

The Research on Sino-U.S. Trade Development

【作者】 杨丹

【导师】 张宝仁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界经济, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 中美两国的双边贸易己成为全球双边经贸合作伙伴中增长最快、规模最大的典范之一,对两国的经济乃至于世界经济的发展均产生了重大的影响。1979年中美建交后,中美经贸快速发展,两国双边贸易规模不断扩大,无论以中美两国哪一方的统计数据来看,两国的贸易规模都扩大了百倍以上。据中方统计,2010年美国为中国第二大贸易伙伴,第一大出口贸易对象国。另据美方统计,2010年中国已成为美国第二大贸易伙伴,第三大出口贸易和第一大进口贸易对象国。在中美贸易迅速发展的同时,也伴随着贸易失衡和贸易摩擦等问题,因此全面、系统地分析中美贸易的发展历程、美国对华贸易政策和贸易发展中存在的主要问题及其原因、产生的影响以及今后的发展趋势等,并在此基础上有针对性的提出一些对策建议,相信会有助于了解和掌握中美贸易发展的轨迹,有利于扫除贸易发展中存在的障碍,对于促进两国贸易健康、稳定发展具有重要的理论与现实意义。因此,本文在掌握了大量资料的基础上,以中美贸易发展研究为题,采用了历史分析法、理论分析法、实证分析法等多种方法相结合的方式,较为全面系统的分析了中美贸易的发展,整体结构如下:全文共分为八章,其中第1章为绪论。论证了选题的背景和意义、写作的基本思路、论文的创新与不足之处。第2章为中美贸易发展相关理论概述。概括地论述和分析了国际贸易关系若干理论,其中包括重商主义、绝对优势理论、比较优势理论、幼稚工业保护理论、要素禀赋理论、超保护贸易理论、新贸易理论和战略贸易理论。第3章为中美贸易发展的历程及特征。首先对中美贸易关系的演变历程进行了梳理,大体划分为三个阶段:即新中国成立前中美贸易回顾;新中国成立后到中美建交前的中美贸易回顾;中美建交后的两国贸易发展变化。其次从三个方面归纳、总结了中美贸易发展的基本特征,包括:贸易规模扩大百倍以上的同时,变化趋于平缓;进出口商品结构不断变化,呈现出很强的互补性;相互依存度不断加深的同时呈现非对称性。第4章为美国对华贸易政策的演变及特点。首先对建国后美国对华贸易政策分五个阶段进行了回顾。然后归纳、总结了美国对华贸易政策的特点,包括:服从美国对华整体战略、全球战略;深受中美政治关系影响;经济贸易本身的影响逐渐增强;美国对华贸易政策呈现明显的政治周期性;受到外部制度的制约有限;对华贸易政策的歧视性日益明显。第5章为中美贸易发展存在的问题及其原因。首先分析了中美贸易失衡问题及其原因,其中问题部分包括:中美贸易失衡的基本状况;中美贸易失衡的商品结构,主要原因有:国际产业转移中的东亚因素;外商对华直接投资因素;美国对华出口管制因素,美国宏观经济失衡等因素。其次分析了人民币汇率问题及美国施压的原因,即概述了人民币汇率制度发展阶段;美国对人民币汇率制度打压的演变过程;分析了美国对人民币升值进行打压的原因。第三,分析了美国对中国反倾销问题及其原因,概述了美国对中国反倾销的发展及特点;分析了美国频频对中国发起反倾销的原因。第四,分析了中美贸易中的知识产权争端及其原因,即中美知识产权争端的历史;中美知识产权争端的现状;中美知识产权产生争端的原因。第6章为中美贸易发展主要问题产生影响的实证分析。分别分析了:东亚因素对中美贸易的影响程度;外商对华直接投资对中美贸易的影响程度;美国对华出口管制对中美贸易的影响程度;美国国内宏观经济失衡对中美贸易的影响程度;人民币汇率变动对中美贸易的影响;美国对中国反倾销对中美贸易的影响;以及美国对中国“337条款”调查对中美贸易的影响。第7章为中美贸易发展变化趋势分析。首先分析了中美贸易发展基础条件的变化趋势,认为中美贸易将会长期处于互补的状态;中美贸易相互依赖关系的非对称性会依然存在;中美贸易失衡问题短期内难以解决;中美贸易摩擦问题仍将伴随中美贸易的未来发展;相互间的竞争将会明显增强。其次对中美两国进出口额进行了预测。第8章为促进中美贸易发展的对策与建议。提出了求同存异,建设全面互利的中美经济伙伴关系;积极妥善解决中美贸易失衡问题;积极应对中美贸易摩擦等对策建议。

