

Zen Buddhism and Wang Anshi Poetry Study

【作者】 宫波

【导师】 王树海;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 《佛禅与王安石诗歌研究》这篇论文,是笔者对王安石诗歌研究的一种开拓与尝试。本人以王安石人生经历为脉络,以宋代至臻成熟的佛禅思想对诗歌内容所起地潜移默化之影响为依据;以佛禅在诗歌中所表现的活水源头为新能量,全面系统地研究佛禅与王安石诗歌的关系。笔者在此关注的不仅仅是文学作品,更着眼于佛禅对王安石诗歌创作的启发和影响,旨在为深入研究佛禅与宋诗的关系提供一个比较典型的案例。王安石的一生与佛教结下了不解之缘,其具体表现是多方面的。他出生在一个佛教世俗化的时代,自幼家乡佛教氛围浓重,成长过程中又受到佛教的熏陶。他少负绝资,“无所不读”,所读之书多与佛学有所沾染;为官之后更愿亲近佛教,所到之处必游历寺庙,广交高僧大德;经世济民期间更愿援禅入儒。晚年退隐钟山、与僧为伴、以寺为家、精研佛禅、游走山林、深悟禅意,并自号“半山道人”。其对宇宙人生的感怀,亦达佛家的“真如境界”。从王安石诗歌作品中看,其受佛禅影响至深,在他现存的1700多首诗中,与佛禅相关的诗歌占有相当大的比重。诗中可见其博大精深的佛禅思想,以及对诗歌与佛禅两种意境的互济互融。体现出其高超的创作形式和技巧,使他的诗歌具有独特魅力。其诗歌风格引领了宋代诗歌风貌。因此从佛禅的角度切入,来研究王安石诗歌创作是十分必要的。全文共分为六部分:绪论主要介绍了论文选题的依据、目的和意义。简述宋代佛禅研究概况,宋诗研究概况,以及各时期“佛禅与王安石诗歌研究”的相关情况,阐明了本文的研究方法,介绍了写作内容。第一章:王安石的佛禅修习与林下交游。以王安石人生脉络为主线,系统地阐述了他学佛修禅的历程。通过其林下交游、寺庙游历,力求准确描述佛教之于王安石的早期影响。第二章:王安石诗歌创作中彰显的佛禅精神。王安石的佛禅修习历程对其精神世界影响至深,他能从佛禅中汲取思想精华,以此用于人生实践和提升自我的精神世界。在他的诗歌作品中,亦能展示佛禅“万法皆空、人生如梦;本心是佛,无心是道;自性清净,随缘任运”的精神本体。第三章:王安石的诗歌构思与佛禅思维。王安石的诗歌构思得益于佛禅思维的泽润,与他深研佛典和禅僧交往有着密切的关系。他熟练掌握禅宗临济、云门的授课方法,深通“无念为宗、即事而真、触类是道”等修持方法,深刻理解“静观默想”、“直觉顿悟”以及“二道相因”等佛禅思维模式。静观默想思维模式丰富了他诗歌构思的本体,使“其身与竹化,无穷出新”所体悟的自然景物诗,往往具有无禅语而有禅意禅趣,寓禅理而不落形迹,可直感而不可诠说的特点。直觉顿悟思维模式使他“得鱼忘筌、舍筏登岸”,化解了他诗歌创作中“感性与理性、瞬间与永恒、个体与整体”的内在矛盾。“二道相因”的思维模式,使他的诗歌富有更深层次的含义。第四章:王安石诗歌技巧和佛禅的启示。王安石诗歌创作形式和技巧亦有自己的独特风貌,其诗歌技巧的形成与他非凡的经历、坚韧的意志、丰富的情感和对佛理禅旨的精妙把握关系密切。