

Organizational Changes in Enterprise and Protecting the Right of Work

【作者】 张颖慧

【导师】 冯彦君;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 经济法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化与国际化的来临,企业的发展战略从国内转向全球市场,并开始改变传统的相对固定与不变的组织形态。中国在入世的10年时间,经济高速发展,国民经济结构的调整与产业升级的速度加快。同时,企业面对市场竞争的压力也日益增大。为了追求更大的利润空间,适应市场变化,避免现有形式的不足,大量企业对其组织进行了整体或部分的重新规划,企业和企业之间开始大量的发生合并、分立与营业转让的行为,对于如何保障劳动者的工作权,本文进行了详细论述。全文共分六章。第一章为绪论,主要介绍了本文的研究背景、研究问题、研究意义、研究现状以及研究范围、研究思路与研究方法。第二章主要对企业组织变动的概说进行了阐述。这其中既包括企业概念的多维解析,也包括企业组织变动的概念与类型,以及企业组织变动中的一种特殊变动类型——营业转让的界定。首先,本文对“企业”内涵的经济学与法学的内涵进行了疏理。特别指出,应认识到企业是一个“动”的概念,具有组织体的相对稳定性。特别指出企业的概念在市场主体法与劳动法中应区别对待。而企业是采整体说还是部门说争论的疏理直接关系到相关保障制度之适用前提,本文在分析整体说与部分说的理论后认为企业的部分说更具有说服力。其次,依据劳动合同方主体即雇主是否发生变化,分析了影响劳动者工作权的企业组织变动型式,主要包括企业合并、企业分立、企业的营业转让。由于不符合上述判断条件,因此企业的股份收购、企业的法律形式转换以及企业破产则不属于本文论述范围之内。再次,对于营业转让这一企业组织变动的特殊类型进行了专门论述。营业转让是一类颇具争议性的企业变动形式,特别是判定标准的认定。在借鉴欧盟大量案例后,本文认为营业转让判定标准应分为充要条件与参考条件,并对此进行了论述。第三章对企业组织变动的发展过程及对劳动关系的影响进行了论述。分别从企业组织变动的历程、企业组织变动对个别劳动关系的影响以及企业组织变动对集体劳动关系的影响三方面论述。企业组织变动在美洲地区、欧洲地区以及我国大陆与台湾地区均展现了不同的发展轨迹。且对个别劳动关系产生如下影响:一方面影响企业组织的重新架构、企业的文化改变、管理层与管理制度的改变;另一方面对劳动者产生解雇裁员、工资及福利、调动以及年资的影响。同时,企业组织变动对集体劳动关系中的工会地位以及集体合同的效力存续问题也产生了很大影响。第四章主要论述了国外立法对劳动者保护之策略。分别从欧盟、德国、英国、美国、日本等国家与地区进行论述。欧盟保护劳动者的基础性文件是指令性文件,特别是第77/187号指令、第94/95号指令、第98/50号指令与第2001/23号指令。德国在此问题上保护劳动者工作权的主要体现在德国民法典第613a条,主要在几项权利方面做了具体化规定。英国也深受欧盟指令的影响,以《企业移转雇佣保障条例》为主要法律规范来保障劳动者的工作权。而美国对此类案件的处理相较于欧洲却具有其特殊性,而集体合同的理念在美国立法上也居于特殊的地位。而日本对于劳动者保障的特点则在对进行针对性的立法,日本的《劳动合同承继法》就是这方面之代表性立法。第五章是对我国相关实体制度的检讨与重构。本章从几个具体制度的不同侧面进行论述。特别是企业组织变动中的劳动者异议权与劳动合同承继制度。首先,在论述劳动者异议权时,界定了劳动者异议权的定义、论述了异议权建立的理论基础、法律效果、以及劳动者异议权应从五个方面进行立法构建。其次,展开了劳动合同承继制度的论述。从对劳动合同承继制度的不同见解以及我国现行立法的评析入手,讨论了劳动合同承继制度中的雇主商定留用权以及劳动者拒绝留用权的相关理论与判例。第六章讨论了企业组织变动中的不当劳动行为禁止制度。本章从不当劳动行为禁止制度概述开始论述,从不当劳动行为禁止制度产生的背景、以及美日我国台湾地区及大陆地区的立法现状入手,分析了我国不当劳动行为禁止制度建立的前提基础。随之对一类不当劳动行为:企业组织变动中的不利益变更行为,进行了评析,特别是工作规则的不利益变更的争议,并对合理性变更原则进行了反思,提出了不利益变更制度的初步建构方案。最后,论述了企业组织变动中的另一类不当劳动行为:无理解雇。论述了何为解雇以及限制不正当解雇的法理基础,并对正当事由说与解雇权滥用说、法定事由说与最后手段性原则进行了论述,并在本章的最后提出了解雇保护制度重构的两点思考,即确立宪法、民法及劳动法的综合保护体系以及建立小型企业的排除制度。