【Abstract】 China is the largest developing country in the world; the United State is thebiggest developed. Sino-US trade has become one of the fastest growing and thelargest bilateral economic relationship of the world, which play an important part inthe development of their own economy and the world economy. Since China and theUnited States established diplomatic relation in1979, the Sino-US trade hasdeveloped rapidly, the scale of bilateral trade between the two countries has beenexpanding, which has expanded more than a hundred times either from the Chinesestatistical data or the United State’s. According to Chinese statistics, the UnitedStates is the second largest trading partner and the largest export trading partner ofChina in year2010. According to U.S. statistics, China is the second largest tradingpartner, the third largest export trade partner and the largest import trading partner.There are also issues such as trade imbalance and trade friction between twocountries, while Sino-US bilateral trade develops rapidly. Therefore, through acomprehensive, systematic analysis of the course of the development of Sino-UStrade, U.S trade policy to China and the main problems in the trade development,than proposing targeted suggestions, it will contribute to grasp the developmentdirection of Sino-US trade, remove the obstacles that exist in the trade development,and it also has important theoretical and practical significance for the healthy andstable development of Sino-US trade. Based on extensive literatures, this thesis istitled the Research on the Development of Sino-US Trade, using variety of analysismethods such as history analysis method, theoretical analysis method, and empiricalanalysis method to analysis development of Sino-US trade comprehensively.This thesis is divided into eight chapters as following:Chapter one is the introduction part, including the background, theoretical andpractical significance, research framework, innovation and the inadequacies of thisissue. Chapter Two is the Overview of Sino-US trade development related theory. Weanalyzed and evaluated several theories of international trade relation, includingMercantilist Theory, Absolute Advantage Theory, Comparative Advantage Theory,Infant Industry Protection Theory, Factor Endowments Theory, Super-ProtectiveTrade Theory,Intra-industry Trade Theory, Theory of Demand Preference Similarity,Strategic Trade Theory.Chapter three is the course and character of the development of Sino-US traderelation. Firstly, we reviewed the course of the evolution of the Sino-US traderelation which is divided into three stages: the stage before the founding of newChina, the development from the founding of new China to the time before theestablishment of diplomatic relation, rapid development after establishment ofdiplomatic relation. Then, we summarized the characters of Sino-US trade relation,including that trade expanded more than a hundred times and the trend of change isimproving steadily, the structure of trade commodity is constantly changing whichshowed a strong complementary, trade interdependence is constantly increasingwhile showing the asymmetric.Chapter four is the historical evolution, characters and prospect of U.S. tradepolice and measure toward China. Firstly, we reviewed the U.S. trade police toChina after the founding of new China into five stages. Secondly, we summarizedthe characters of U.S. trade police to China, including that U.S. trade police to Chinasubjects to the U.S. overall strategy and global strategy, it is deeply influenced bySino-US political relation, the impact of economy gradually increased, it showsobvious political periodicity, it is constrained by external system, and it’sdiscriminatory is increasing. The third section is outlook of U.S. trade policy toChina.Chapter five is the analysis of the main problems in the development ofSino-US trade. Firstly, we analyzed the imbalance of the Sino-US trade; includingthe basic situation of imbalance of Sino-US trade, and the main reasons ofimbalance of Sino-US trade, the reasons are the East Asian factor in the internationalindustrial transfer, foreign direct investment to China, U.S. export control to China, imbalance of U.S. macro-economy and other reasons. Secondly, we analyzed RMBexchange rate issue, including the overview of the stage of development of the RMBexchange rate system, how the United States put pressure on RMB exchange ratesystem, and the reason why the United States frequently put pressure on RMBappreciation. Thirdly, we analyzed the antidumping measure implemented by U.S.to China, overviewed the history and status of antidumping measure implemented byU.S. to China, then analyzed the reasons why the United States frequentlyimplemented antidumping measure to China, finally, analyzed the impact ofantidumping measure implemented by the U.S.. Fourthly, we analyzed theintellectual property dispute in Sino-US trade, firstly, overviewed the history ofSino-US intellectual property dispute, secondly, analyzed the current situation ofSino-US intellectual property dispute, finally, analyzed the reason of the Sino-USintellectual property dispute.Chapter six is the empirical analysis of affect of main problems of developmentof the Sino-US trade, which included the impact of East Asia factor, foreign directinvestment in China, U.S. export controls to China,and U.S. domesticmacroeconomic imbalance on Sino-US trade imbalance using econometric methods;the impact of RMB exchange rate movements on Sino-US trade, the impact of U.S.anti-dumping in China on Sino-US trade;and impact of “Section337”imvestigationin China on Sino-US trade.Chapter seven is the analysis of Sino-US trade development trend. Firstly, weanalyzed the trend of underlying condition of Sino-US trade development, andconcluded that there will be a long period of complementary state of Sino-US trade,the interdependence asymmetry will still exist, the imbalance of Sino-US tradecouldn’t be solved in short term, the friction of Sino-US trade will accompany thefuture development of Sinio-US trade,and the competion between the two countrieswill be significantly enhanced. Secondely, we predicted the trade structure betweenthe two countries.Chapter eight is the suggestions to promote Sino-US trade, including seekcommon ground while reserving differences, and build a comprehensive and mutually beneficial Sino-US economic partnership; Solve the trade imbalanceproblem actively and properly; Respond to the friction of Sino-US trade actively.

【关键词】 中美贸易发展特点问题原因前景对策
【Key words】 Sino-US tradedevelopmentcharactersproblemreasonoutlookcountermeasure
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】F752.7;F224
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】8085
  • 攻读期成果