

Research on Cultivation and Education of Women Cadresby Chinese Communist Party

【作者】 白艳

【导师】 杜君;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 妇女是创造人类文明的一支伟大力量,只有提高妇女的教育水平,挖掘妇女的智力资源,发挥妇女的智慧潜能,才能实现人类的全面发展,促进社会的和谐发展与进步。历史发展已充分的证明,妇女的发展程度已成为衡量一个国家文明进步的重要尺度。当今世界许多国家都把推进妇女的发展作为推进整个国家发展战略的重要组成部分。中国共产党自成立以来,始终把实现妇女解放和男女平等作为自身的奋斗目标,在推动中国革命和建设发展的历程中,根据党在不同历史时期的中心任务和广大妇女的实际情况,制定实施了一系列方针政策,不断推进妇女解放和男女平等历史进程,为我国妇女事业发展提供了坚强领导和重要保证。妇女干部作为广大妇女中的优秀分子,党的干部队伍的重要组成部分,在中国革命和建设中都发挥出了特殊的引领作用。在中国革命和建设的各个重要的历史时期,中国共产党都制定了培养教育妇女干部的方针政策、指导思想、具体措施,培养了大批德才兼备、敬业有为的妇女干部,她们在中国革命和建设、妇女解放和男女平等事业中发挥了模范带头作用,有力地推动了中国革命和建设事业的发展,有力地推动了妇女解放事业的发展及男女平等的历史进程。中国共产党对妇女干部的培养教育有很多成功经验需要我们去总结和汲取,同样也有挫折教训需要我们去铭记借鉴。特别是在今天构建社会和谐、促进平等发展的历史进程中,两性平等和谐发展也面临着一些新的问题和困惑,如何解决,总结历史传承经验,让历史照亮未来的行程,就显得非常重要,也是历史赋予我们理论研究工作者责无旁贷重要任务。本论文主要研究中国共产党成立以来,对妇女干部培养教育的理论与实践的探索、发展与创新,具体体现在中国共产党发展进程中的几个重要历史时期,对培养教育妇女干部的历史背景、方针政策、指导思想、主要内容、方法手段、进行具体的分析、归纳、论证和总结,最后得出了中国共产党妇女干部培养教育的基本经验及重要启示,作为本篇论文的结论和创新。本文主要包括七章内容:第1章主要论述了中国共产党对妇女干部培养教育的理论依据、历史和现实依据。中国共产党对妇女干部培养教育的主要理论依据是中国共产党干部教育思想和男女平等思想。首先,中国共产党的干部教育思想是党加强对妇女干部培养教育的重要理论依据。因为妇女干部既是广大妇女中的优秀分子,也是党的干部队伍的重要组成部分,中国共产党历来重视对广大干部的培养和教育,在中国共产党90多年的奋斗历程中,党的几代领导人毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛都把干部培养教育放在重要战略地位来抓,一脉相承与时俱进注重发展,加强党对干部教育工作的领导,对党的干部教育问题在理论上作了深刻的阐述,实践中形成、发展并不断完善着中国共产党的干部教育思想和理论。其次,男女平等思想是马克思主义妇女理论的核心内容,更是中国共产党妇女干部培养教育的重要理论依据。妇女的发展程度是衡量一个国家文明进步的重要尺度。由于各国国情不同,世界上很多国家妇女发展的道路根本不同或各具特色,但追求男女平等则是横贯东西的基本原则和最终目标。中国共产党顺应人类历史发展的趋势,自成立之日起就把实现妇女解放、男女平等作为党的奋斗目标之一,并根据中国国情在中国革命和建设的各个不同历史时期采取不同政策、措施积极推进男女平等的历史进程,党在不同历史时期加强对妇女干部的培养教育,即是实现党在这一时期中心工作、中心任务的必然要求,也是推进男女平等历史进程的重要途径和有效手段。历史依据是广大妇女和妇女干部在中国革命和建设时期的伟大作用。现实依据是在今天构建社会主义和谐社会的建设中,广大妇女的地位更加重要、广大妇女干部的作用更加突出。因此,加强党对妇女干部的培养教育,既是实现党的中心工作、中心任务的必然要求,也是推进男女平等历史进程,构建中国特色社会主义和谐社会的重要途径和有效手段。第2章主要论述了新民主主义革命时期中国共产党对妇女干部培养教育的探索。由于中国共产党建立的特殊历史条件和面临的特殊历史任务,中国共产党的妇女教育实际是从培养教育妇女干部开始的。在中国新民主主义革命时期,我党始终坚持马克思主义的基本理论指导中国妇女运动,引领妇女解放事业不断向前发展。加强对妇女干部的马克思主义基本理论和马克思主义妇女理论的教育,特别是加强对妇女干部的革命意义、理想信念的教育,不仅坚定了大批优秀妇女干部革命意志和革命信念,增强党的战斗力,而且还能够准确地运用马克思主义的立场、观点、方法研究和解决妇女问题,更好地引导和教育广大妇女群众投身到我党领导的新民主主义革命斗争之中,从而确保了广大妇女的政治信念和价值取向,尽可能与我党领导的新民主主义革命的目标保持一致,不仅有力地推动党的事业的发展,而且推动了妇女解放事业的发展和男女平等的历史进程。第3章主要论述了新中国建立初期及全面开展社会主义建设时期党对妇女干部培养教育。建国初期党面临着特殊的国际国内政治经济形势,这对党的干部提出了全新的政治要求和业务标准,迫切需要大量从事管理和领导工作的干部。包括需要大批从事妇女工作管理和领导的妇女干部,推进妇女解放事业与社会主义建设事业同步发展。毛泽东在新中国建立初期,面对百废待兴的繁重建设任务,明确提出:“中国的妇女是一种伟大的人力资源。必须发掘这种资源,为了建设一个伟大的社会主义国家而奋斗。”这一时期党对妇女干部的培养教育主要是以提高文化水平,培养国家建设管理人才为主。新中国建立初期妇女干部培养工作取得了一些可喜成绩,但随着社会主义建设出现的错误指导思想,妇女干部的培养教育也经历了一个曲折的发展历程。第4章主要论述了改革开放初期党对妇女干部培养教育的恢复与发展。“文化大革命”是中国共产党历史上的一个特殊时期,正规的干部教育培训在“文化大革命”时期陷入停顿,对党的干部队伍建设造成了不可估量的损失,这其中包括大批优秀的妇女干部。许多优秀的妇女干部在这一时期遭到严重的迫害,妇女参政的主体力量受到了损害,严重的阻碍了对年轻后备妇女干部的培养和选拔。因此,改革开放初期不论是妇女干部队伍的建设还是妇女干部本身的素质和能力提高都迫在眉睫。党采取一系列培养教育妇女干部的方针政策和具体措施,使妇女干部的培养教育从逐步恢复到走向正规。第5章重点论述了20世纪90年代党对妇女干部培养教育工作的重大推进。20世纪90年代,是中国社会结构调整、经济体制转换最为关键的10年,是妇女发展环境得到良好改善的10年,更是党对妇女干部的培养教育工作得到切实推进的10年。党和政府通过制定一系列方针政策、法律法规及具体措施,使这一时期妇女干部培养教育工作取得了历史性进步。第6章新世纪新阶段党对妇女干部培养教育创新发展。新世纪以来,我国社会主义现代化建设进入了一个快速发展的新时期,特别是党的十六大以来,根据改革开放和现代化建设的需要,党中央作出了大规模培训干部、大力度搞好干部教育、大幅度提高干部素质的战略部署,党的干部教育培训事业进入新的发展时期。党对妇女干部的培养教育也进入了历史发展的最好时期,无论从发展路径、内容还是发展模式都体现出与以往不同的创新之处。因此,本章重点论述了妇女干部培养教育途径的创新发展;妇女干部培养教育内容的创新发展;妇女干部培养教育模式的创新发展。第7章中国共产党妇女干部培养教育基本经验及启示。对妇女干部进行特殊的培养和教育,是中国共产党所采取的,把实现党在不同时期历史任务和中心工作,与推进男女两性平等发展有机结合的重要战略举措,既是中国共产党先进性的重要表现,也是社会主义制度优越性的具体体现。在这一战略举措实施的历史进程中,既积累了宝贵的经验,也给我们留下了深刻的启示。

