

The Research about the Review and Acceptance of Whitman’s Poetry in China

【作者】 史记

【导师】 付景川;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 沃尔特·惠特曼(Walt Whitman,1819-1892),是美国十九世纪最杰出的诗人之一。他用一生心血写作而成的《草叶集》(Leaves of Grass)在美国文学中犹如一颗璀璨的宝石,闪烁着民主精神的光彩。他的诗作在美国文学史上开创了自由诗体的先河,他被公认为美国的“诗歌之父”。《草叶集》从第一版到第九版,经历了太多曲折和坎坷,也引起了文学界的激烈争论。到19世纪下半叶,尽管仍然有人反对惠特曼,但已经出现了众多惠特曼的忠实追随者。1868年,英国批评家威廉·罗塞蒂(William Rossetti,1829-1919)发表了《惠特曼的诗》一文,对惠特曼的诗歌做了很高评价,同时在伦敦出版了《惠特曼诗选》,这预示着惠特曼开始走出美国,进入了世界文学界。到20世纪初期,惠特曼同他的《草叶集》在全世界拥有无数的读者,很多文学家关注惠特曼,有一些还受到他深刻的影响。在中国,最早能够查到有关惠特曼及其诗歌的文献资料是1919年7月15日田汉在《少年中国》的创刊号上发表的《平民诗人惠特曼的百年祭》一文,由此,惠特曼诗歌开始进行广泛传播,从“五四”运动时期始,惠特曼的诗歌和他的思想被众多爱国诗人推崇。惠特曼及其诗歌在中国的评介和接受经历了“五四”运动时期、三四十年代的战争时期、建国以来这三个大的时间跨度,始终一如既往的吸引着中国不同时期不同的诗人、文学家和研究者。惠特曼不光是美国文学研究中备受关注的一个作家,同时也是比较文学和中国现代文学领域中备受关注的作家之一。我们首先介绍了惠特曼的生平和他的文学成就。惠特曼的一生是坎坷的,他以几十年时间创作的《草叶集》也和他的人生一样经历了起起伏伏。几个不同版本的《草叶集》内容差异很大,我们对此进行了说明。惠特曼的文学思想主要体现在这部诗集中。他崇尚民主和自由,他的诗篇不仅表现出浓厚的民主气息,而且散发着强烈的个人色彩。惠特曼的诗歌在形式上,打破了维多利亚时期英国诗歌那种老旧的格律束缚,开创了自由奔放的诗风,他不但是美国民族文学的开创者之一,也是风靡世界的现代自由诗的开创者。在诗歌艺术上,他还表现出浓厚的个人色彩,他所采用的意象是独特的,包括宇宙意象、大海意象、城市意象等等。其次,惠特曼及其诗歌引入中国之后,对中国的新诗发展产生了巨大的影响。我们以对惠特曼及其诗歌在中国的评介与接受为主要内容,以时间为主线,分别对“五四”时期、三四十年代、建国以来这几个时期惠特曼的译介情况以及当时的主要接受诗人进行了阐述。在“五四”时期,惠特曼不仅仅是中国某个人崇拜敬仰的诗人,田汉、郭沫若、胡适是“五四”运动时期文人的典型代表。