

Study on the Kernel Words of Vietnamese Language

【作者】 武忠定

【导师】 黄树先;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 越南具有悠久、持续不断的历史和本地文化。远古时期,越南处在人类大迁移的十字路口,曾经是不同部落的居住地,是操孟-高棉语、侗台语、南岛语土著人的生息地盘,也是古代印度文明和古代中华文明的汇聚之地。历史上越南不断容纳从四面八方迁移过来的人。其多样性的来源造就了越南文化的多元性。时至今日,越南语到底属于哪一个语系的语言呢?我认为,学界对越南语系属划分的分歧实际上反映了现代越族(京族)形成本身的复杂性。因此,越南语核心词的研究对越南语词源及系属问题的归纳和总结具有重要的意义。本文在选词上以斯瓦迪士的《百词表》为标准,由九章组成,一共讨论了122个核心词,并涉及到159个语义场词条以及122个汉语借词。第一章是绪论。主要介绍课题研究的对象和意义,目的和方法,国内研究的现状,语料来源及符号使用说明。第二章具体介绍越南语词汇的来源,分别为本族词(纯越词)、汉语借词(汉源词汇)以及印欧语借词。第三到第八章是文章的主体部分。第三章为自然事物类,第四章为身体部位类,第五章为动植物类,第六章为动作与感觉类,第七章为性状类,第八章为其他核心词(包括人与人称代词、指示代词、疑问代词、副词和数词)。斯瓦迪士的100个核心词其实是100个概念,表达这些概念的词极为丰富。本文选出最具代表性的词条,一般是同义词及近义词,列出它在各种亲属语言中形式,找出其来源及语义变化。这将是证明《百词表》中每一个词来源的强有力例证。第九章为结语。对越南语核心词进行全面总结,并对越南语系属问题提出新结论,同时也指出了本文的主要创新点、不足之处及今后研究的展望。本文的特色主要表现在以下两个方面:(1)用斯瓦迪士的《百词表》全面考察越南语核心词的来源,这项研究无论在越南国内还是在其他国家尚属首次。本文还首次以语义场为出发点,全面系统地整理每个核心词语义场中的有关词条,并采用比较词义的方法对周边语言的词语进行比较,从而指出语义演变的共同规律。(2)重新认识越南语的系属问题。本文构拟出越南语100个核心词的原始语音面貌。这项工作也有前人做过,但不够全面,不够系统,这是一个新的尝试。与前人所做的越南语词汇史研究相比,本课题特色突出。因而,本课题的选择既有继承,又有创新,同时具有科学价值、实践价值和参考价值。

【Abstract】 Vietnam has a time-honoured history and diversified culture. In ancient times, Vietnam was a crossroads for many migration flows of people, including speakers of Mon-Khmer, Austronesian and Kam-Tai languages. Vietnamese civilization was also deeply influenced by ancient Chinese and Indian cultures. Vietnamese language provides some clues to the cultural mixture of Vietnamese people. Though a separate and distinct language, Vietnamese borrows much of its basic vocabulary from Mon-Khmer and tonality from Tai. Vietnamese also exhibits some influence from Austronesian as well as large infusion of Chinese language of a later period. Therefore, the study of "Vietnamese Kernel Words" significantly contributes to the understanding of the etymology of Vietnamese words, so that we can see the overall picture of the evolution of Vietnamese language.Based upon the Swadesh 100-word list, the thesis consists of nine chapters and discusses 122 kernel words involving 159 words of semantic field and 122 Sino-Vietnamese words.Chapter one is Introduction. This chapter includes literature review, significance and contributions of the thesis, research questions, methodology, sources of reference and organization of the thesis.Chapter two describes the sources of Vietnamese vocabulary, including native Vietnamese words, Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary and words in Indo-European languages.Chapter three to chapter eight constitute the main parts of the thesis. Chapter three focuses on words of Natural things; Chapter four on words of Parts of the human body; Chapter five on Fauna and Flora words; Chapter six on words of Actions and Feelings (kernel verbs); Chapter seven on Describing, Identifying, and Quantifying words (kernel adjectives); Chapter eight on other kernel words, including Person and Personal pronouns, Demonstratives, Interrogative pronouns, Adverbs and Numerals. In fact, since the "Swadesh 100-word list" means 100 concepts, there are thousands of ways to express the words of these concepts. The thesis only selects the most representative words, most of which are synonyms, in order to search for highly corresponding expressions of these words in relative languages and proto languages.The conclusion chapter sums up the overall characteristics and current state of the kernel words in Vietnamese language, and puts forward a new argument on the historical origins of Vietnamese language. The chapter also points out added values and inadequacies of the thesis as well as directions for further research.The main contributions of the thesis include:(1) "Research on the Kernel words of Vietnamese language" is the first-ever comprehensive and systematic study of the theme. The thesis studies ways of organizing a comprehensive system of kernel words starting from the semantic field with the method of lexical meaning comparison and analyses of word order and semantic changes.(2) The thesis provides a new approach to the understanding of the historical origins of Vietnamese language through adopting the Swadish 100-word list to discuss the evolution of Vietnamese language. The choice of this subject is inheritance and innovation, and offers not only a certain reference value, but also scientific significance and application value.
