

Creating an Imaginary Castle

【作者】 金铖

【导师】 傅景川;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 英国浪漫主义小说常常是一个令人困窘的研究课题。一个为人熟知的批评观念:英国浪漫主义是以华兹华斯、柯勒律治、拜伦、雪莱、济慈等伟大诗人为首的一场诗歌革新运动;浪漫主义小说处于浪漫主义文学的次要位置,或者被揽入其它主题的研究之下,甚或根本无人问津。本文建立在M.H.艾布拉姆斯、勒内·韦勒克、诺斯罗普·弗莱、欧文·白璧德、哈罗德·布鲁姆、罗伯特·基利、加里·凯利、玛丽琳·巴特勒、伊恩·瓦特、韦恩·布斯、黄梅、申丹等学者的研究基础之上,旨在发掘英国浪漫主义小说的思想内容与美学价值,为其开辟更多的批评路径,探索合理的文学史地位。本文认为浪漫主义小说与浪漫诗歌、戏剧一样,同为浪漫主义文学的一部分,它们界于1789年至1830年之间,有着同样的文学观念和同样的关于想象力的看法,以及同样的自然观和同样的关于意识问题的看法。由于在浪漫主义文学中作家本人的创作态度与其文学作品密切相连,因此探讨浪漫主义小说,不能脱离对作家关于“创作”的自觉意识和观念的分析,本文基于此种因素,为关于四部具有代表性的英国浪漫主义小说及其作家的研究,分为导论、结论、五章,共七个部分。导论部分首先尝试分析了“英国浪漫主义小说”的内涵与范围,然后介绍了国内外研究情况,在这部分回答为何不用“哥特小说”的概念,最后为研究的基本方法和主要内容。第一章,关于浪漫主义小说的背景和核心特征。一个引入瞩目的现象是,浪漫主义其时,出版数量最多、影响最大的文类是小说而不是诗歌。小说的繁荣与职业作家的兴起是一对共生的现象,而又与浪漫主义“天才”、“独创性想象”的观念发生联系。浪漫主义小说家郑重其事地看待写作之事,他们关注“创造”本身的问题,推崇塑造超越现实的想象世界。因此,浪漫主义文学的核心特征——对独创性想象的追求,也是浪漫小说家竭力实现的目标。第二章,《奥多芙的神秘》。安·拉德克利夫把小说创作当成一份“事业”,一种关于精神世界的“冒险”,一种关乎女性自我的探索、塑造,一个她由衷热爱的“孩子”。在小说中赋予自然世界以崇高之感,把自然和崇高联系起来的美学观借由小说这种叙事文体表现出来,安·拉德克利夫恐怕是第一人。由于对内在灵魂世界的关注,作者在小说中构筑了一个想象中的城堡,让她的主人公在灵魂的城堡里完成了自己的历险与成长。鉴于小说对浪漫主义观念的表达,《奥多芙的神秘》可称得上第一部成熟的英国浪漫主义小说。第三章,《僧侣》。马修·刘易斯在远离英国的西班牙马德里的一座教堂里,搭建起了他的文学“舞台”,他把小说创作当成一种“戏剧化”的试验,力图表现出人性与生活的多样化,以及人类在面临极端状态时的情感强度及疯狂行径。刘易斯在戏剧和小说方面对德国浪漫主义的传播和整合甚至可以等同于柯勒律治在诗歌批评方面的功绩,作为一名英国作家他把一种独特的诗歌和戏剧风格混进了小说,同时开创了一种别具一格的小说创作新模式。《僧侣》是与德国浪漫主义风格最为接近的英国小说。小说还表现出对传统基督教道德的反拨,既是对人性当中多重自我的承认,也是文学结构性隐喻变化的一种表现。第四章,《诺桑觉寺》。一般文学史都会把简·奥斯丁视作具有现实主义倾向的小说家,而本文试图将这部小说归为浪漫主义作品。“婚恋”通常被视作奥斯丁小说的主要问题,一个经典的观点是奥斯丁的婚姻观与财产地位密不可分,婚姻的背后浮现出当时社会的生存竞争状态。然而,《诺桑觉寺》描写了三种不同的婚姻态度,而奥斯丁本人赞赏地则是其中一种对抗“金钱逐利社会”、以情感为纽带的婚姻观,同时本文提出这也是一种浪漫主义的婚姻观。第五章《弗兰肯斯坦》。玛丽·雪莱是个纠葛于“创造”的作家,对于她来说,“创造”的焦虑来自于写作与女性生育两个方面,她在作品中描绘出一个“普罗米修斯”式的人物弗兰肯斯坦,他是执着于创造的科学家,又深受其创造之物所害,在他身上既体现出创造与反叛的双重性,也展示了崇高与毁灭的关联性。玛丽·雪莱在小说中对于“创造”的念念不忘与深刻表述,对异想世界的坚持与探索,使得《弗兰肯斯坦》成为最具浪漫主义特色的小说。结论部分总结,关于“想象”,文学批评史上有其源远流长的传统,但浪漫主义时期,在美学观念的侧重点向作家急速转移的过程中,用以对抗新古典主义“模仿”观的“独创性想象”成为浪漫主义文学的核心概念。这四部浪漫主义小说从不同方面、各具特色地表现出作者对浪漫主义思想的理解与援引,它们打破了现代小说关注于现实生活的常规主题,并试图探入人类的灵魂之渊,从而构建出一个充满奇幻色彩的想象世界。

