

Historical Mateiral’s Value of Verses Written in Biji That Reflected in Compilation of Entire Verses of Song Dynasty

【作者】 宋娟

【导师】 木斋;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以中华书局1999年简体横排增补本《全宋词》为考察对象,对《全宋词》辑佚、校勘、考证等具体情况逐人、逐首、逐句的进行数量统计,据此对《全宋词》利用宋代笔记的具体情况作以定量分析,从中考察《全宋词》所引105种宋代笔记在其编纂中的史料价值。在此过程中,笔者始终广搜博取宋代笔记文献并对其中的词学资料进行系统的梳理,以此作为论文研究的文献资料基础,并将各种数据统计与定量分析置于宋词辑佚、校勘、考证之学术史梳理的学术背景下,结合唐圭璋、王仲闻编纂修订《全宋词》的相关论著,特别是充分吸纳今人关于《全宋词》订补论文专著中的新成果与新方法,思考与提升《全宋词》编纂的原则和方法,并从全面的梳理中总结词集编纂利用宋代笔记文献尚需注意的细节问题。本文分三编,重点采用数据统计与定量分析的方法,详论宋人笔记在《全宋词》编纂中的史料价值,即辑佚价值、校勘价值、考证价值。据笔者统计,《全宋词》词作文献来源中,共有96种宋代笔记辑录词作683首词作,最能体现出真正意义上的“网罗放佚”、“零章残什,并有所归”的辑佚价值。笔者将其辑录词作以30名家词、十大金曲等作为考量标准,并将之与传统多维数据综合考量相比较。笔者特别统计了据宋代笔记辑录无名氏(135首)和失调名(125首),从中考察宋代笔记辑佚价值的得与失。利用宋代笔记辑录词作尚需注意一些细节问题,如探察词作文献来源,避免词主互见;辨别词体属性,避免诗词误收等。对于《全宋词》校勘中利用宋代笔记文献较少的状况,笔者一方面透过宋代笔记原始文献特点分析其中原因,另一方面特别提出加强据宋代笔记辑录词作的校勘工作,并总结在据宋代笔记校勘词作时所需注意的细节问题,如异文严重,酌采正文附录兼收;难以确考,酌加按语等。宋代笔记在《全宋词》编纂中的考证价值体现在多个方面:词人考证、词作考证、词调名考证等。笔者通过对《全宋词》据宋代笔记本事资料考证情况的全面梳理,考察宋代笔记在其中的史料价值,并对如何综合利用宋代笔记文献、甄别史料真伪等方面提出了自己的一些建议。

