

A Study on Temporal Adverbs of Modern Mandarin Chinese

【作者】 张彧彧

【导师】 徐正考;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 时间副词是副词的一个次类,有关汉语时间副词的研究已经取得了一些成果,但仍有继续研究的必要。对近代汉语时间副词的研究,是近代汉语研究的一部分,也是副词研究的一部分。本文对近代汉语时间副词进行了专题研究,选择了11种重点考察的语料,并利用语料库和已有研究成果,扩大语料范围,对近代汉语的时间副词进行了一项“描写+解释”的分类考察。全文共七章,约十五万字。论文的第一章是绪论部分。这部分内容依次包括:选题的缘由,汉语时间副词研究概况,本文的研究目的及研究方法,本文的语料范围。时间副词是汉语表时系统的一部分,在这个系统内部承担着哪些角色,如何承担,正是本研究的出发点,也是本研究所要解决的主要问题。近代汉语在汉语史上起着“承上启下”的过渡作用,自2000年以来,学术界对时间副词问题的关注范围已开始向近代汉语乃至更早以前扩展,尤其是对近代汉语时间副词的专书研究成果日益增加。但现有研究存在着语料范围有限、研究不够系统化以及研究方法单一等问题。对时间副词问题的深入研究仍有价值。本研究主要采用描写与解释相结合的研究方式,在解释的过程中对每个时间副词在近代汉语各阶段的表现进行了简单的对比,并对它们在11种重点语料中的使用频次进行了统计;我们还借鉴了哲学、语言类型学、语法化理论及方言研究的部分成果,增加解释的清晰度和力度。这些在后面的几章中都有具体的表现。而11种重点语料的选择,考虑了它们反映各时期口语的程度、体裁、篇幅以及各时期语言的特点(主要体现在对元代语料的选择上)。如何定义时间副词,并为之分类,是汉语时间副词研究至今没有达成共识的问题。因此我们在第二章对时间副词的界定和分类问题进行了探讨。我们首先介绍了几个与本研究密切相关的概念,即“时轴”、“时制”、“时体”、“相”、“时点”和“时段”。这些概念是研究时间副词乃至表时系统的基本概念。然后,我们列举了对时间副词的几种有代表性的界定和分类方法,指出了它们之间的共性、差异以及可能存在的问题。我们认为,时间副词既然是表时系统的一部分,就可以借鉴语言的表时系统内部最核心的时间概念,即“时制”和“时体”,来界定时间副词。凡副词,可以表达时制或时体概念者,可以称为“时间副词”。在此概念的基础上,结合近代汉语时间副词所承载的时制、时体意义,同时参考汉藏语系中其他75种语言及汉语方言表时系统中所具有的时制、时体意义,我们对近代汉语时间副词进行了重新分类,即三个大类、19个小类,并分别在第4、第5、第6章中对它们进行了探讨。在第三章,我们简要分析了时间副词与时间名词、连词、情状方式副词以及频率副词之间的区别,进一步明确了我们对时间副词的界定,并帮助我们在接下来的研究中对时间副词有一个更清晰的认识。这部分内容也帮助我们进一步说明了我们对时间副词的界定和分类,与以往一些界定和分类的区别。如对“连词性时间副词”的处理方式,以及将“频率副词”排除在时间副词之外的原因,等等。在第四章,我们探讨了近代汉语时制副词。所谓时制副词,就是时间副词中可以表达时制意义的那部分词。近代汉语时制副词共181个,单纯时制副词46个,合成时制副词135个,可以分为九个小类,分别表示远基点前时、一般基点前时、近基点前时、基点时、立即基点后时、近基点后时、一般基点后时、远基点后时和非基点后时。这里的“远”、“近”,并不是严格的物理概念,而带有一定主观判断的成分。这一点突出体现在“立即基点后时”和“近基点后时”的区别上。这两类时制副词距离基点的时距都比较近,但其区别就在于,前一类时制副词表现出一种与基点时刻紧相连接、马上呈现的意义,而后者则只表示为在不久的将来便要发生。我们还分析了一类比较特殊的时制副词,即第9个小类,表非基点后时概念的时制副词。在这部分中,我们讨论了几个兼表持续体和已然体概念的时间副词。这几个时间副词表现出了与它们同类的时体副词不同的时制特征,即不能出现在基点以后的时间范围内。在第五章,我们探讨了近代汉语时体副词。所谓时体副词,就是时间副词中可以表达时体意义的那部分词。近代汉语时体副词共153个,单纯时体副词42个,合成时体副词111个,可以分为7个小类,即表将行体、已然体、进行体、起始体、经历体、持续体和短时体。这七个小类的确定,以事件内部时间特征为基础,结合近代汉语时体副词的实际表时功能,又以汉藏语系其他75种语言及汉语方言中所具有的时体意义作为旁证。我们在探讨每一个小类时,也分别介绍了这些“体”概念在现代汉语中的主要表达方式,目的是将时间副词的表时功能与表时系统中其他表时方式并列起来,进行观察和比对。我们并不刻意区分“词汇体”和“语法体”,因为我们借鉴的是“体”的概念,是要探讨近代汉语时体副词所能表达的“体”的概念到底有哪些。在第六章,我们探讨了近代汉语时序副词。时序副词实际上也是时制副词的一部分,但因为它们突出表现了事件之间的相对次序关系,故将它们单独拿出来专门讨论。近代汉语时序副词共29个,单纯时序副词15个,合成时序副词14个,可以分为表在先、表同时和表在后三个小类。最后,我们在第7章对全文进行了总结,并补充说明了几个与本研究有关但前面几章并未涉及的问题。我们总结了近代汉语时间副词的结构形式及其来源;时间副词的“低频偶见”现象,包括个别词在整个近代汉语时期或某一段时期的低频偶见,特殊语料中时间副词的整体低频使用,以及同一语料内部时间副词之间呈现出的使用频率的极大差异,等等;我们还简单讨论了龚千炎(1993)提出的“可有成分”和“必有成分”的问题,对这个问题我们没有细致地研究,但我们认为这个问题是值得深入研究的;接着,我们总结了时间副词的“时体性”和“多功能性”,近代汉语时间副词并没有呈现出陆剑明、马真(1985)所提出的多不表“时”而表“态”的特征,我们对造成我们的结论与之不同的原因进行了解释,并简要概括了时间副词“多功能性”的表现;我们还简要分析了汉文化中的时间观念,这种时间观念与汉语的表时方式之间有着深厚的联系,在时间副词系统中也有体现;最后,我们对全文进行了总结,简单勾勒了本文的脉络,指出了创新点和几点不足。