【Abstract】 History has proved that women’s development has become an important measureof the progress of a civilization. Nowadays, many countries take women’sdevelopment as an important strategic component of the nation’s development. Sinceits birth, Communist Party of China (CPC) has taken women’s liberation and genderequality as its goal. In Chinese revolution and construction cause, CPC has formulatedand implemented a series of principles& policies according to the central tasks of ourcountry and the situation of women in China, which has powerfully promoted thedevelopment of women’s liberation and the historical process of gender equality. As avital element of Party’s cadre team, women cadres play an important historical role inChinese revolution and construction cause. In every important historical period ofChinese revolution and construction, CPC has formulated policies and guidelines,guiding ideology and specific measures for educating and training many excellentwomen cadres, which has powerfully promoted the development of Chineserevolution and construction cause, and the development of women’s liberation and thehistorical process of gender equality. We shall summarize and extract a lot of usefulexperience from the education and training of women cadres by CPC, meanwhile, weshall draw lessons from it, in particular, nowadays, gender equality facing newproblems and confusion, it becomes more important to summarize the history andinherit the experience, and let history light up future’s route. It’s our unshakableresponsibility to do some research on this topic.This thesis mainly researches the exploration of theory and practice &development and innovation in relation to the education and training of women cadresin several important historical periods in 90 years’development process of CPC,including the historical background, policies, guiding ideology, main content, methodand means, realistic significance, experience and inspiration in relation to theeducation and training of women cadres.This thesis is divided into 7 chapters.Chapter 1 discusses the theoretical basis, historical basis and realistic basis on which the education and training of women cadres by CPC is based. The theoreticalbasis for the education and training of women cadres by CPC is the ideology ofequality between men and women. The ideology of education and training of cadres isa major theoretical basis. The ideology of equality between men and women isanother important theoretical basis, and it’s also the core content of women’s theory ofMarxism. The historical basis is that women and women cadres have played a greatrole in Chinese revolution. The realistic basis is that women’s status becomes moreimportant, and that the role of women cadres becomes more outstanding in theconstruction of harmonious sociality society.Chapter 2 discusses the exploration on the education and training of womencadres by CPC in the new democratic revolution period. Due to the establishment ofCPC facing special historical condition and historical missions, the women educationby CPC actually started from education and training of women cadres. In the newdemocratic revolution period, CPC always adhered to the basic principle of Marxismthat guided Chinese women’s movement, which promoted the continuousdevelopment of Chinese women’s liberation movement. Strengthen the education ofthe basic theory of Marxism and women’s theory of Marxism to women cadres cannot only improve their political faith and foster the fighting capacity of CPC, but alsomake women cadres accurately utilize the position, view, method of Marxism toresearch and solve the realistic problems of women, so as to better guided andeducated the women to go into the new-democratic revolution led by CPC, therebyensure that women’s political conviction and value orientation corresponds to the goalof new-democratic revolution led by CPC, it not only