

China-Zimbabwe Relations: an Analysis of the Bilateral Cooperation since1980

【作者】 马如莎(Maroodza Rangarirai Gladys)

【导师】 刘德斌; 肖晞;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 国际政治, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,中国与非洲之间越来越密切的经济联系受到学者的日益重视。中国与津巴布韦的相互关系可以追溯到中国对津巴布韦反对殖民主义的解放斗争的支持。1980年4月18日,津巴布韦独立,中国与津巴布韦建立了外交关系。随着中国在非洲参与经济活动的程度加深,中国与津巴布韦的关系得到了突飞猛进的发展。中津合作表现在许多领域层面,如贸易、投资、经济技术合作等,尤其是建筑、采矿、农业、能源、交通运输、资讯科技、电讯、纺织、旅游和军事等领域。津巴布韦推行了土地改革,此举遭受到西方的批评,于是津巴布韦将加强同中国的关系作为其东望政策的组成部分。津巴布韦政府十分重视发展与中国的关系。中国坚持了对于他国国内事务的不干涉原则,与津巴布韦的关系不断加深,中国由一个传统的援助国变为了一个重要的国际支持者。本文主要分析研究了1980年以来中国与津巴布韦的双边合作关系,全文分为五个章节:第一章是背景介绍。失去西方的援助对津巴布韦社会、政治和经济的发展造成了很大的负面影响。最近几年,中国已成为津巴布韦最大的投资者、贸易伙伴和援助国。回顾中国和津巴布韦相互关系的历史对本研究有着重要的意义,因为其对中津当代关系的发展有着重要的影响。津巴布韦独立后,中津关系的历史大致分为两个阶段,第一个阶段是从1980年至1999年,第二个阶段是从2003年至今。第一章提出了研究所涉及的主要问题是:2000年以来,中国与津巴布韦关系不断加强最终导致了2003年东望政策提出的原因和动力是什么?这是津巴布韦国内和国外因素相结合所导致的结果吗?另外一些问题是:在1980年之前,中国和津巴布韦是否存在关系?它与现如今的中津关系是否有明显的不同?中国是何时参与到非洲事务之中?中国对津巴布韦经济发展的贡献体现在哪些方面?中国从津巴布韦的发展中所获得收益是什么?中国的捐助是如何被津巴布韦政府所接受的?加强与中国的合作,能否帮助维持津巴布韦经济的稳定?中国与津巴布韦双边合作的经验与教训是什么?中国对津巴布韦或者非洲的援助与西方国家的援助有何不同?在这一章提出了研究的目标、理论假设、研究的关键词,并对本课题的研究进行了文献综述。本研究应用了数据收集的研究方法,以依附理论为研究的理论框架。罗伯特·基欧汉和约瑟夫·奈认为依附是“国家或国际行为体之间在国际贸易的资金、商品、劳动力、信息等流动上的相互影响、相互依存”。此外罗伯特·基欧汉和约瑟夫·奈还指出,当前国际体系的特点是相互依存、共同的责任和彼此依赖,这点在中国与非洲的关系上体现的很明显。全球化的推动使得不同国家之间的相互依存变得更加引人注目,中国和津巴布韦彼此互助的战略定位很好地展示了这一相互依存的关系。第二章是自1980年到1999年中国与津巴布韦关系发展的第一阶段。津巴布韦和中国的政治与外交关系由此开始。中国和非洲之间有着深厚的历史联系,中国支持了非洲国家反对帝国主义、殖民主义的民族解放斗争,中国对非洲提供了物质和道义上的援助。中非关系不断加强,尤其是成立于2000年10月的中非合作论坛成为了双方合作的官方平台。中国支持津巴布韦总统Mugabe的非洲民族联盟(ZANU),民盟成立于1963年,致力于津巴布韦的解放运动与受苏联支持的Joshua Nkomo领导的津巴布韦非洲人民联盟(ZAPU)是一种对抗关系。ZANU接受了来自中国的大量援助,其成员也被派往中国接受训练。中国成为了津巴布韦解放斗争的重要支持力量。1980年4月18日,津巴布韦实现独立,中国与津巴布韦建立了正式的外交关系。在中国和津巴布韦合作的第一阶段(1980-1999年),中国和津巴布韦政府签署协议,从经济技术合作、促进贸易和投资等方面向津巴布韦提供了大量的援助,例如哈拉雷国家体育场就是中国向津巴布韦援建的重大建设项目之一。津巴布韦和中国之间的合作关系不断扩大,不仅在外交领域而且在经济和社会领域,双方的关系都得到了不断加强。双方的合作强调共赢,这种关系的发展呈现出一种越来越快的发展态势。第三章深入研究了中国与津巴布韦关系不断加强的原因。津巴布韦的土地改革造成了其与西方的紧张关系,这促使了津巴布韦去寻求中国这一强有力的伙伴的支持。土地问题对津巴布韦有着重要的影响。在殖民时代,津巴布韦的原住民被剥夺了土地并被驱逐到Gwaai和Shangani这些土地贫瘠的地区。2000年初土地改革达到高潮,政府从白人农场主手中收回土地,重新分配给津巴布韦黑人。土地改革争论的焦点是根据1979年的Lancaster House协定,由英国提供赎买土地的资金。到2002年,津巴布韦的土地改革赢得了非洲大多数国家的支持,但是西方却对此改革表示了反对。英国、美国、欧盟、国际货币基金组织、世界银行等国家和组织认为它违背了法律准则,侵犯了人民的权利,违反了民主原则和缺乏透明度,因此要求制裁津巴布韦,削减对津巴布韦的援助。国际货币基金组织宣布取消津巴布韦使用国际货币基金组织一般资源的资格,并且将它从贫困与增长贷款的国家名单中删除,发出了解除与津巴布韦合作的正式声明,暂停了对津巴布韦的所有技术援助。但是西方的制裁最主要的却是影响了普通百姓的生活。第三,津巴布韦受到国际社会的排斥,导致了国内出现了严重的经济危机,影响到许多部门的发展。尽管津巴布韦有着丰富的自然资源,但是经济危机导致了国内失业率的居高不下,通货膨胀不断恶化,人才流失、卫生医疗水平下降、贫困人口不断增加。第四,中国对土地改革的支持是津巴布韦加强与中国伙伴关系的另一个重要原因。作为当代国际关系中的主导力量之一,中国与俄罗斯共同努力呼吁解除对津巴布韦的制裁,在联合国安理会的多次表决中对津巴布韦表示了支持。因土地改革而遭受西方制裁从而引发经济危机出现的津巴布韦,制定了新的外交政策,寻求与中国的友好合作关系来应对西方的反对。在南南合作的框架下,津巴布韦推行东望政策,寻求中国的支持。此举加强和深化了中津关系,中津双边合作关系进入了第二阶段。第四章是分析中国与津巴布韦双边合作关系的第二阶段。自2003年至今,中津双边合作进入了一个新的阶段。与第一阶段相比,这一阶段的中津双边合作有了强化与发展。值得注意的是,津巴布韦重新制订了其关注东方,尤其是中国的外交政策。中非合作论坛的建立,为中非关系的加强注入了新的动力。2006年公布的一份名为“中国的非洲政策”的官方文件阐释了中国与非洲双边政治经济合作的目标是建立与非洲新的战略合作伙伴关系,这是中国外交政策长期坚持的原则。西方国家与津巴布韦之间的紧张关系,导致了津巴布韦重新制订其外交政策,在2003年制订了加强与亚洲国家,尤其是与中国合作的东望政策。东望政策通过深化中国与津巴布韦的双边合作关系,解决津巴布韦国内的经济问题,打破西方对津巴布韦的封锁。津巴布韦的东望政策,使得中津签订了一系列新的贸易、投资和合作协议,而津巴布韦也毫不动摇地支持一个中国的政策以及中国的其他核心利益。本章分析了中国在津巴布韦的投资项目,如建筑行业、采矿、农业、能源、运输、资讯科技及电讯、纺织、旅游和军事。津巴布韦投资中心(ZIC)报告称中国的援助项目总价值约有5.30—6亿美元,到2008年中国已成为津巴布韦最大的投资者。东望政策为津巴布韦各个部分的发展提供了机遇,中国愿意资助津巴布韦大型项目的建设,例如中国机械制造国际公司帮助津巴布韦进行煤矿开采以及援助建设三个燃煤火力发电站以减少津巴布韦的电力短缺。