【Abstract】 Temporal adverb is a sub-class of adverb,and there have already been lots ofessays about temporal adverbs or relative questions.But it is still necessary for us tocontinue researches on it. Research on temporal adverbs of modern mandarin Chineseis part of the study of modern mandarin Chinese, and is also part of the study of theadverb system. In this dissertation,we have tried to do the description and explanationon this sub-class of adverbs of modern mandarin Chinese ,based on 11 kinds of chosethe 11 kinds of selected corpuses.And we also chose several other corpuses that havebeen studied in the existing essays and several digital corpuses to expand the range ofresearch materials.So this dissertation is mainly of a description-and-explanation style.The main part of the dissertation is composed of seven chapters, about 15 millionwords in all.Chapter One is the introduction part,followed by: the motivation of thedissertation, the actulity of the relative studies, the purpose of this study and researchmethodology of this dissertation, and the range of the corpuses that we selected.Temporal adverb is in the system of time- conveying.The starting point for thieresearch is to find the role that temporal adverb plays within this system.It is also themain problem that we tried to solve in this dissertation. Modern mandarin Chinese isthe connecting part which links the preceding part and the following part of mandarinChinese history.Since 2000,the scope and amount of the researchse on temporaladverbs of modern mandarin,especially of temporal adverbs in appointed corpuses,have been in a upward trend,which shows us that more and more researchers payedattentions on topics in this field.However,there are still much problem left.In-depthstudies with comprehensive methods and more extensive corpuses are still necessary.This study used a combination of description and explanation on each temporaladverb and did simple comparisons among the its deferent performances during the period of history that we chose to survey.We figured out the frequency statistics ofeach temporal adverb in the selected 11 corpuses.We also used theories of philosophy,language typology, syntax theory,grammaticalisation theory and dialect study results inorder to increase the clarity and depth of the explanation. These have specificperformance in the next few chapters. As to the selection of 11 kinds major corpuses,we have taken into account about the length,style of each corpus,and have thinked overwhether they could reflect the character of spoken language of each dynasty (espetiallythe corpus of Yuan Dynasty).How to define temporal adverb and classify them into sub-classes is a problemwhich has never been setlled so far. Therefore, we made our own definiton andclassification about temporal adverb in Chapter Two.Before we discuss these twoquestions,we We first introduce several closely related concepts, namely "time axis","tense", "aspect", "aktionart", "time point " and "time period". These concepts arebasic concepts of researches of temporal adverbs and even the time system inlanguages. Then, we enumerated several existed representative definition andclassification of tempral adver.We pointed out the similarities and differences amongthem,and indicated the problems existed there. Since it is part of the time system, wedecided to use the core concepts in this system,namely"tense" and "aspect",to defineand classify temporal adverb. Adverb that has the function to express the concept oftense or aspect should be called Temporal Adverb. We also took 75 kinds of otherSino-Tibetan languages and dialects of Chineseto be circumstantial evidences.At theend of this chapter,we made not only a new definition for temporal adverb,but alsoclassified the temporal adverbs of modern mandarin Chinese into 19 sub-classesbelonging to 3 main classes.These will be discussed separately in the followingchapters.In Chapter Three, a brief analysis of the differences between temporal adverb andtemporal noun, temporal adverb and conjunction, temporal adverb and situation-likeadverb, and temporal adverb and frequency adverb had been discussed to make furtherclarification