

A Study of College English Teaching Model Based on Intercultural Communication

【作者】 汪火焰

【导师】 何锡章;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在全球化语境下,不同文化背景的人们进行有效交际的前提是:除学好外国语言外,还必须了解外国文化,体验并熟知本国文化与外国文化之间的差异,具备必要的语言能力和跨文化交际能力。本研究将对我国的外语教育现状进行分析,指出中国学生在外语交际过程中的问题和中国外语教学的缺陷;探究那些导致我国大学生缺乏跨文化交际能力的深层原因;审视外语教学法的演变历史以求获得外语教学的经验和教训;借鉴现代语言教学理论和跨文化交际理论来纠正外语教学中重视语言知识和语言技能、轻视文化因素的倾向;在此基础上构建一个崭新的外语教学模式——基于跨文化交际的大学英语教学模式。中国的外语教学经历了一系列的改革,但教学效果始终不如人意,培养的学生语言能力强,语言技能熟练,但社会文化能力和跨文化交际能力差,大学英语教学就是一个典型的例子。经过深入细致的研究,我们发现了七种主要原因:一、主流的外语教学法流派都忽略了文化在外语教学和交际中的重要性;二、外语教学界还缺乏成熟的跨文化外语教学模式,特别是跨文化英语教学模式;三、学校普遍缺乏涵盖跨文化交际项目的大学英语教学大纲;四、英语教师和学生缺乏跨文化交际意识;五、教师缺乏文化教学的训练和接触英美文化的机会;六、跨文化交际英语教材匮乏;七、学校缺乏系统评估文化能力的手段和标准。以培养外语人才为目的的语言教学已有一百多年的历史,其演变过程分为四个主要阶段:第一阶段,传授语法知识培养阅读能力;第二阶段,按幼儿习得母语规律,强调模仿和重复,训练学生外语的听说能力;第三阶段,以认知为前提,培养学生的外语综合应用能力或交际能力。目前正在进入第四个阶段,以语言和文化作为输入,培养学生的社会文化能力和跨文化交际能力。到目前为止,比较系统化的语言教学法流派不下二十种,其中最具影响力的流派有五种:翻译法、直接发、听说法、认知法、交际法。前四种教学法都以传授语言知识和培训语言技能为目的,在不同时期为语言教学做出了巨大贡献,但都忽略了文化因素。跨文化交际研究兴起于上个世纪五十年代。世界各地的众多学者在吸纳了人类学、心理学、语言学、传播学、社会学、哲学、文化学等学科研究成果的基础上,为跨文化交际学构建了独特的理论框架和研究方法。美国人类学家艾德华.霍尔(Edward Hall)对于文化与交际之间的关系颇有研究,被称作“跨文化交际学之父”,其著作《无声的语言》(The Silent Language,1959)被看成是跨文化交际研究的奠基之作。古迪昆斯特(Gudykunst)于1983年发表的著作《跨文化交际理论:当前视角》(Intercultural Communication Theory:Current Perspectives)被认为是跨文化交际学作为独立、成熟学科的标志。跨文化交际研究的成果在外语教育和相关方面体现了最高价值。跨文化交际学使语言教学专家们认识到语言教学离不开文化因素,外语交际就是跨文化交际,衡量现代外语人才的重要标准是看他们是否具有文化认知能力和跨文化交际能力。外语教学中的文化教学经历了从注重阅读能力的培养,到注重交际能力的培养,再到现在关注跨文化交际能力培养3个主要阶段;形成了两种教学方法:文化知识传授法和文化过程教学法;出现了4种教学模式:外国文化模式,跨文化模式,多文化模式和超文化模式。跨文化交际学阐明了语言-文化-交际关系、文化的内涵、交际的原理、交际能力、跨文化交际内涵,跨文化交际能力、文化差异等一系列概念和原理。在跨文化交际中,每个参与者都根据自己的文化习俗和预见理解别人的话语,很容易引起误解,甚至导致交际的完全失败。根据跨文化交际学原理,教授外语的理想目标是让学生使用所学语言在目的语的文化语境中以符合对方文化习惯的方式交际,即培养学生进行跨文化交际的能力。针对中国外语教学的缺陷,本人带领研究团队以外语教学法理论、文化研究和文化教学成果、跨文化交际理论为基础,以武汉大学本科学生为对象和平台构建了适合我国国情的基于跨文化交际的大学英语教学模式。该教学模式的构建分为三个步骤;主要内容包括十个方面。该教学模式的实施将起到良好的示范作用,为各大专院校的大学英语教学改革提供借鉴,为其他外语语种的跨文化教学提供参。

