

Research on China’s Social Security System’s Labor Market Effect

【作者】 姜丽美

【导师】 石人炳;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会保障, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 我国社会保障制度自实施以来,在维护社会稳定、推进经济体制改革深化等方面发挥了巨大的作用。但近年来,受人口老龄化、劳动力市场转型和城镇化等外部环境的影响以及制度自身的设计缺陷,社会保障制度暴露出诸多影响劳动力市场良性运行和发展的问题,损害了其赖以运行和发展的经济基础。目前国内的研究多限于针对社会保障自身问题的探讨与解决,忽略了其与劳动力市场政策间的相互关系,使得最终的建议对劳动力市场的积极影响不足,甚至产生消极作用。本文运用劳动经济学相关理论模型对社会保障和劳动力市场的关系进行系统分析。分析认为,在市场经济条件下,社会保障与劳动力市场之间的关系是相互联系、相互影响甚至是相互制约的,二者不可分割。设计完善的社会保障制度能够促进劳动力市场的良性运行和发展,而劳动力市场的健康发展又将促进社会保障制度的建设,形成二者良性循环发展的态势;反之亦然。目前,我国社会保障制度存在的诸如“碎片化”、统筹层次低、覆盖面偏窄、待遇间的不公平、缴费率过高、权利与义务不对称和法制不健全等问题均对劳动力市场产生了较为严重的扭曲效应。而我国劳动力市场呈现的诸多特点及发展趋势,如失业严重,劳动力素质偏低,劳动力流动频繁,就业市场化和就业方式多元化,劳动力市场多元分割,劳资矛盾突出以及收入分配差距过大等也对现行社会保障制度的改革与完善提出了更高的要求。此外,国外社会保障制度的发展历程及经验表明:社会福利和劳动力市场是相互交织和依存的。社会保障制度既是再分配领域的问题,也是经济生产领域的问题,是培育人力资本和社会资本的有效途径;社会保障制度的设计不得损害劳动力市场的良性运行和发展;必须重视社会保障对劳动力市场的积极作用;必须明确国家、社会和个人三者的责权关系;考虑到社会保障对劳动力市场的影响,社会保障制度是必须的,但同时,社会保障水平也应适度。基于上述分析,本文认为:我国的社会保障与劳动力市场长期处于较为割裂的状态,没有较好地进行互动,更未达到良性互动。这不仅影响了社会保障制度自身的可持续发展,同时也不利于劳动力市场的建设和就业问题的解决。因此,必须对目前的社会保障制度进行改革。须注意的是,在改革社会保障制度时,必须深入理解社会保障和劳动力市场内在的、有机的联系,以探寻较小的劳动力市场扭曲效应的社会保障制度改革方向,避免最终出现劳动力市场和社会保障的双重危机。结合我国国情与国外福利制度的发展经验,本文尝试着提出我国社会保障制度改革与完善的相关基本思路:不断扩展社会保障的覆盖面,促成劳动力市场的统一保障水平要适度,避免对就业产生不利影响;提高社会保障统筹层次,为劳动力流动和就业量的增加创造条件;避免社会保障制度碎片化,努力实现社会保障基本制度一体化;明确社会保障各责任主体,合理确定各方缴费负担;强化社会保障各主要项目与就业的关联性;优化社会保障管理以适应劳动力的频繁流动和就业方式的多元化;加强社会保障法制建设,并协调与劳动方面的法律的关系。

【Abstract】 Since the implementation of China’s social security system, it has played a huge role in maintaining social stability and promoting the further reform of economic. However, as the external environment changing, such as the ageing of population, transition of the labor market, urbanization, and its own design flaws, social security system has exposed a lot of adverse effects to the operation and development of labor market in practice, which undermines the economic base of operation and development of the social security system. Over the years, many scholars rave been committed to the study of the social security system, but many researchers are only limited to the discussion of social security itself, ignoring the interaction between the social security policy and the labor market policy, which making the effects of the final recommendations are not so obvious, even making a negative effect to the labor market.In view of this, this paper uses related labor economics models to theoretically analyze the relationship between the social security system and labor market and points out that in a market economy, the relationship between social security and labor market is interrelated and influence each other and even mutual restraint. Perfect social security system can promote the operation and development of labor market, while healthy development of labor market will promote the building of the social security system, so it formes a benign cycle; vice versa.At present, China’s social security system has many disadvantages, such as" debris", overall level low, narrow coverage, unfair treatment, payment rate is too high, the rights and obligations of asymmetry and incomplete legal system, which twiste the development of the labor market And the labour market presents many characteristics and development trends, such as unemployment serious, low labor quality, labor flow, employment market and employment means diversity, labor market segmentation, income allocation difference is too big, which put forward higher requirements to the current social security system reform and perfect.In addition, the course of development of the social security system and experience of western countries shows that:Social welfare and labor market is intertwined and interdependent. Social security system is not only the problem of repartitio n domain, but also the economic production field; the design of social security system should not impair the benign operation and development of the labor market; positive role of social security to the labor market must be paid attention to; the relationship of state, society and individual must be cleared; considering the impact on labor market, social security system is necessary, but at the same time, the level of social security should also be appropriate.Based on the above analysis, the article points out that China’s social security and labor market has not achieved better interact. This not only affects the social security system and its sustainable development, and is not conducive to the construction of labor market and employment. Therefore, the present social security system must be reformed. It should be noted that, in the reform of social security system, we must deeply understand the intrinsic, organic connection between the social security and labor market in order to seek smaller labor market distortion effects and avoid an eventual labour market and social security crisis.Combine the national condition of China and foreign experience, this paper attempts to put forward the main train of thought of reform of the social security system:expanding the coverage of social security to promote labour market unified; moderate social security level to avoid the adverse effect on employment; raise social security level to create condition for the labour force flow and the increase of employment; avoid fragmentation of social security system to achieve social security system integration; clear the main responsibility of social security to determine the burden of payment; strengthen the relevance between major project of social security and employment; optimal social security management to adapt to the frequent flow of labor and employment patterns of diversity; strengthen the legal construction of social security and coordinate the relation between the labor legal and the legal of social security.

  • 【分类号】D632.1;F249.21
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1354
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