中国与津巴布韦的双边经贸关系不断加强,中国已成为津巴布韦最大的贸易伙伴。本章还着重分析了东望政策以及中国的不干涉原则的影响。中国主张津巴布韦和非洲大陆是一个整体,对于他国内部的事务不能随意加以干涉。东望政策获得了中国的积极响应,在安理会上,中国(以及俄罗斯)采取行动,阻止除呼吁和解外任何对津巴布韦实施的联合国或安理会决定。中国与津巴布韦加强在诸多关键部门的合作,反映出了双方的互信、互利、平等、互信、合作共赢以及文化交流的共同诉求。中国对津巴布韦的援助获得了津巴布韦的广泛认同,中国通过投资、贷款、捐助、改善基础设施、发展贸易关系,加强了同津巴布韦的经济联系。在中国的援助下,哈拉雷成为了世界第二大铂金(含有40种贵金属的矿物)产地,中国企业也推动了津巴布韦矿石开采业以及养殖业的发展。通过东望政策,津巴布韦着力寻求东方尤其是中国作为自己的经济和政治盟友,同时津巴布韦也与其他国家,如巴西、印度、伊朗和俄罗斯发展了合作,但与中国的合作是津巴布韦对外关系的重中之重。第五章是结论部分。本章讨论了中国与津巴布韦关系的核心问题,例如劳动、就业问题,中国商品对津巴布韦本土产业的冲击,中国与津巴布韦在语言上的交流障碍等等。虽然中国与津巴布韦的双边关系存在着种种考验,但是双方都可以从历史中汲取经验与教训,加强彼此的合作。最后,文章对中国与津巴布韦双边关系的发展提出了一些建议,自2000年中津关系的不断强化与发展推动了“东望政策”的形成,中国在土地改革问题上对津巴布韦的支持,以及西方对津巴布韦的封锁与制裁加强了中国对津巴布韦的意义,也加强了中国与津巴布韦的合作关系。随着中国经济的迅速发展,中国与津巴布韦的合作关系又上了一个新的台阶,中国与津巴布韦的历史源远流长,中国与津巴布韦将会保持长期的亲密合作关系。

【Abstract】 One finds that in recent years scholars have paid much attention on the growingties between China and Africa that are serving as important economic lifelines foreach other. China’s interaction with Zimbabwe stretches back to its support ofZimbabwe’s liberation struggle against colonialism. The People’s Republic of Chinaand the Republic of Zimbabwe established diplomatic relations on April18,1980, theIndependence Day of Zimbabwe. Therefore, with China becoming a leadingeconomic actor in Africa, its relationship with Zimbabwe has grown tremendously.Engagements are now concentrated in different dimensions such as trade, investment,and economic and technical cooperation—across almost all sectors especiallyconstruction, mining, agriculture, energy, transport, IT and telecommunications,textile, tourism and military. However, as part of its Look East foreign policy strategy,Zimbabwe sought to strengthen its ties with China after a land reform program thatwas widely criticized from the West. The Zimbabwean Government places greatimportance on Zimbabwe’s relations with China. Thus, Zimbabwe had to redirectpublic imagination towards a different identity at the domestic and international levelsin the face of sanctions from the West. Ties have deepened in line with Zimbabwe’sisolation from the traditional donors and China has been described as a majorinternational supporter of Zimbabwe due to their principle of non-interference ininternal affairs of a country. This dissertation makes an analysis of the bilateralcooperation of China-Zimbabwe relations since1980. The study comprises of fivechapters.Chapter one is the introduction which gives a background to the study. The lossof friendly actors in the West has had negative effects on Zimbabwean society whichhas had social, political and economic challenges. However, China has become thelargest investor, trader and aid donor and its bilateral relations with Zimbabwe haveincreased in recent years. The history of China and Zimbabwe is very important inthis study as it has significant effects on the contemporary relations. Therefore,Sino-Zimbabwe relations are analyzed in two broad phases since independence, thefirst covers from1980-1999and the second phase broadly consists of the period2003to present. Chapter1captures research questions and the main question which guidesthe study is: What were the driving forces/main reasons that led to the strengthening of China-Zimbabwe relations starting from2000that led to the formation of the LookEast Policy in2003? Was