禅宗“翻案法”直接启示了王安石的翻案诗的创作。无论是翻历史旧案还是推陈出新都能化腐朽为神奇,即或付诸议论亦能获得美轮美奂的诗情和诗境。禅宗“颂古”直接影响了他的诗歌创作形式,“绕路说禅”在他这里直接变成了“绕路说诗”,其隐语的大量使用,使他的诗歌更为含蓄委婉,语句精丽,诗境内涵丰富。禅宗偈颂技巧直接启示了他的诗歌创作技巧,使其晚年诗歌技巧越发显得质朴清新、生动活泼,通透洒脱。在融入佛禅的同时,他能巧妙地剪裁和熔铸佛事。用语精深亦能达到自然天成,蕴含丰富的特点。其阐释佛理灵活,既能在叙事中点化出佛理之高深又能在写景中蕴含佛义之内涵,还能在议论中化用佛理之精髓。可见,王安石诗歌的技巧受佛禅启示,亦显现出巧夺天工,诗禅合一的高深境界。第五章:禅风流被与王安石诗风。宋代禅风流被与宋代特殊的政治和文化背景有着密切的关系。在帝王的支持下,在文人士大夫的簇拥下,禅宗得以迅速发展。其中文人归禅、僧人通儒和理禅融通为佛禅的自我完善创造了有利的社会条件,使之既看到了自身的不足,又从中找到了改造自我的方式和方法。在不断适应中国传统文化的同时,自我流变。特别是文字禅的兴盛,对禅宗的发展具有划时代的意义,使佛禅摆脱了过去尴尬的局面,广泛地使用语言和文字。僧人以诗证禅,文人以禅说诗,禅风的流被对王安石的诗风产生了积极的影响。他早期的诗歌作品受禅风浸染,其意气风发的诗风中亦蕴含着忧郁;中期他投入佛禅怀抱,诗歌作品“峭劲雄伟,光昌超逸”;晚期他融入佛禅,使其诗风“深婉精妙、空灵明净”。本文的创新与意义:第一,目前国内学术界之于禅宗与王安石诗歌的系统研究相对薄弱。王安石诗歌与佛禅的诸多关联尚未给予准确全面地揭示,真实可采信的历史描述及审美价值的有效传达尚有巨大的学术探讨空间。本文力求以宋代禅宗发展史和王安石的人生经历为脉络,从“佛禅”的角度,把禅宗与王安石诗歌的关系,完整、立体、准确地呈现出来,填补佛禅与王安石诗歌研究的某些空白,这是本文努力的方向目标,也是研究佛禅与宋代文学的新视角,新思路。第二,禅宗与王安石早期作品的研究往往容易被忽略,本文将依据宋代士大夫禅悦风行的大背景,依据王安石的佛禅修习,林下交游所形成的诗歌作品,研究王安石早期作品与佛禅、居士交往诗和寺院游历诗,可视为本选题的一个创新。第三,苏轼、黄庭坚禅宗与诗歌文学研究方兴未艾,而佛禅与王安石诗歌的研究起步嫌晚,多数研究者将注意力放在王安石晚年诗歌的研究上,即使对王安石的诗歌进行全面研究的学者也将探讨“荆公体”作为其研究的侧重点。本文立足于王安石诗歌中彰显的佛禅精神,来展示王安石博大精深的佛禅修为,也是本文的一种创新。第四,通过禅宗思维方式对王安石诗歌构思的影响,禅宗偈颂、翻案诗对王安石诗歌创作技巧的影响,来研究禅宗对王安石诗歌创作构思和形式技巧的启示,是本选题的又一创获。第五,宋代禅风的流被直接影响宋代的诗风,在目前存在的王安石诗歌研究方面,有关禅风对王安石诗风的影响,研究者只是寥寥数语,有的甚至一带而过。本文将就禅风流被对王安石诗风的影响进行全面而深刻的探讨,从而展现禅风与诗风互融共进的历史真实,这是本文学术价值的又一体现。