诗歌是诗人表达情感、抒发感情的载体和工具,也可以说,情感是诗歌创作活动的内在动力。而诗人对于情感的表达则与诗风密切相连。中国古代的诗歌审美文学深受儒家文化的影响,诗人的情感大部分都是被压抑的情感,或者说他们在情感表达上往往过于含蓄,缺乏直接性和勇敢性,情感的表达是有节制的,不是淋漓尽致的。致使许多诗人在诗歌创作中更多的表达了一种悲痛和不被理解,消极情绪和情感的表达更多。中国的诗歌似乎更加缺乏积极向上、乐观、勇敢创新的东西。惠特曼不受传统束缚、强烈表达炽热情感的叛逆诗风撞击着中国一大批诗人的灵魂深处。对于中国诗歌界来说,惠特曼的诗歌所带来的是崭新的精神元素,是一种新的情感表达方式。第一批深受惠特曼影响的中国诗人要数以郭沫若、闻一多为代表的浪漫主义诗人。20世纪三十年代,中国文学界关于惠特曼的诗歌翻译以及有关惠特曼诗歌的评价和研究呈现出数量多、范围广、覆盖面全的特点。此段时期,惠特曼在中国逐渐被广泛地接受,这意味着惠特曼在中国诗坛的地位逐渐得以巩固和确定。这一时期,惠特曼仍然以他恢宏而慷慨的长诗感染着中国的一代诗人——依然为民族解放而奋斗的中国文人们。这一时期,中国诗歌界的突出代表包括艾青、蒲风、何其芳等。新中国成立以来,尤其是1955年惠特曼《草叶集》诞生一百周年以来,有关惠特曼在中国的接受和传承便越来越普遍。在《草叶集》诞生一百周年之际,中国文学界举行了大型的纪念活动,众多文人志士再次掀起了惠特曼热,对惠特曼及其诗歌给予了一致的认可和接纳。有关惠特曼的诗歌评价逐渐增多,其中还包括一些辩论等。有关文革时期新诗发展的研究几乎为空白,文革时期的新诗并不是没有发展,而是由于完完全全的充作为政治服务的工具,以至于诗歌所倡导的真正灵魂或者本质被一些热情颂扬的“假大空”所取代。改革开放时期惠特曼在中国的接受主要体现在两类群体对其的关注上。这种关注首先体现在热心介绍和研究惠特曼的专家上。例如赵萝蕤、荒芜、周珏良、李野光、楚图南等。此外,与西方诗歌不同的地方在于,中国80年代的朦胧诗的发展并不像西方诗歌的发展那样,他们并不是从一个简单的流派到另外一个流派,至80年代,中国的新诗便已经呈现出西方各个诗派包括象征派、意象派的显著特点。最后,在上述历史研究的基础上,本文试图做进行一步思考。我们的思考集中在两个方面。首先,我们试图从接受美学的视域出发,来分析惠特曼在中国接受和影响的历史;它的阶段性特征;以及由此揭示出一些对中外文学影响和交流的有意启示。其次,由于我们的整个研究比较关注惠特曼诗歌对中国新诗写作者的影响,我们试图对此进行进一步的总结。一方面我们认为惠特曼的自由诗及其译介,对中国自由体新诗的发展和成熟产生了很大的影响,同时我们也认为对惠特曼诗歌风格的进一步认识,尤其是对它独特的格律形式的认识,能够促进中国格律体新诗的建设;另一方面,我们认为惠特曼诗歌创作在介入社会和个人化写作之间,保持了较好的平衡,取得了比较大的成就,这对于中国当代新诗的创作不无参考价值。