it a result of internal or external factors or a combination ofboth in Zimbabwe? Sub-questions include: Did China-Rhodesia (today’s Zimbabwe)relations exist before the year1980?, has there been a noticeable difference with theapproach towards bilateral cooperation to present day and when did the Chinese startengaging with Africa? What have been China’s contributions to the Zimbabweaneconomy and what is China getting from Zimbabwe? How well has thesecontributions been accepted by Zimbabwean government? Did the enhancedcooperation with China help stabilize Zimbabwe’s economy and what are thechallenges, lessons and benefits of the cooperation? How is Chinese aid to Zimbabweor to Africa in general different from other aid donors such as the West? Among otherthings the chapter gives objectives, hypothesis, and rationale and defines key terms,literature review is mainly from what other scholars and authors have written beforeon the area under study. Secondary method of data collection was used in the study.Theoretical framework is based on interdependence theory. Robert O. Keohane andJoseph S. Nye define interdependence as reciprocal effects among countries or actors,resulting from “international transactions-flows of money, goods, people andmessages across international boundaries”. Furthermore, Keohane and Nye note thatthe current international system is characterized by growing interdependence; themutual responsibility and dependency on others. In recent times, such transactionshave increased between China and Zimbabwe or with Africa at large. Since there is anelement of reciprocity or mutuality in the definition of Keohane and Nye there is awarranty to speak of interdependence and due to globalization, the need forinterdependence between different nations has become even more compelling.Therefore, the interdependence between China and Zimbabwe can best be describedby how each country is strategically positioned to help the other.Chapter two is the1stPhase of China-Zimbabwe relations which is from1980-1999. History forms the backbone of the study because it marks the beginningof an unfolding process of events between the political and diplomatic relationsbetween Zimbabwe and the People’s Republic of China. Brief overview toSino-African relations is firstly given as noted in the study that China and Africa havehad a long history of trade relations and when African nations were struggling for theirindependence from imperialism and colonialism; the Chinese nation supported them intheir struggles by providing both material and moral assistance. Since then, a lot of cooperation between China and Africa has taken place especially under the FOCACwhich was established in October2000as an official forum to strengthen therelationship. A summary on the evolution of China’s African Policy is also taken intoconsideration. The historical background to China-Rhodesia (today’s Zimbabwe)relations is discussed were China backed President Mugabe’s Zimbabwe AfricanNational Union (ZANU), one of the movements which fought for the liberation ofZimbabwe. ZANU was formed in1963as a rival organization to the late JoshuaNkomo’s Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU) which was under the support ofthe Soviet Union. Members of ZANU were dispatched