

On China’s State Function in the Era of Globalization

【作者】 史晓东

【导师】 杨海蛟;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球化进程的加快,人类社会的政治、经济、文化已经和正在发生翻天覆地的变化,同时国家理论和实践也受到巨大冲击和挑战,国家职能问题再次引起人们的关注。中国的国家职能究竟如何履行,日益成为政治学理论与实践工作者面临的重大理论和实践问题。毫无疑问,经过30多年的改革开放和快速发展,中国已成为仅次于美国的世界第二大经济实体,综合实力和国际地位日渐提高。但由于意识形态、地缘政治等原因,一些国家对中国的发展持怀疑和抵制态度。就国内而言,中国在取得辉煌成就的同时,也出现了发展不平衡,生态环境严重破坏,贫富差距拉大,腐败蔓延等严重社会矛盾和问题,中国的经济社会发展进入一个关键期,面临一系列新的挑战。在这种形势面前,国家作为推动社会发展进步的主导力量,如何有效调整、发挥应有的职能,呼唤着政治学者予以解答。本论文将全球化时代中国的国家职能划分为对内职能和对外职能两大部分予以考察和分析。在对内职能方面,根据中国现代化建设“五位一体”的战略部署,重点从政治、经济、文化、社会和生态职能五个方面展开论述,并结合全球化时代的特点,进一步探讨国家的对外职能。论文主要分七个章节。第一章对全球化和国家职能进行了论述,对全球化的内涵、实质、动力和国家职能的概念及分类,国家职能与国家本质、国家利益等有关问题进行了辨析。第二章从全球化时代国内外环境分析入手,对国家政治职能中对外安全和对内统治职能的内容、方式的变化和发展进行分析和探讨。第三章通过分析全球化时代的中国国家经济职能面临的挑战,结合中国社会主义市场经济建设实践,对国家经济职能的优化和重构进行论述。第四章至第六章论述全球化时代中国国家的文化职能、社会职能和生态职能。认为随着中国改革开放和现代化建设的发展,对文化职能提出了新要求,而国家的社会职能和生态职能作为新凸显的职能领域需要我们认真研究。论文结合中央提出的推进社会主义文化大繁荣大发展的决议以及加强和创新社会管理的重要论述对两部分职能进行了探讨。第七章通过对全球化时代中国国家利益的探讨,阐述加强国家对外职能的必要性,在此基础上对作为国家对外职能实现手段和途径的外交工作进行了重点论述。本文试图对全球化与中国国家职能关系在认识上有所深化,对全球化时代和中国社会发展进入关键时期国家职能的转型和拓展提出了一些建议。

【Abstract】 As the fast development of globalization,politics,economy and culture ofhuman being’s society have been changing greatly,which has caused a great impact onthe state theories and practice.The issue of state function has aroused our attentiononce more.How to execute China’s state function has become an important issue,both theoretically and practically,faced by political theory and practiceworkers.Undoubtedly,China has become the world’s second largest economy afterthe rapid development of 30 years,with great improvement in its comprehensivepower and international status.However,some countries hold an attitude ofskepticism and resistance towards China’s rapid development due to different ideologiesand geopolitics.From the internal development point of views,there are someserious social contradictions and problems,such as serious ecological environmentaldestruction,the widening gap between the rich and the poor,uneven developmentand the spread of corruption.Now China’s economy has entered into a crucial time,facing a series of new challenges.How to effectively adjust the use of the statefunction in order to meet challenges and promote the development has become anurgent issue for research.China’s state function under globalization is divided into two parts,namelyinternal function,including politics,economics,culture,society and ecology,and external function.There are seven chapters in this thesis.The first chapterillustrates the basic issues of globalization,including the connotation and essentialityof globalization,as well as its power and development process,and the analysis ofstate concepts,state nature and national interests.The second chapter analyses anddiscusses the contents,changes and development of its external security and internalrules.The third chapter discusses the optimization and reconstruction of stateeconomic function by analyzing its challenges and practices under the construction of socialist market economy.From chapter four to chapter six,it includes China’s stateculture function,state social management function and state ecological function.AsChina’s opening up policy and modernization,new requirements and more research onculture function,social management function and ecological function have beenneeded.This part focuses mainly on promotion of culture prosperity of socialismproposed by central government and reinforcement and creation of socialmanagement.The last chapter illustrates the necessity of China’s external functionthrough the discussion of the interests of China’s economy.Based on that,diplomaticwork of the realization means of state external function has been focused.The wholethesis tries to deepen the relationship between globalization and China’s state function,and give suggestions to the transformation and expansion of state functions in thecourse of globalization and China’s social development.

【关键词】 全球化国家职能国家利益
【Key words】 globalizationstatefunctionnational interests
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期