【Abstract】 With the advent of economic globalization and internationalization, businessdevelopment strategy shift from domestic to global markets, and begin to change thetraditional morphology is relatively fixed and unchanged. After the 10 years, sinceChina join in the WTO, Economic development fasted, and national economicstructure adjustment and industrial upgrading accelerate. At the same time, thepressure of market competition is increasing. In order to make greater profit margins,adapt to market changes and avoid the deficiencies of the existing form, a largenumber of enterprise have to re-planning the enterprise organization of whole or part,enterprises begin to merger, division and business transfer.The article divided six chapters.Chapter one is introductions, mainly introduces the research background,question, the research significance, the research status and scope, research ideas andresearch method.The second chapter is mainly about the summary of enterprise organizationchanges. It includes the multidimensional analysis of enterprise concept the conceptand types of enterprise organization changes and a special type–definition ofbusiness changes. First of all, the paper discusses the connotation of“enterprise”ineconomics and law. Specifically point that enterprise is a dynamic concept, it has therelative stability of organization. Special points that the concept of enterprise shouldbe treated differently between in market main body law and labor law. And discussingthe enterprise is to adopt the whole or department theory is directly related to therelevant security system for the premise, based on the analysis of the overall theory,the part theory of enterprise has more convincing.Secondly, according to main part of the labor contract, which means theemployer changes. It analyzes the changes in business organization type, which has impact of the workers’ right, it includes a corporate merger, corporate separation, andthe transfer of business enterprises. Because that they do not comply with the abovejudgment conditions, the acquisition of shares, the legal form of conversion, andcorporate bankruptcies do not fall within the scope of this thesis. Furthermore, Itdescribes the business transfer, which is a special type of business organizationchanges. Business transfer is a controversial form of corporate changes, especially theidentification of criteria. Learn from a large number of cases of the European Union,the business transfer criteria should be divided into necessary and sufficientconditions and reference conditions.The development process of the changes in business organization and laborrelations are in Chapter 3 discussed. It includes 3 aspects, Organizational changeprocess from the enterprise, corporate organizational changes on individual laborrelations, as well as changes in business organization of collective labor relations. TheChanges in business organization in different places such as Americas, Europe,Mainland China and Taiwan region show a different development path. And also havethe following effects of the individual labor relations: on the one hand affect there-structure of the business organization, corporate culture change management andchange management system; on the other hand affect the layoffs, wages, benefits,mobility and seniority of workers. At the same time, changes in business organizationhave also a significant effect of the position of trade unions in the collective laborrelations, as well as of the existence of a collective contract.The fourth chapter discusses the strategy of foreign legislation on workerprotection. And it starts from the European Union, Germany, Britain, the UnitedStates, Japan and other countries and regions. The foundation documents for theprotection of workers in EU are the Directive file, in particular Directive 77/187,Directive 94/95, Directive 98/50 and Directive 2001/23. The protection of workers’right to work on this issue in Germany is mainly in 613a of the German Civil Code,and it has specific requirements in several rights. The United Kingdom is also affectedby the EU Directives, It protects the workers with "corporate transfer of employmentprotection regulations to protect workers’ right to work". U.S. has its ownparticularities, the concept of collective contracts in the U.S. legislation is on a special position. The Japanese characteristics for the protection of workers are the targetedlegislation, The Japanese“labor contracts inherited law" is the represented legislationin this aspect.The fifth chapter is a review of the relevant entities of the system andreconstruction. It discusses from a few specific systems of the different aspects. Inparticular the right of workers and the inherited system of labor contracts in thecorporate organizational change. First of all, in the discussion of workers’right itgives the definition of the workers ’right, and discusses the establishing of thetheoretical basis, the legal effect, and the five aspects of the workers’ right. Secondly,it expands the discussion of labor contracts inherited system. Start from the differentview of the labor contracts inherited system and the assessment of current legislationin China, it discusses the employers’right and workers’right in labor contractsinherited system.The sixth chapter discusses the changes in business organization in the unfairlabor practice prohibited system. This chapter discusses from the improper laborpractices and has an overview of the unfair labor practice prohibited, as well as thelegislative status of the US, Japan, Taiwan Region, and mainland China. It analyzesthe basis of Chinese unfair labor practice prohibited system. And makes anassessment for the unfair labor practice: changes in business organization does notchange the behavior of interest assessment, in particular the interests of the workingrules change controversy. And also makes a discussion of the reasonable changes andgives a Suggestion. Finally, it discusses the changes in business organization inanother unfair labor practice: unjustified dismissal. It tells what is the dismissal andthe legal basis for unjustified dismissal. At the end of this chapter it discusses twothings, namely the establishment of the Constitution, civil and labor law protectionsystem and the establishment of a system of exclusion for small businesses.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期