【Abstract】 It is said in Imperial Collection of Four: General Literature that“Literature hassprung up but they were straggled without orders. Because of that people madegeneral literature to make collections. On the one hand people collected scatteredliterature, while on the other hand they selected the excellences and abandoned theinferiors. The general literature could be a standard to measure other works”This notonly illustrates the function of anthology, but also explains the function of generalliterature. Entire Verses of Song Dynasty, as a general literature in synchronic age,reflected many aspects that functions of general literature were exemplary inacademic field. These aspects are“collecting the scattered literatures”and“findingtheir origins and making summaries”. Entire Verses of Song Dynasty has beenpublished for many times, including the first publication from The Commercial Pressin 1940; the second publication from Zhonghua Book Company in 1965; the thirdedition from Zhonghua Book Company in 1979 and the simplified and horizontalstyle edition from Zhonghua Book Company in 1999. Descendant scholars haveapplied the positive academic attitude and revised many parts in collecting andarranging, emendating as well as inspecting of Entire Verses of Song Dynasty.The author thinks that studies of individual cases about Entire Verses of SongDynasty have two major purposes. On the surface, the purpose is to find theproblems in Entire Verses of Song Dynasty and make it perfect; while the ultimatepurpose is to summarize the rules and methods that can help with compilingliterature of verses. In Entire Verses of Song Dynasty, origin of literature, examplesof emendation and comments of inspection are listed in details, and these scattered,detailed and specific materials are the result of the rules and methods summarizedfrom compiling literature of verses. In the mean time, Mr. Tang’s Four Inspections ofVerses in Song Dynasty, Excursus of Entire Verses of Song Dynasty published in1965, as well as Sequel of Entire Verses of Song Dynasty published in 1979 and Tribune of Verses Studies, are all academic monographs that came out when Mr.Tang was compiling Entire Verses of Song Dynasty. In 2009 Zhonghua BookCompany published Notes of Compiling Entire Verses of Song Dynasty which waswritten by Wang Zhongwen and endorsed by Tang Guizhang. This book is acollection of Mr. Wang and Mr. Wang’s exchanges of letters talking about compilingEntire Verses of Song Dynasty. The book not only contains establishing principleswhen collecting and arranging, emendating as well as inspecting Entire Verses ofSong Dynasty , but it also focuses on the detailed mistakes they meet. On the whole,Notes of Compiling Entire Verses of Song Dynasty reflects academic ideologies andresearch methods in the process of compiling Entire Verses of Song Dynasty.The amount of Biji in Song Dynasty is really large, and its historical value isalways ratified in the academic circles.There are abundant historical materials ofverses in Biji, and it was the major reference when compiling Entire Verses of SongDynasty. Therefore, exploring materials of verses in Biji could provide crediblehistorical evidence for studies of verses. And it’s also Mr. Tang’s academic theory of“Using evidence in Song Dynasty to prove research result in this time”. This thesis isbased on Entire Verses of Song Dynasty (the simplified and horizontal style editionfrom Zhonghua Book Company in 1999). The author analyzes the detailed statisticsof the process that Entire Verses of Song Dynasty is collecting, arranging,emendating and inspecting by people and by sentence. According to that the authorhas a quantitative analysis and examines the historical values of Biji in Entire Versesof Song Dynasty. In the whole process the author always win wide of Biji literatureof Song Dynasty and one of the CiXue data of the carding system, as a researchliterature data base,and puts data and quantitative analysis under the academicbackground of collecting and arranging, emendating as well as inspecting of versesin Song. The author also refers to Mr. Tang Guiquan and Mr. Wang Zhongwen’sacademic works on compiling Entire Verses of Song Dynasty. Except that, the authorapplies new results and methods that modern scholars used in compiling EntireVerses of Song Dynasty, lifting the rules and measures up to a new height. What’smore, from a general point of view, the author summarizes some detailed measures that scholars could focus on when applying literature of Biji to compile sets ofverses.There are 14 categories and 540 types of references in Entire Verses of SongDynasty. Firstly, the author explains the connotations of Biji. Then she analyzes thecomplicated relations between Biji and historical materials, Biji and the type of Zibu,Biji and poems, Biji and verses, Biji and books as well as Biji and the type of Shidao.Based on those the author confirms that there are 105 types of references that areused in Entire Verses of Song Dynasty. And also, the author finds out the focus ofthis thesis. On the whole, this thesis discusses Biji’s historical values in thefollowing aspects: collection and arrangement, emendation as well as inspection.This paper is divided into three series that applies the methods of data statisticsand quantitative analysis to discuss in detail the historical value of Biji in compilingEntire Verses of Song Dynasty.Biji has the value of collection and arrangement in compiling Entire Verses ofSong Dynasty. According to the statistics that the author finds, there are 105 types ofBiji were referred in Entire Verses of Song Dynasty, as well as 96 literatures and 683verses. This data might not reflect the problem compared to number of 21136 fromEntire Verses of Song Dynasty. Biji could be the most obvious one that reflects“collecting the scattered literatures”, which is also a representative of Biji’s value ofcollection and arrangement. What’s more, the author regards the 30 famous scholarsand 10 most popular songs (These are from Liu Zunming and Wang Zhaopeng’swork Quantitative Analysis of Verses in Tang and Song Dynasties) as standardmeasure, and finally draws the conclusion that is similar to the result from traditionalexaminations (The traditional examinations include numbers of verses, editions ofwork sets, amounts of comments by people, amount of modern research conclusions,word sets in different times, and applied in modern work sets, etc). From the abovewe could tell Biji’s value of collection and arrangement in Song Dynasty.Furthermore, the author especially collects the data of anonymous writers(135) andno-name verses(125), from the investigation of Biji of Song Dynasty compilingvalue of gain and loss.The author demonstrates that, scholars should apply specific suggestions when compiling verses, search for the origins of verses, avoidcross-reference of writers, distinguish the characters of verses, as well as circumventmissing any verses, etc.Biji has the value of emendation in compiling Entire Verses of Song Dynasty.According to the statistics that the author finds, there are totally 32 types of literatureusing Biji, and predecessors emendated verses . This data only occupies smallproportion in emendation of Entire Verses of Song Dynasty. To deal with thisphenomenon, from one aspect the author analyzes the reasons from the originalliteratures in Song, and from the other point of view, it is necessary to emphasize onemendating of Biji’s compilation. Some record shows that scholars have used EntireVerses of Song Dynasty to emendate Biji in Song for 25 times. The record alsoimplies that there are still many mistakes about Biji that need to be emendated.These mistakes include wrongly written characters, missing materials, materials todelete, titles of verses, etc. Many detailed problems still exist in applying Biji toemendate verses, for instance, serious problems of translation, main text andappendix both being involved, difficulty in confirming credibility, and addingcomments,etc.Biji’s value of inspection in compiling Entire Verses of Song Dynasty is reflectedin several aspects: inspection of writers, verses, materials of verses and title of verses,etc. According to the statistics that the author finds, 164 writers’personal anecdoteswere kept because of Biji. What’s more, 60 writers and 70 verses were kept incategories of verses. Thirty seven cross-reference verses and 103 new titles could beseen by checking only the first volume of Entire Verses of Song Dynasty. EntireVerses of Song Dynasty directly to the tune of a total of 208 first schoolsresearch,while the Biji data of Song Dynasty which do not play a role in.Biji of SongDynasty to tune name textual research contributions are mainly in the collection ofnew tune name and back were transferred by,origin and evolution.The first newadjustable 58 song collection,and new adjustable technical data recorded 103songs.Relative to the Song Dynasty Ci persons creation of new poetry a total of 1581prime minister than, occupy a certain component.Wang Zhaopeng has summarized Mr.Tang distinguishing method for "the test".Biji data of Song Dynasty in textualresearch of Ci person, textual research of Ci,textual research of tune,played animportant historical value.It should be comprehensive utilization Biji literature ofSong Dynasty,and identification of true or false about Biji of Song Dynasty, in orderto maximize its historical value.Mr. Ji Xianlin emphasized in the preface of 20th century Chinese Literal Studiesthat academic research comprises applying the previous researches to use in modernstudies. He demonstrated the importance by saying that“The purpose of applyingthe previous researches is not to focus too much on the past, however, the real aim isto use them in modern studies. Both of the two aspects are for anticipating the futurein order to do better jobs later.”The topic of“Historical material’s value of verseswritten in Biji that based on the reseach of the previous researches to use in modernstudies,do some basic documents work.So I hope this article can develop Bijiliterature for future utilization for the breadth and depth of study,provide somereference basis of literature information.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期