

A Study on the Resultative Aspect in Modern Chinese

【作者】 孙凡

【导师】 柳英绿;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 体貌问题研究一直是语法研究中的一个热点,同时也是难点之一。以往的研究虽然在很多方面取得了重要进展,但是对于体貌范畴中一个十分重要的次范畴——结果体,学界对其关注甚少。有鉴于此,我们将现代汉语结果体作为本文的研究对象,对其内涵及性质进行概括和阐释,并且提出鉴别结果体标记词的四条标准以此来廓清结果体标记词的范围。除此以外,文章最后还以结果体“掉”为个案研究,对其进行了句法功能及语用上的描写分析,以期进一步加深对结果体在共时平面上的认识。全文共分五章。第一章是绪论部分。主要介绍了本文的选题缘起,理论背景,研究对象,研究方法,章节安排及语料来源。在理论背景部分着重阐明了以下几个问题:一是明确了本文所要研究的结果体属于“语法体”的一种,是由句法平面上的语法标记来表现的体范畴。它必须是已经完全虚化,只表示语法意义的助词。二是通过对以往体范畴研究的梳理,明确了考察体意义必须要结合句子,虽然动词是体意义的主要体现者,但却不是唯一的。三是明确了体与动词、情状类型之间的选择制约关系。第二章对现代汉语结果体的内涵及其性质进行了概括和阐释。首先,对前人关于现代汉语结果体的研究做一综述,继而在前人研究成果的基础上,提出结果体的内涵:“结果体表达的是对事件在时间的发展进程中完成并且有了结果的这一阶段的观察方式。”并对这一概念加以解释。其次,提出了现代汉语结果体的三个性质:非完整体、动态性、界变性,并且对这三个性质进行了详细地阐释。最后,根据结果体的内涵及性质,对其所能参与构成的情状类型进行了论证。第三章是对现代汉语结果体标记词的确立。文章在前人研究的基础上,对如何判别现代汉语结果体的标记词提出了四条标准,即(1)词义已经虚化,只表示语法意义,不表示词汇意义,动词(形容词)与体标记之间不能有“因V而X”的因果语义关系;(2)在句中不能指派论元;(3)不能单独对是非疑问句进行回答;(4)具有[+完成][+结果]的语义特征,不能用“着”进行替换。然后根据这四条标准对具有结果意义的虚化结果补语和趋向补语进行一一剥离,从而确立出结果体的标记词。分别是从结果补语中剥离出来的“掉、着(zháo)”和从趋向补语中剥离出来的“上、上来、下、下来、起、起来、到”,共计九个。最后文章还对结果体标记与实现体标记“了”进行了比较分析,以此加深对结果体意义的理解。第四章是对结果体的个案研究。我们选取“掉”作为个案,对其进行共时平面上句法功能和语用上的描写、以及参与构成情状类型的分析,并且对其虚化的机制进行了适当的概括。第五章是结语部分。对全文内容进行了梳理和总结,指出本文的创新及不足,并且对日后有待继续研究的问题提出了展望。

【Abstract】 The aspect has been a hot topic on the grammar study; it is also one of the difficulties on the grammar study. Although previous studies has made important progress in many ways, however, the academic concerned very little for a very important secondary category in the aspect—the resultative aspect. In view of this, we make the resultative aspect in Modern Chinese as an object in this dissertation. It generalizes and interprets the connotation and nature of resultative aspect, and makes four criteri ons of identifying the restltative aspect tag words in order to clearance its range. In addition, the dissertation finally also take the aspect marker "diao" as a case study, analyses its syntactic function and describes its pragmatics function to further deepen the understanding of the resultative aspect in the synchronic.The dissertation is divided into five chapters.Chapter One is the introduction. It introduces the article origin, theoretical background, the objects of study, research methods, arrangement of the chapters and corpus source. It focuses on explaining the following questions of the theoretical background section:Firstly, clear the result aspect belongs to a "syntax aspect" in this paper. It belongs to one of the grammaticalized aspects, and expressed by the syntax significance of the particle. Secondly, clarifying the past study of the aspect, it clears the ways that the study of aspect semantics must combine sentences, although the verb is the main semantics embodiment, but not only. Thirdly, it is cleared the relations between the aspect and verbs situation type constraint.Chapter Two generalizes and interprets the properties of resultative aspect. Firstly, it reviews the previous research on resultative aspect in Modern Chinese, and then offers the connotation of the results on the basis of the results of previous studies:" resultative aspect expresses an observation way that the event has been completed and has the results in the development process of this phase of the observation". And it explains the concept. Secondly, it finds that the resultative aspect in Modern Chinese has three characteristics:non-finished aspect, dynamic, community degeneration. And it explants the detail of these three types of characteristics. Finally, it arguments the situation types which can participate in the composition of situations according to the content and nature of resultative aspect.Chapter Three is the establishment of the resultative aspect markers. The article makes four criterions the on how to determine the resultative aspect tag words of modern Chinese on the basis of previous research, namely:(1) The semantics of the aspect markers words have been grammaticalized, and only have the grammatical meaning, have not the vocabulary meaning, which can not have the V and X causal semantic relations between the verb (adjective) and aspect markers; (2) it can not be assigned to argument in the sentence; (3) it can not answer to the non-interrogative sentence separately; (4) it has the semantic features of [+Finish] and [+result], and can not be replaced by "zhe". Then the paper discriminates the grammticalized and tendency results complement according to these four criterions in order to establish the aspect markers words. They are nine words which are "diao、zhao" discriminated from resultative complement and "shang、shanglai、xia、xialai、qi、qilai、dao" discriminated from tendency complement. The last sections comparative analysis the resultative markers and completed markers word "le", in order to deepen understanding of the significance of the resultative aspect.Chapter Four is a case study of the resultative aspect. We select the "diao" as a case, and descript their syntactic and pragmatics function on the synchronic, as well as analysis the situation type. Lastly, we generalize the grammaticalized mechanism.Chapter Five is the epilogue. We collate and summarize the full-text content, and Point out the innovations and the drawbacks of this dissertation and the future problems to be further researched.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】372