【Abstract】 The thesis, The Research of Zen Buddhism and Wang Anshi’s Poems is thewriter’s exploration to look into Wang Anshi’s poems. I aim to analysis therelationship between Zen Buddhism and Wang Anshi’s poems systematically, usingWang Anshi’s life experience as clues, according to the unconsciously influence ofthe completely mature Zen Buddhism in Song Dynasty on the poems and the ZenBuddhism’s vitality which is expressed in the poems. I pay attention not only theliterature itself but also the inspiration and influence of Zen Buddhism on WangAnshi’s poems creation. From this, I can promote a typical sample for the deepresearch of the relation between Zen Buddhism and Song Poetry.Wang Anshi kept the indissoluble bond with Zen Buddhism all his life, and wecan know this from many aspects. He was born in an era where the Buddhist was insecularization, and his hometown was in heavy Buddhist atmosphere. Besides, he wasschooled by Buddhist from a kid to an adult. He read extensively and most materialswere related to Buddhist. After entering politics, he was more willing to close toBuddhist. He must visit temples and make friends with eminent monks. During theprocess in which he profited the people and the society, he would rather merge ZenBuddhism with Confucianism. When he was old, he sequestered himself to the ZhongMountain, accompanied with monks, set his home in the temple, to put himself intothe research of Zen Buddhism, to wander in the mountain and forest, to realize ZenBuddhism deeply and he called himself as“Banshan Taoist”. His gnosis to theuniverse and the life could go with“Really Realm”in Confucianism shoulder byshoulder.Wang Anshi was influence deeply by Zen Buddhism from his works point ofview. The poems related to Zen Buddhism had a high proportion in his 1.700 poemswhich is still existed now. We can feel his broad and profound Zen Buddhism and hisability to make poems and Zen Buddhism be in mutual interaction. From this, we canknow his talent in creating poems, also because of this, there were so much specialcharm in his poems and the style of his poems leaded the trend of Song Poems. So itis necessary to research his poems from Zen Buddhism point of view. The article canbe divided into six parts as following: In the Introduction, on one hand, the writer explained the reason why he chosethis topic and the writing aim and significance. On the other hand, he illustrated theresearching general situation of Zen Buddhism and Song Poems. Furthermore, somerelated materials which are about the research of Zen Buddhism and Wang Anshi’spoems in different periods; the writing methods and the contents are appearedtogether in this part.Chapter one: Zen Buddhism Practice and connections with monks. The writerillustrates Wang Anshi’s process of practicing Zen Buddhism systematically andshows his early contacts with Zen Buddhism according to the connections with monksand his travel among temples.Chapter Two: The Zen Buddhism revealed in Wang Anshi’s poems. WangAnshi’s Zen Buddhist practice had great influence on his inner world. He couldabsorb though essence from Zen Buddhism to use for his life practice and his ownspirit world. The spiritual noumenon of Zen Buddhism“Nothing is eternal, life is likea dream, actual self is Buddhism, selfless is Taoist, nature is clean and everything is insituation”also was showed in the poems.Chapter three: Wang Anshi’s poem meditation and the idea of Zen Buddhism.Wang Anshi’s poem meditation profited from the idea of Zen Buddhism and hadrather close relation with his research for attempts and the association with lots. Hewas skilled in mastering Rinzai’s and Zen cloud gate’s teaching method ,and hegrasped the practices method of“being pop without abstractions; seeing truth withmatter itself; getting principle by toughing the same thins deeply; understood thethinking modes such as“thought in silence; intuition enlightenment and theinterdependency of two opposites”Contemplation meditation enrich the ontology ofhis poems’meditation and made the natural scenery poems which were created fromthe idea”the conception should be full of endless new elements just like the bamboo”have the characteristics of having Buddhist thoughts although without Chan Yu andhaving the dulden, ertragend with being rich in Zen Buddhism and being understoodbut not being described. Intuition enlightenment made him“throw the net aftercatching fish, and give up the raft after landing the shore“, and dissolve the conflictsof“Perceptual and rational, Moments and eternal, Individual and the whole”in hispoems creating. The thinking model of“the interdependency of two opposites”hadmore deeply implied meaning than other language forms in his poems.Chapter four: Wang Anshi’s poems’techniques and Zen Buddhism’s inspiration.There was unique style for Wang Anshi’s poems creation form and techniques. Theestablishment of his poems’form and techniques connected with his splendid experience, tough will, rich emotion and the exquisite master for Zen Buddhism. Thekind method in Zen Buddhism inspirited his kind poems creation directly. Whateverhistorical records or innovation, Wang Anshi could make the ugly beautiful, eventhough the method argumentation was used in the poem, you also could feel the poeticstyle。Zen Song Gu affected his poems’creation directly; he changed“talking Zenindirectly into talking poems indirectly. According to the use of amount lingo, hispoems became more implicative, fine and rich in connotation. Zen Gatha affected hispoems’creating techniques so that the techniques in his old age were plain, vivid, andfree and easy. He could make himself absorbed in Buddhist activity. He had theability to make the profound expressions be natural exquisition and richness. And hisinterpretation to the Buddhist flexible, for example , he could not only reveal theadvanced Buddhism in narration but also contain Buddhism in describing scene,furthermore, paraphrase Buddhism in argumentation. It is obvious that in WangAnshi’s poems, we can feel Buddhism, especially the unity of Zen and poems.Chapter Five: Wang Anshi’s poetic style and the spread and change of Zen. Thechanging of Buddhism in Song Dynasty should have close connection with the specialpolitical and cultural background of Son Dynasty. Buddhism developed so much withthe support of the King and the company of literati. Among these, it gave thefavorable social conditions to Buddhism improvement that the literati choseBuddhism, monks mastered Confucianism and principles went with Buddhismtogether, so Buddhism found its own disadvantage and got the method to improveitself to change meanwhile to adjust Chinese traditional culture. Addition, theprosperity of characters was a landmark for Buddhism’s development and madeBuddhism out of embarrassment to use characteristics widely. Monks enrichedBuddhism with poems, and literati illustrated poems with the help of Buddhism. Thechange of Buddhism had effective influence of Wang Anshi’s poetic style. In theearly age, the style was“vigorous and dejected”; in the middle age, it was“majesticand natural”because he put himself into Buddhism; in the old age, it was“exquisiteand clear”due to his combination with Buddhism.In a word, the development of Buddhism and poems profited from the localizedinheritance to Buddhism. Poems and Buddhism influenced each other. Poem is theappreciation of ideal while Buddhism inspirited in wonderful Richard. Theintersection of poem and Buddhism is to seek for the wonderful state in which peoplecan be over secular trouble. So these two antirational cultures have so much commonwith each other in solving human’s spirit problems. Buddhism can spread widely withthe carrier--- poem, and at the same time, influenced by Buddhism, poem appears unique style. From this point of view, Wang Anshi’s achievement was hard to beat.So, the writer hopes to research Buddhism influence on Wang Anshi’s poems in depthaccording to the background of the fusion between Confucianism and Buddhism inSong Dynasty and make the relationships between them clear and it must haveimportant significance and reference to the research for Buddhism and Wang Anshi’spoems in modern society.

【关键词】 王安石佛禅诗歌研究
【Key words】 Wang AnshiZen BuddhismPoetryStudy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期