to China to receive guerrillatraining and a lot of assistance came from China. Beijing was a valuable source ofsupport and inspiration in the liberation struggle for Zimbabwe. The two countriesformally established diplomatic relations on18April1980, the day of Zimbabwe’sindependence. Early Cooperation between China and Zimbabwe in Phase One(1980-1999) were boosted soon after independence; the governments of China andZimbabwe signed agreements ranging from economic and technical cooperation, tradeand investment promotion. The Chinese government offered considerable assistanceto Zimbabwe for its national development for example construction of the NationalSports Stadium in Harare was one of the major construction projects done by Chineseto the Zimbabwean government soon after independence. The relationship betweenZimbabwe and China broadened not only in the field of diplomacy but also ineconomic and social cooperation being emphasized on win-win cooperation.Cooperation between the two nations was a bit slow in the1stphase as compared tothe2ndphase.Chapter three delves into the main reasons that led to the strengthening ofChina-Zimbabwe relations. Firstly the land reform program of Zimbabwe was themain root of tension with the west which forced Zimbabwe to seek strong partnershipwith China. The land issue in Zimbabwe has had a permanent and forceful effect onZimbabwe’s internal politics from as far back as colonialism were by the indigenouspeople lost their cattle and land to farm; they were pushed into Gwaai and ShanganiReserves where soil was infertile and the settlers created a colonial state. Tension overthe land reform reached a boiling point beginning of2000and the government had toredistribute land from the white farmers to the landless black Zimbabweans who weremainly settled in reserves where the soils were infertile and not good for agricultureand to avoid people resettling themselves. The bone of contention was the lack of enthusiasm on the part of the British government to provide funds for the purchase ofcommercial farmland for distribution as outlined in the1979Lancaster Houseagreement. Secondly, despite the end of the land reform program in2002, the westreacted negatively although most African countries were in support of the land reformprogram. Britain, US, EU, IMF, World Bank viewed it as a sign of the breakdown ofthe rule of law, an infringement on the people‘s rights, violation of democraticprinciples and an absence of transparency thereby imposing sanctions and cutting aidon Zimbabwe. The IMF declared Zimbabwe ineligible to use the general resources ofthe IMF and removed it from the list of countries that could borrow from its Povertyand Growth Facility and issued a formal declaration of non-co-operation withZimbabwe and suspended all technical assistance. Nonetheless, sanctions mainlyaffect the lives of ordinary people. Thirdly, this resulted in the country beingostracized by the international community, a development which marked thebeginning of a major economic meltdown affecting many sectors. In spite ofZimbabwe’s endowment with natural resources there were high unemployment ratesand informal sector increase, persistent hyperinflation, brain drain and mass flight ofcitizens, health sector decline and increased