about our definition of temporal adverb. This part also helped us to further illustrate the difference of definition and classification of temporal adverb between usand previous researchers.For instance,the conjunction-like-temporal adverb,and whythe frequency adverbs are excluded beyond the temporal adverbs, and so on.In Chapter Four, we explored the tense adverbs of modern mandarin Chinese.What you called tense adverb is an adverb which could express the concept oftense.There are 181 tense adverbs in modern mandarin Chinese,thereinto 46 simpletemporal adverbs and 135 compound temporal adverbs.Tense adverbs can be dividedinto nine sub-classes, respectively conveys the tense information of the distant-past,general-past, near- past,the reference time point,instant-future,near-future,general-future,and the distant-future.Here "Far"and "near" are not strictly physical concept,butwith some subjective judgment.We could see especially clearly between tense adverbsthat convey the tense concept of instant-future and near-future.For the former class,wefeel the event occurred immediately after the reference event,and for the after class wejust feel the event will occur in a shour period of time.There is a special class of tenseadverb which we named not-future-tense adverb. In this section, we discuss severalaspect adverbs which are also belonged to the sub-class of durative-aspect-adverb andaccomplished-aspect-adverb.These temporal adverbs showed a specific limitation ontense unlike other aspect adverbs of the same sub-class that they could not exist whenthe event belonged to any kind of future tense.In Chapter Five, we explore the aspect adverbs of modern mandarin Chinese. Theso-called aspect adverbs are adverbs which could convey the aspect information.Thereare 153 aspect adverbs in modern mandarin Chinese, 42 of which are simple adverbsand 111 of which are compound adverbs.They are divided into 7sub-classes,respectively convey the aspect information of prospective, accomplishment,initiative, experience,progress,duration, and transitoriness.These classification is basedon the reality of modern mandarin Chinese and include each inner time period of anevent.These concept of aspects can also be seen in 75 other Sino-Tibetan languagesand some dialects of Chinese,which we used as circumstantial evidences to explainsome questioms in this chapter.Under each subtitle,we briefly introduced some other ways of aspect expression in Chinese so that we could make comparison betweenaspect adverbs and other aspect-convey-method.At the mention of aspect,we donnotdistinguish the grammatical aspect and lexical aspect as we just borrowed the conceptof aspect in order to explain both the grammatical and the lexical function of aspectadverbs.In Chapter Six, we explore the time-order-adverbs of modern mandarinChinese.Strictly speaking,the so-called time-order-adverb is a special kind of tenseadverb.There are 29 time-order-adverbs in modern mandarin Chinese,15 of which aresimple adverbs and 14 of which are compound adverbs.Finally, in Chapter Seven,we made a summary of the whole dissertation andadded several relative topics of this study which we dinnot mention in previouschapters. We have summarized the structure and sources of temporal adverbs; the"occasionally low-frequency" phenomenon, including the overall low frequency in useof the temporal adverbs in given period of history, in special corpus , as well as thefrequency of use within the same corpus, and so on; We also briefly discussed the"ingredients" and "must-have ingredients"proposed in Gong Qianyan(1993)’sessay.Although we did not studied in detail, but we think this issue is worthy of furtherstudy.Then we summarize the "versatility" of temporal adverbs.The data of ourresearch shows different results with Lu Jianming, Ma Zhen(1985).Then we made abrief analysis of the conception of time in Chinese culture. Finally, we made a full-textsummary,outlines the context of this article pointed out that the innovation and lack ofthe current dissertation.

【关键词】 时间副词时制时体时序
【Key words】 temporal adverbtenseaspecttime order
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期