

On the Governmental Soft Executive Force

【作者】 董晓倩

【导师】 麻宝斌;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 社会管理乃一项系统工程,法治应与德治并行,管理应融合于服务,人的行为改造应与观念的形塑相连,“硬执行力”应有“软执行力”的配合。政府软执行力是指政府在社会管理与公共服务过程中,尊重并顺应管理和服务对象的社会心理和个体情感等因素,运用价值播种、舆论宣传、精神感召等柔性手段,充分发挥社会组织和公民的作用,以实现改变人们行为与社会风气等政策目标的程度。提升软执行力不仅是继承德治传统的需要,也是改革现实的要求;既是改善政府执行质量,提高政府社会管理水平的需要,也是化解社会矛盾与冲突,促进社会和谐发展的需要。政府软执行力既作用于柔性目标政策领域,实现目标群体内心引导,又作用于刚性目标政策领域,协助对目标群体的外在型塑;政府软执行力既作用于微观层面,形成目标群体自觉行为,又作用于宏观层面,促进社会治理主体协同合作。切实提升政府软执行力要从那些适合刚性执行手段却阻碍柔性执行手段的政府要素入手,软执行力主要来源于这些政府要素的一系列变革之中。就政府内部来看,软执行来源于执行观念从管制观念到服务意识的转变、执行计划从策略应对到战略谋划的改革、执行组织结构从科层化到整体型的变革、执行方式从呆板单一到灵活多样的创新、执行人员从技术型到知识型的素质提升;就政府外部来看,软执行力来源于政府与民众之间从不信任到相互信任的关系调整、政府与媒体之间从管制到良性互动的关系进化。政府软执行力绩效评估有利于突破政府改革的利益困境和主体困境,是提升政府软执行力“牵一发而动全身”的关键着力点。从突出社会评估主体的核心地位、强调对柔性执行手段的测量评估、确保民意调查方法的科学性这三个方面提出提升政府软执行力的绩效方略。

【Abstract】 With the rapid economic growth in China, that social contradictions appear constantlyinternally requests that the government must do two things: first, regulating their own behavior,carrying out the administration according to law, and building a socialist legality country; second,strengthening and innovating the social management, and improving the execution. So the wordslike "rule by law" and "execution" are into the mainstream discourse gradually official system,and even has become the basic social consensus. But the government behavior like stricting lawenforcement and strengthening the execution did not seem to receive the expected effect, socialconflict with the mark of the masses event has intensified trend. That prompted us to think about aproblem: Social management is a system engineering, in addition to rule by law it also needs torule, in addition to management it also needs to service, it should regulate the behavior of people,and it also wants to shape people’s ideas, "Hard executive force" also needs "soft executive force"cooperate. This paper introduces the concept of "governmental soft executive force", tries tomining the connotation of the governmental soft executive force, explores the function area of thegovernmental soft executive force, analyzes the source of the governmental soft executive force,finds the key points of enhancing the governmental soft executive force, and show possibleprospect of the Chinese governmental social management by the way from "rigid primarily" to"rigid-flexible combination ".The article of the first chapter basically interrelates the theoretical connotation of thegovernmental soft executive force. According to the present situation of more rigid and lessflexible in the Chinese government social management, under the enlightenment of the soft power theory, based on the relationship between the administrative soft power, administrative methodand the executive effect, the concept of "governmental soft executive force" has been put forward.Soft executive force refers to the degree that the government achieves during the course of socialmanagement and public services, by respecting and conforming to the social psychology andindividual emotions of the management and service objects and fully exerting functions of thesocial organizations and citizens by flexible management methods, so as to attain the goal ofchanging human behavior and social atmosphere by the“moistures- things- in -silence”way.Among them, the flexible executive means is relative with the rigid executive means, and is akind of non-obligatory persuasion means of information which depend on administrative softpower. The main forms are transfer of knowledge, moral exhortation, spirit inspiration, theseeding of culture, the public opinion and mediation, etc. Based on the analysis of the concept ofgovernmental soft executive force, further clarifies the connotation of the governmental softexecutive force, discriminates the soft the relationship between the governmental soft executiveforce and government authority, policy propaganda, ideological and political education.In the second chapter, this paper analyzes the function field of governmental soft executiveforce. Compared with governmental hard executive force, governmental soft executive force hassome advantages just as be good for prevention, reducing administrative costs, more freedom oftarget groups. etc, and has some disadvantages just as weak binding, slow effective, not clearexecutive main body of responsibility, implementation effect of group differences. Etc. Based onthe understanding of the connotation of governmental soft executive force clears its characteristics,combination and function areas. The function field of governmental soft executive force is dividedinto different layers by macro, meso, micro in vertical. In the micro level, soft executive forceform target groups aware behavior; and in the macroscopic level, soft executive force set uppolicy executive main body network. It is divided into different policy areas by flexible goal andrigid target horizontally. In flexible goal policy areas, soft executive force mainly achieves toguide the target groups’heart; In the rigid target policy areas, soft executive force mainly assistsexecutive force to shape externally for the hard target groups. In the third, fourth chapter, the paper basically analyses the source of governmental softexecutive force. Because the government is the facilitator and practitioner of the soft executiveforce, so this paper mainly explores the source of the governmental soft executive force by theangle of the government. According to the present situation of more rigid and less flexible in theChinese government social management, the internal and external of the government organizationexist the factors that are suitable for hard executive force, but block soft executive force, and thesoft executive force comes from series change of government. From the government organizationperspective, soft executive force stems from a series of government reform by the changing ofexecutive concept from management idea to the service consciousness, the reform of executiveforce plan from the implementation of the strategy to the strategy plan, the reform of performingorganization structure from bureaucratization to overall type, the innovation of implementationfrom single to flexible and diversified combined, ascending of executive ability from the type ofskilled to the type of knowledge, and there are deep interest troubles in every governmentreform .From the government public relation, soft executive force stems from adjustment of thegovernment trust relation never believed to mutual trust, evolution of the government and themedia relations from the control to the benign interaction. There are interconnected between thegovernment organization internal sources of soft executive force and the government publicrelation source, and the internal successful reform of the government organization can improvethe government public relation. The change of government public relation is to form a cohesiveforce, to promote internal reform of the government organization. Which needs emphasize, thereform of the government of producing and improving the soft force does not mean all thenegative to the governmental hard executive force, but just hope correct effectively the "excess"rigid method in the applicable field of soft executive force.The paper in Chapter 5 puts forward that performance evaluation is the key point ofpromoting the governmental soft executive force. In our government social management, the useof flexible executive means is in its infancy, and facing the complexity of the influence factors it’s important to catch the key points. Performance evaluation and the government is not only fit forsoft executive force in the value orientation, but also may guide interest orientation of theexecutive body and provide participate channel of the executive social forces, and may possible tobreak interests predicament and main body trouble of promoting soft executive force. We needpay attention to four aspects below if we want enhance performance evaluation of thegovernmental soft executive force: first, prominent the core status of social assessment of themain body; second, pay attention to the evaluation of flexible executive means; third, emphasizethe importance of public opinion survey method.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期