poverty levels. Fourthly, China’s positivereaction and support on the land reform was another major reason for Zimbabwe toseek strong partnership with China. Being one of the dominant forces inContemporary International Relations, China called for sanctions against Zimbabweto be lifted and shielded Zimbabwe from sanctions by the Security Council onnumerous occasions together with Russia. Therefore, the land reform, the responsesand reactions from the west which brought about sanctions on Zimbabwe and thecrises that affected economy of Zimbabwe were the main reasons that led Zimbabweto design its foreign policy and seek strong relations with China as the reform waswidely criticized by the West. Salvation for Zimbabwe came under the banner ofSouth-South cooperation and declared looking East as China offered support to theland reform. The move strengthened and deepened China-Zimbabwe relations inwhich the study goes into the2ndPhase of their bilateral cooperation.Chapter four is the2ndPhase, A new era to China-Zimbabwe relations which isfrom2003-present. There was an apparent intensification of relations in the secondphase as compared to the first one. It is important to note that as Zimbabweredesigned its Foreign Policy strategy to the East, particularly China; it also came inline with FOCAC, which was a new impulse of enhancing Sino-African relations. China’s political-economic bilateral goals and relations in Africa are also defined in aformal document released in early2006, entitled China’s African Policy. It outlinesthe PRC goal of creating ‘‘a new type of strategic partnership with Africa’’ consistingof diverse types of cooperation grounded in long-standing ‘‘guiding’’ Chinese foreignpolicy principles. The chapter begins by defining the Look East Policy as a newdimension to China-Zimbabwe relations as the strained relations between Westerncountries and Zimbabwe led to the latter to redesign its foreign policy after gettingeconomic and political support from Asian countries particularly China within theframework of the Look East Policy (LEP) which was formulated in2003. The policywhich provides an ideal venue for examining the closer ties with China ischaracterized by deepening bilateral relations between the two nations and dealingwith Zimbabwe’s severe economic problems and estrangement from the west. As aresult of the policy, a number of new trade, investments and cooperationagreements were concluded and Zimbabwe has been unwaveringly consistent in itssupport for the one-China policy as well as for China’s other core interests. The chaptergoes on to analyze Chinese investments projects in Zimbabwe with onset of the LookEast Policy in sectors such as construction, mining, agriculture, energy, transport, ITand telecommunications, textile, tourism and military. The Zimbabwe InvestmentCentre (ZIC) has reported the total value of Chinese projects in the country atUS$530-600million and in2008China reportedly became Zimbabwe’s top investor.Thus, the Look East Policy, adopted by the Government has managed to unlockinvestment opportunities in the different sectors of the economy and an importantaspect is that China has proven willing to fund large-scale projects connected toeconomic development such as the deal with China Machine-Building