

The Study of Huangfu Shi

【作者】 刘新征

【导师】 刘真伦;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 皇甫湜是中唐古文运动重要参与者,属韩门奇崛一派,在当时盛有文名,其后声名虽不如前,但始终是研究古文运动不可回避的人物。然而现在对皇甫湜的研究,跟李翱等其他“韩门弟子”相比,已经相对落后。因此本文从皇甫湜生平、文集版本源流和作品思想内容、语言特色以及皇甫湜文集校注几个方面对其作相对全面的研究。这于深化对古文运动的研究、中唐士人思想情况的研究以及韩愈等有关文学大家的研究,都有着积极的意义。全文分上、下两篇:上篇是生平、版本、思想、语言研究,下篇是文集校注。皇甫湜生平主要在刘真伦师《皇甫湜行年考》、李芊《皇甫湜年谱简编》的基础上进行考异和简明勾勒。皇甫湜文集的版本源流也有姚继舜《皇甫湜文集版本源流考》和李天明《<皇甫持正文集>版本源流考》进行了较为深入的研究,本文在此基础上,结合自己的版本调查和校勘,作了必要的补正,如认为正德本并不源自宋本、项藏本并非抄自正德本而是抄自宋本、四库全书采录本不是戴校本而是汲古阁本等等。皇甫湜作品的思想内容和语言特色是皇甫湜研究相对较为薄弱的方面,以往的研究还比较零散,不够深入细致。思想方面主要突出了其“尚奇”的文学思想,对其他方面涉及不多。本文从哲学、政治、文学等方面对皇甫湜思想进行述评,既肯定了其思想整体来看属于正统的儒家思想,深受韩愈的影响,也分析了释道思想对他的影响。作品的语言特色,以往的研究已经指出了其奇崛、古涩的特点,只是缺乏具体细致的分析,即没有具体分析这种特点是如何表现及如何形成的,本文认为其文爱用僻词僻义、古词古语、典故以及凝词造句不循故常的特点形成了其语言的古涩;其句式、用词以及多用新奇比喻的修辞特点形成了其文的奇崛刚健。下篇主要以湜集宋刊本作为底本,以现存十四个明、清代善本,以及《四库全书》、《全唐文》的皇甫湜文集与《文苑英华》中的皇甫湜文章作为参校本,对皇甫湜文集进行校勘并注释。总之,皇甫湜是中唐古文运动的重要成员,在思想上和文学创作上追随韩愈,是韩愈的有力支持者。他整体而言秉持儒家思想,文学上极力“尚奇”,创作上有自己鲜明的个性,在一定程度上实现了其“文奇理正”的文学理想。

【Abstract】 Huangfu Shi was one of the most important members of Ancient Prose Movement in the mid-Tang Dynasty.He was the follower of the eminent writer Han Yu and hold the "strange style of writing".His writings was appraised highly in his time. Though his fame was lower later, but always the person must be discussed when studing the Ancient Prose Movement.Now,the study on Huangfu Shi is relatively backward compare with that of the other followers of Han Yu such as Li Ao and so on.So this paper carry out an overall study on Huangfu Shi include the chronicle of his life,the edition source of his collection of articles,the thought content of his works,the language characteristic of his works. It has positive significance in deepening the study of Ancient Prose Movement,the study of literators’ thought of that time and the study of Han Yu.There are two parts in this paper.The first one studied on Huangfu Shi’s lifetime, the editions of his collection of proses, the thought content of his works and the language characteristic of his works. In the second part,we collated and noted his collection of proses.The chapter of his experiences simply outlines the story of his life on the basis of of the productions of the predecessors such as Liu Zhenlun’s Textual Criticism of Huangfu Shi’s life and Li Qian’s Chronicle of Huangfu Shi’s life.On the basis of of the productions of the predecessors such as The study on the edition source ofHuangfu Shi’s collection of proses by Yao Jishun and The study on the edition source of Huangfu Chizheng’s collection of proses by Li Tianming,this paper made some necessary additions and corrections:the Zheng De’s edition was not originated from the edition edited in Song Dynasty, the Xiang’s reserved transcription was not a copy of the Zheng De’s edition but was copied from the edition edited in Song Dynasty and the edition of Si KuQuanShu was not originated from Dai’s revised edition but from the Ji Gu Ge’s editon and so on.The study on the thought content of Huangfu Shi’s works and the language characteristic of his works has always been the blind spot for the academia. The predecessors usually discuss his literary opinion that characterized by holding the "strange style of writing",but hardly discuss other aspects of his thought.So,the third chapter reviewed his thought from three aspects:philosophy, political and literature.His thought was deeply influenced by Han Yu’s,and His proses embodied Confucian thought,but Buddhist thought and Taoist thought can also be founded in his works. Huangfu Shi’s obscure language in his works was always discussed by the predecessors,but there was no In-depth analysis about it.So the fourth chapter discussed it was his liking to use uncommon words, ancient words,ancient speech..classical allusions and constructing sentences not abide by conventional formed his obscure language,and it was his uncommon sentence pattern,wording and novel parable formed the vigorous style of his works.The second part take the edition of Huangfu Shi’s collection of proses in Song dynasty as master copy and other 14 good editions in Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty and his proses in WenYuanYingHua,QuanTangWen,Si KuQuanShu as comparison editions collated and noted his collection of proses.Shortly, Huangfu Shi was an important members of Ancient Prose Movement,he was an stronger follower and supptor of Han Yu at thought and literary creation.Broadly speaking,he was a confucian.As a proser,he hold the "strange style of writing"and his creation embodied distinct personality.He has realized his literary ideal which called "wenqilizheng" to some degrees.