powerfully drive thedevelopment the revolution career of CPC, but also promotes the development ofwomen’s liberation career.Chapter 3 discusses the education and training of women cadres by CPC in theearly years of New China and the period of comprehensive construction of sociality.In the early period after the founding of new China, CPC was faced with specialinternational & domestic political and economic situation, which raised the bran-newpolitical requirement and professional standard to the cadres of CPC, while the overallstatus of Party’s cadre team didn’t adapt to the requirement of the situation, so theeducation and training of Party’s cadres particularly needs to be strengthened,including the education and training of a lot of women cadres, and the promotion of the synchronous development of women’s liberation career and socialist constructioncareer. In the early period after the founding of new China, facing the strenuousconstruction tasks, Mao Zedong clearly stated:“Chinese women are a great humanresource. We shall explore such resource to struggle for building a great socialistcountry.”In the early years of New China, we made some gratifying achievements inthe training work of women cadres; however, with the emerging of wrong guidingideology in the socialist construction, the education and training of women cadres alsoexperienced a zigzag development process.Chapter 4 discusses the recovery and development of the education and trainingof women cadres by CPC in the early years of reform and open-up.“CulturalRevolution”is a special period in the history of CPC, the education and training ofcadres stopped during this period.“Cultural Revolution”has caused immeasurablelosses to the construction of Party’s cadre team, included a lot of excellent womencadres. During this period, many excellent women cadres were severely persecuted,the major power of the women participating in political affairs was damaged, whichseverely hindered the training and selection of young women cadres. Therefore, in theearly years of reform and open-up, it’s extremely urgent to strengthen the constructionof the contingent of women cadres and improve the quality and ability of womencadres.Chapter 5 discusses the significant propulsion of the education and training ofwomen cadres by CPC in 1990’s. 1990s is the most crucial ten years for socialstructural adjustment and economic system transformation. In these ten years,women’s development environment is improved, and the education and training ofwomen cadres by CPC is practically advanced. By means of formulating a series ofpolicies and guidelines, laws & regulations and specific measures, CPC and thegovernment made the education and training of women cadres a historic progress inthis period.Chapter 6 discusses the innovation and development of the education andtraining of women cadres by CPC in the new century. This chapter mainly introducesthe innovative mode of the education and training of women cadres; innovativetraining content of women cadres; main experience and inspiration.Chapter 7 discusses the experience and inspiration in relation to education andtraining of women cadres. The measure of education and training of women cadres is the organic combination of achieve different historical tasks and promote equalitybetween men and women. It does not only reflect CPC’s advanced nature, but alsoshows the superiority of the socialist system. In the historical process of bring thisstrategic component into practice, many valuable experience and inspirations were leftto us.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期