InternationalCorporation to mine coal and build thermal power generators in Zimbabwe to reducethe country’s electricity shortages and the construction of three coal-fired thermalpower stations. China-Zimbabwe trading relationship is also discussed where bilateraltrade relations have been strengthened with China becoming Zimbabwe’s largesttrading partner. Furthermore, the chapter looks at the Implications of Look East policyand China’s non-interference principle. China maintains a policy of non-interventionin the domestic concerns of a country which has found its grounds in Zimbabwe andAfrican continent as a whole. Look East Policy has experienced a positive responsefrom China. In the Security Council, the Chinese (as well as Russia) have acted toblock any U.N. sanctions or Security Council decisions against President Mugabe except calls for reconciliation. Strengthened China-Zimbabwe relations acrossdifferent key sectors reflect mutual benefit, equality, mutual trust, economic win-wincooperation and promoting cultural exchange. Chinese contributions have been wellaccepted in Zimbabwe and have managed to enhance the economy of Zimbabwethrough Chinese investments, loans, grants, improving infrastructure and their tradingrelationship. China has managed to get market for its finished products in Zimbabwe,securing access to raw materials/natural resources on which Harare has the world’ssecond largest platinum reserves from which fuel can be produced (including40different types of precious minerals), Chinese state companies have also beenawarded numerous mining rights in Zimbabwe, and farming vast acreages of land inZimbabwe. Lastly, through the Look East Policy, the Government was trying to courtEastern investors and political allies, namely China. However, Zimbabwe also hadrelations with other countries such as Brazil, India, Iran and Russia, although focus hasbeen on China from the beginning and much cooperation and trade has been withChina.Chapter five is the conclusion which wraps up the study. The chapter discussedkey challenges between China-Zimbabwe relations such as labour/employment issues,high competition of Chinese goods with locals, language barrier, perceptions, amongothers mentioned in the study. Although challenges exist, lessons are also drawn fromthe bilateral cooperation. Recommendations are given and finally a conclusion.Among other sub-questions addressed in the body of the study the aim was to find themain reasons or driving forces that led to the strengthening of the two nations’relations from2000which led to the formation of the much talked about Look EastPolicy. So the land reform coupled with internal, external factors, sanctions andestrangement from the West played a role in the strengthening of China-Zimbabwerelations. China’s support of Zimbabwe’s land reform also strengthened ties. WithChina fast becoming a new economic hub of the world China-Zimbabwe relationswhich date back to Zimbabwe’s liberation struggle where China provided moral andmaterial support have grown and changed significantly over the years and ties arelikely to remain cordial.

【关键词】 中国津巴布韦关系双边合作1980年
【Key words】 ChinaZimbabweRelationsBilateral Cooperation1980
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】D822.347.5
  • 【下载频次】338