【Abstract】 The English romantic novel has been an embarrassing subject. The criticismconcept that has been familiar to the most is that: British romanticism was a poetryrevolution which led by Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats. As thesecondary focus of romantic literature research, romantic novel hasn’t been paid muchattention by academics. Aiming to review the thoughts and aesthetic value of Britishromantic novel, develop more paths of the criticism and review its suitable positionacross literature history, this paper is based on the research results of M.H.Abram,Rene Wellek, Northrop Fry, Irving Babbitt, Harold Bloom, Robert Kiely, Gary Kelly,Marilyn Butler, Ian Watt, Wayne Booth, etcRomantic novel, this paper believes, is the same as romantic poem and drama,which are all part of the romantic literature. Between 1789 and 1830, they share thesame literature concept, beliefs in imagination, view of nature, and opinions onconsciousness issue. Meanwhile, the discussion of romantic novels couldn’t beseparated from writer analysis, since the creative attitude of the writer himself/herselfis closely related to his/her literature. Consequently, this essay researched into boththe content of four English romantic novels and the authors. Total seven partsincludes introduction, conclusions, and five chapters.The introduction part starts with the analysis of "English Romantic novel"meaning and scope, followed by research status from home and abroad, with theirbasic research methodologies and key findings.The 1stchapter is regarding the background and major character of romanticnovel. During the romantic period, a noticeable phenomenon is that, rather than poetry,fiction was the most published and influential literature format. The prosperity ofnovel and rise of professional writer was a pair of symbiotic phenomenon, which is also related to concepts as romantic“talent”, inventive imagination. Romanticnovelists are seriously about writing matters; they concern about the "creativeness"issue itself, and also praise to shape the imagination world beyond reality. Therefore,the core feature of romantic literature is the pursuit of inventive imagination and, italso has been the goal of romantic novelists strived to achieve.The 2nd chapter on The Mysteries of Udolpho. Ann Ward Radcliffe regards thenovel writing as a career; an adventure to the spiritual world; a discovery journey andshaping progress towards woman herself; and a child she deeply loved. Ann Radcliffemight be the first to empower the natural world with lofty sense in novel , theaesthetic value of their combination is reflected via her narrative style works. Due tothe concerns about inner spiritual world, the author built an imaginary castle, in whichlet her protagonist completed the writer’s own spiritual adventure.The 3rd chapter on The Monk. Away from UK, in a church in Madrid Spain,Matthew Lewis was trying to express the diversity of humanity and life via his"dramatic" trial on novel writing.The novel also demonstrates the washback towards the traditional Christianmorality, which is not only about the recognition of multiple self, but also amanifestation of structural changes on literary metaphor.The 4th chapter on Northanger Abbey. Majority of the literature history regardJane Austen as a novelist with realistic tendency, whereas this paper believes theopposite. Her resistance to the society of "fame & fortune" and pursuit towards thepure emotions were reflected through the emotional "utopia" ideal marriage model ,which created in Northanger Abbey.The 5th Chapter on Frankenstein. Creativeness is the main focus of MaryShelley, and her anxiety about which is from writing itself and female fertility. Ascientist dedicated to creativeness is witnessed in the novel. Her consistent reinforceon creativeness, perseverance and explore to the wonderland are the reasons forFrankenstein becoming a novel with the most romantic features. The conclusion section summarized the understanding of romantic thoughts fromdifferent perspective and quotations for the romantic novels, which are components ofBritish romantic literature. Meanwhile, this essay broke the conventional theme ofmodern novel to mainly focus on realistic life topic; trying to explore the inner worldof human being, then to buildup a wonderland that full of fantasies.

【关键词】 英国浪漫主义小说创造想象
【Key words】 English romantic novelcreationimagination
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期