【Abstract】 Whitman and his Leaves of Grass has gone through a process from denial,rejection to acceptance and popular in the world literature, while in China thetranslation, introduction and acceptance of Chinese scholars to Whitman is unusuallysmooth, this has a great relationship with requirements of the background of times inChina. During the period of May 4thMovement, everyone was yearn for democracy,equality and freedom, it’s quite natural for Chinese people to accept Whitman who wasknown as democratic poet. While in different historical period in China, Whitman andhis poetry have different function. During the May 4thMovement period, many peoplewith lofty ideals in China fiercely pursuit democracy and science and to shed one’sblood and lay down one’s life just for overturn feudalism and establish a democraticcountry. During this period, new poets in China focused their attention on the otherside of the shore far away and tried to find spiritual sustenance to motivate Chinesepeople from the“free country”. Therefore Whitman’s idea and his poetry started tospread in China. Whitman became the pilot of the new democratic period. While in the30s and 40s, the Chinese nation was struggling in the danger, the war became evenmore violent and it was testing the Chinese people’s courage and determination.During that time Whitman was brought in Yan’an revolutionary base where his call forfreedom and console for humanity served as stabilizer in the smoke of the war. NewChina was established after the war of liberation, the burden on Chinese poets was offwith the disappearance of the war. The poets of this period started to their ego andexpressed their inner emotion, and Whitman who promoted self-conscious served as the spiritual food for the new period poets. In consideration of Whitman’s historicalfunction in China’s different periods, this dissertation tried to based on the main themeof the review and acceptance of Whitman and his poetry in China to analyze theacceptance of poets from different period to Whitman and Whitman’s impact on poetsfrom different period in order to understand Whitman more profoundly and providetheory foundation and practice from his affect on Chinese Literature.Whitman’s life and his literature achievements were introduced first. Whitman’slife was full of frustrations. He used several decades to create Leaves of Grass whichwas also experienced rises and falls as his life. The big differences of several versionsof Leaves of Grass were also explained. The literature thought of Whitman are mainlyreflected in this poetry collection. He advocated democracy and freedom and hispoetry not only reflects the strong democracy atmosphere also shows intenseindividual characteristics. In the aspect of form, Whitman’s poetry broke the bound ofthe metrical pattern of English poetry in Victorian era and created a free and boldpoetry style. He is not only one of the initiators of American national literature, butalso is the initiator of the worldwide popular modern free verse. In the aspect of poetryart, he showed the intense individual characteristics. The images he put in use wereunique, which include the universe image, sea image and city image, etc.After Whitman and his poetry were introduced in China, it had a huge influenceto the development of Chinese new poetry.The review and acceptance of Whitman and his poetry as the main content, thetime period as the mainline, the situation of translation and introduction as well as theaccepted poets at that time were elaborated through five periods which are May 4th,30s and 40s, new China period after liberation, culture revolution, open and reformuntil contemporary.During May 4thperiod, Whitman was not a poet admired by someone in China,Tian Han, Guo Moruo, Hushi were the typical representatives during May 4thmovement. Poetry is the carrier and tool that poet expresses the expression and feeling, it also can be said feeling is the inner motive for poetry creation. And poet’s expressionof the feeling is closely connected with poetry style. The aesthetic literature of Chineseancient poetry was deeply influenced by Confusion culture, the feeling of most poetswere depressed, or their feeling expression was over implicit, which lack of indirectionand courage, and it was constrained rather then thoroughly. This leads to many poetsexpressed more about sadness and not being understood, negative mood and feeling intheir poetry creation. Chinese poetry seemed lack of things of positive, optimistic andcourage for creation. Not bounded by tradition and Whitman’s rebellious poetry styleto strongly express glowing feeling stroke the deep soul of many Chinese mainlandpoets. To the Chinese poetry circles, Whitman’s poetry brought new spiritual element,and it is a new way of expressing feelings. The first group Chinese romantic poetsdeeply influenced by Whitman were represented by Guo Moruo, Wen Yiduo.In 1930s, the translation, comments and research of Whitman’s poetry in Chinaemerged large in amount, wide in scope, covering comprehensive. During this period,Whitman was gradually accepted widely in China, this means the place of Whitman inChinese poetic circles gradually consolidated and confirmed. During this period,Whitman continued to influence Chinese poets, those scholars who struggled for thenation liberation, with his generous long poetry. The outstanding representatives inChinese poetry circles of this period are Ai Qing, Pu Feng, He Qifang etc.Since the new China established, especially the 100 anniversary of Whitman’sLeaves of Grass,the acceptance and inherit of Whitman in China became more andmore popular. During the 100 anniversary of Leaves of Grass period, Chinese literaturecircle held large-scale commemorative activity, and many scholars made Whitmanbecame more popular again and consistently approved and accepted to Whitman andhis poetry. The reviews of Whitman’s poetry were growing as well as some debates.The research of new poetry development during culture revolution was almost blank,during this time new poetry was not undeveloped, but totally served as the tool forpolitics, even to the extent that the real soul or essence poetry proposed was replacedby the warmly praised“empty words”. During the open and reform period, the acceptance for Whitman in China mainly reflected on two groups who had paidattention to him. One reflected on the experts who warmly introduced and researchedon Whitman. For example, Zhao Luorui, Huang Wu, Zhou Yuliang, Li Yeguang, ChuTunan ect. Besides, the difference from Western poetry is the 80s misty poetrydeveloped differently from Western poetry. Chinese new poetry developed only shortlyfor ten years, and it was not simply from one school to the other, until 80s, Chinesenew poetry had appeared the characteristics of those poetry schools of Western,including symbolism school and impressionist school.At last, this dissertation tried to think further based on the above historicalresearches. Our thoughts concentrated on two aspects. First, from the acceptanceaesthetics point of view, we tried to analyze the history of Whitman’s acceptance andinfluence in China, its period characteristics and some significant enlightenments forthe influences and exchange of Chinese and foreign literature revealed from this.Second, due to our entire research focused on the influences of Chinese newpoetry writers, we tried to make future conclusion on this. On one hand, we think thefree verse and its translation and introduction of Whitman had a great influence for thedevelopment and maturity of Chinese free verse and meanwhile we also think furthercognition of Whitman’s poetry style, especially the cognition of its unique form ofmetrical pattern can promote the construction of Chinese new poetry with metricalpattern. On the other hand, we think the poetry creation of Whitman kept a goodbalance between society involvement and individual writing and achieved a greatachievement, which had the reference value for the creation of contemporary Chinesepoetry.

【关键词】 惠特曼新诗评介接受
【Key words】 WhitmanNew poetryReviewAcceptance
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】I207.25;I712.072
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】807
  • 攻读期成果