【Abstract】 In the context of globalization, people of different cultural backgrounds must meet the following conditions before they have effective communication with each other. Besides having a good command of foreign languages, they need to understand foreign culture, experience and know the differences between the native culture and the foreign culture, possess enough linguistic competence and intercultural communicative competence.This dissertation will analyze the status quo of China’s foreign language education, point out the problems of the students’ communication in foreign languages and the defects of foreign language education, investigate the deep and subtle causes that lead to the students’ shortage of intercultural communicative competence, examine the evolution of language teaching methodology so as to collect positive experiences and negative lessons of foreign language teaching, draw on the theories of modern language teaching and intercultural communication to rectify the unhealthy tendency in foreign language teaching that language knowledge and skills are emphasized while cultural factors are neglected, and then construct a brand new model of foreign language teaching-College English Teaching Model Based on Intercultural Communication.China has gone through a series of foreign language teaching reforms, but constantly with very disappointing results:the students have very strong linguistic competence and practical skills, but lack social cultural competence and intercultural competence. College English teaching is a typical example. Through deep and intensive research work, we discovered seven main causes of the problem.1. The mainstream approaches and methods of foreign language teaching all neglected the important role of cultures in foreign language teaching and communication.2. The foreign language teaching circle lacks a mature intercultural language teaching model, especially an intercultural college English teaching model.3. Most schools want a college English syllabus that contains necessary items of intercultural communication.4. Teachers and students of English language are deficient in awareness of intercultural communication.5. Teachers are in want of culture teaching training and of chances to get exposed to English and American cultures.6. Textbooks of intercultural communication in English are rare.7. Systematic evaluation methods and standards for cultural competence are lacking at schools.Language teaching that aims to turn out foreign language masters has a history of over100years. Its evolution consists of four main stages.1. Teaching grammar and trying to foster students’reading ability.2. Emphasizing imitation and repetition in the light of children’s acquisition of their native language to improve the students’listening and speaking skills.3. With cognition as precondition, trying to develop students’ability to use English in an all-round way or to develop their communicative competence.4. With language and culture as input, trying to cultivate students’ social cultural competence and intercultural communicative competence. Up to now there are no less than twenty systemized approaches and methods in language teaching, five of which are most influential. They are Grammar-translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-lingual Approach, Cognitive Approach and Communicative Approach. The first four methods and approaches all aimed to teach language knowledge and to improve language skills, and all made great contributions to language education, but all neglected cultural factors.Research on intercultural communication started in the50’s last century. Scholars from all over the world made joint efforts to construct the unique theoretical framework and research method for the study of intercultural communication on the basis anthropology, psychology, linguistics, media studies, sociology, philosophy, culture studies, etc. American anthropologist Edward Hall, who was called "father of intercultural communication studies", had a deep research on the relationship between culture and communication, and his book The Silent Language, published in1959, was considered the foundation works of intercultural communication studies. The book Intercultural Communication Theory:Current Perspectives, published in1983by Gudykunst, was considered the sign of intercultural communication studies as an independent and mature discipline. The fruits of intercultural communication research have the highest value in foreign language education and in relevant fields. With the development of intercultural communication studies, scholars have realized that language teaching can never go without cultural factors, that communication in a foreign language is exactly intercultural communication, and that the important criterion of modern foreign language masters is whether they have cultural cognitive competence and intercultural competence. Culture teaching in language education context has gone through three main stages:developing reading abilities, developing communicative competence, developing intercultural communicative competence; and has produced four teaching models:foreign cultural model, intercultural model, multicultural model and trans-cultural model.Intercultural communication studies have elaborated the relationship among language, culture and communication, the connotation of culture, the principles of communication, the concept of communicative competence, the connotation of intercultural communication, the concept of intercultural communicative competence, the phenomena of cultural differences, etc. In intercultural communication, every participant tries to understand others’speeches according to his own cultural conventions and predictions. In the light of the principles of intercultural communication, the ideal objective of foreign language teaching is to help the students use the foreign language to communicate in the context of the target culture, that is cultivate the students’intercultural communicative competence.To remedy the defects of China’s foreign language education, the writer of this dissertation, leading his research team, consulted the theories of language teaching methodology, the achievements of culture research and culture teaching, and the theories of intercultural communication studies, and constructed an intercultural-communication-based college English teaching model for the undergraduate students of Wuhan University that conforms to the reality of China. This teaching model contains ten categories, and its construction follows three steps. The implementation of this teaching model might perform positive exemplary functions, providing references for the college English teaching reform of other institutions of higher education and for the teaching of other foreign languages.
