第二,维护生态系统良性循环,适时扩充生态位;第三,打造核心竞争力,确立竞争优势地位;第四,保持与周边生态成员的协同进化,避免竞争者的替代或超越;第五,关注环境的变化,在环境变化之时重新构建生态秩序,突破限制因子,以获得新生。作者围绕湖北知音传媒集团27年的成长历程,通过文献调研、实地考察和深度访谈等方法,对该集团进行了深入调查和全面的考察,搜集和掌握了大量翔实的第一手资料。在此基础上,运用理论对材料进行梳理与分析。研究显示,知音传媒集团27年的成长走势大致呈现组合S型曲线,目前已进入稳定又不乏活力的盛年期。论文指出,知音传媒集团之所以取得不凡成长业绩,是因为它创办之初就准确识别需求,占据“人情美、人性美”特定有利生态位,为成长奠定了坚实的基础。知音传媒集团能够保持持续的创新动力,是因为它一开始就投身市场,并为适应市场竞争构建了完善的内部竞争机制,实现了红皇后协同成长效应,同时利用生态位构建正向作用,打造利于自身成长的环境,不断突破自身成长的瓶颈,获得持续和稳定的成长。论文从微观和宏观的角度分析了知音传媒集团成长历程中的一些陷阱。漫长的上市历程、艰难的海外拓展、步履维艰的全媒体打造、《新周报》的沉浮等,种种的障碍阻滞了集团的成长,而中国的媒介政策是造成障碍的最重要限制因子。论文从生态位宽度视角分析了《打工》、《知音·励志》等案例的兴衰原因,指出,传媒产品的生态位宽度设置太宽,会减低其生存效率,失去较强竞争力;从生态位重叠度视角,分析了《知音》海外版与《知音文摘》等刊物成长乏力的原因;从生态因子视角分析了《商界名家》办刊的失败和“知音体”的尴尬,指出,生态因子匹配失当和平衡破坏是主要的原因。在考察知音传媒集团的基础上,论文进而指出:中国传媒健康、持续成长可以表达为一条组合s型成长。遵循这样的成长方式,传媒就能拥有持续的发展能力,具备一定的自我调节功能,自动跟踪变化的生态环境,实现稳定增长。实现组合S型曲线成长必须的条件是:第一,不断扩充成长空间。如果缺乏成长空间,曲线无法向上延伸。第二,必须能够突破成长的限制因子,如果突破不了,无法实现成长的正反馈过程,新一轮的S型成长也就难以实现。第三,必须有创新。没有创新,就没有突破限制因子的能力。第四,必须自觉地、勇敢地投入竞争。没有竞争,就没有创新的动力。

【Abstract】 Taking Hubei Zhiyin Media Group as a case study, this dissertation tries to describe and analize the course of media growth by applying theories, models and methods of ecology, theories of the growth of enterprises as well as theories of Communication and Journalism, aiming to explore the Mechanism, the Route, and the Law of It.From the view of ecology, this paper gives a new definition of media growth:The course of media growth is a process of achieving continuous niche expansion of the media through acquisition and use of internal and external resources. There are several ways of niche expansion:Competition or predation (merger), exploration in potential niche and positive construction of niche as well the enhancement of its environmental suitability. Media, Media Industry, and Media Enterprises respectively correspond to community, population, and species in the social system, and have different functional structures, so the contents of study are also different. In the level of community (media), close attention is paid to the evolutionary rules and paths of the media; in the population (media industry) level, focus is on its diversity and factors which decide the population growth and fluctuation; in the species (media enterprise) level, emphasis is put on the adaptation and reaction of individuals to the environments (natural environment, social environment and competitors). They have a strong correlation between each other, in which media enterprise is the unit of construction of media industry, while media industry is a unit of the construction of media community.The dissertation illustrates the performances of niche selection, niche breadth, niche expansion, niche construction, and niche separation in the growth process of media enterprises, and explains the evolutionary logic of the media in different phases of growth. The media enterprise has specific choices and challenges in each growing stage. Effective identification and construction of special competitiveness help media enterprises to select appropriate niche and establish appropriate strategies, so as to lay a solid foundation for optimizing resource allocation and contending for market commanding heights. The general steps of media enterprises’niche strategies are as follows:firstly, developing an ecological system and occupying a favorable niche; secondly, maintaining a virtuous circle of the ecosystem, and expanding the niche timely; thirdly, building a core competitiveness, and establishing a favorable competitive status; fourthly, keeping up with the evolution of surrounding members in the ecosystem, and avoiding replacement or excess by competitors; fifthly, paying close attention to environmental change, reconstructing the ecological order at the moment change occurs so as to break through limiting factors for a new life.conducted thorough investigations and comprehensive surveys of the Group by way of literature researches, field investigation and depth interviews, and collected a great deal of detailed and first-hand information. On the basis of these, the author sorted and analyzed these materials with related theories. Research shows that the trend of the 27 years’s growth of Hubei Friends Media Group is generally a combined S-shaped curve, presently reaching its prime time of stability yet vitality. This paper points that the extraordinary growth performance of the Group lies in its accurate identification of needs at the beginning of its foundation and its occupation of the particular and favorable "beautiful human, beautiful human nature" niche, which contributed greatly to the laying of a solid foundation for the Group’s growth. The maintenance of the Group’s sustained driving force for innovation counts on its outset into the market and the establishment of a sound internal mechanism of competition adaptive to market competition, which helped to achieve the Red Queen synergistic growth effect. Meanwhile, the Group used its ecological niche to build a positive role to create a favorable environment and achieved a sustained and steady growth by constantly breaking through the bottleneck of its own growth.From a micro and macro perspective, the paper also analyzes some pitfalls in the process of the group’s growth:long listing process, difficult overseas expansion, slow creation of all-media, and the ups and downs of the New Weekly etc. All these obstacles blocked the growth of the Group, in which China’s media policy was the key limiting factor. From the perspective of ecological niche width, the paper analyzes the rise and fall of cases such as Work and Friends·Inspiration, then points that the niche breadth of media products is set too wide, which reduces the efficiency of their existence and results in the loss of strong competitiveness. An empirical analysis was also done, from the perspective of niche overlap, to uncover the causes of weak growth of such magazines as Friends (overseas edition) and Friends’ Digest. From the perspective of ecological factors, the paper analyzes the failure of Business Masters and the causes of "Friends’Style", pointing to the fact that the mismatching of ecological factors and the destruction of balance are the main causes.Based on the investigations of Zhiyin Media Group, the dissertation concludes that Chinese media’s healthy and sustained growth can be expressed as an s-type growth. Following such a mode, the media can make a sustainable development, obtain a certain self-adjusting function, automatically track changes in the ecological environment, and eventually achieve steady growth. There are some necessary conditions to make the combined S-type curve growth come true:first, the growth space must be expanded constantly. Without the space for growth the curve can not extend upward. Second, the limiting factors which hinder the growth of media enterprises must be broken. If not, there will be no positive feedback in the process of growth, hence a new round of S-type growth will be impossible. Third, there must be innovation. The lack of innovation will result in the lack of ability to break through the limiting factors. Fourth, there must be conscious and courageous involvement in competition. Without competition, there will be no incentive to innovate.
